Many women face bruising under the eyes. It is explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the skin in these places. The absence of subcutaneous fat and the accumulation of a large number of blood vessels significantly accelerates all metabolic processes in this zone, which leads to faster wilting. At present, cosmetology offers women to remove bruises under the eyes in a variety of ways. A competent specialist will help you choose the procedure, given the features of the skin, the presence of contraindications.
Why is there such a problem?
Bags and bruises under the eyes can be disturbing for various reasons, among which I would like to note the following:
- Hereditary predisposition and structural features of the skin.
- Age-related changes that inevitably occur.
- Stay in front of a computer monitor for a long time when the head is tilted down.
- Defective dream.
- The effect of toxic substances on tissues, this often happens among lovers of bad habits: alcohol, smoking.
- Among the reasons, some pathologies can be noted, for example, the urinary system, cardiovascular, endocrine.
Before choosing methods to remove bags and bruises under the eyes, cosmetology recommends undergoing an examination and identifying the cause. The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.
Modern methods of dealing with bruising and puffiness under the eyes
Innovative methods and technologies are gradually firmly entering into the most diverse areas of our lives. They did not bypass cosmetology. Masters have in their arsenal a huge number of ways that help save a woman from bags and bruises under her eyes.
Among the most popular and effective are the following:
- Microcurrent therapy.
- Fillers.
- Mesotherapy
- Bioreparation of the eyelids.
- Blepharoplasty.
- Lipofilling.
- Carboxytherapy.
Obviously, cosmetology will help to remove bruises under the eyes, but before choosing a method, you need to think carefully, find out the features of the procedure, contraindications and possible consequences. Another important point: such procedures are done only in specialized clinics, there can be no talk about any salons, since no one in this case guarantees the absence of serious side effects.
With dark circles around the eyes, this method does an excellent job. The procedure has several advantages, which puts it in one of the first places:
- The duration of the session is no more than 20 minutes.
- If you use this method to remove bruises under the eyes, the procedure, cosmetology claims, does not leave unpleasant incisions. You do not have to wear bandages and feel discomfort.
- The minimum likelihood of developing allergic reactions.
- Efficiency is high, lasts up to 12 months.
In cosmetology, fillers with hyaluronic acid are most often used. It is located in the human body, therefore it is not perceived as a foreign substance.
Cosmetology quickly helps to remove bruises under the eyes, before and after photos, reviews confirm this. The effect is noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. The skin becomes denser, its elasticity increases, dark circles disappear. The look becomes more expressive, younger and fresher.
But to get the desired result, it is important to choose a good clinic and an experienced master, a professional in his field.
This procedure is anti-aging. The bottom line is the introduction of a complex of vitamins and drugs into the middle layer of the skin. Often used mesococtails with phytic, ascorbic acid, arbutin can be added.
Mesotherapy is divided into two varieties:
- Injection method, which involves the use of microneedles for the introduction of drugs.
- Non-injection. Used mesoscooter.
Immediately during the treatment session, the skin is saturated with oxygen and other necessary components. Smoothness, elasticity returns.
But it recommends taking into account cosmetology contraindications, tips. To remove bruises under the eyes this will happen for a much longer period. It is important, after visiting the clinic, to observe the proper diet, drinking regime and the correct alternation of work and rest.
The main advantages of the procedure include:
- Excellent tolerance.
- The rehabilitation period does not take much time.
- It can be done in any season.
The entire course includes from 6 to 10 procedures that should be done in a week. To exclude pain, before the introduction of drugs, the skin is treated with anesthetics. The session lasts about 25 minutes. The effect lasts up to six months.
Carbon dioxide is injected under the skin. Cosmetology helps to remove bruises under the eyes with this method quickly. After the sessions, small folds, crow's feet, swelling under the lower eyelids disappear.
The most sophisticated needles are used for the procedure, so patients do not feel pain. After the session, carbon dioxide is rapidly absorbed into the tissue. The effect of the procedure will not be noticeable immediately, but after 1-2 sessions.
Injections are made every 6-12 days, and they will need about 10. The method of carboxytherapy helps not only to remove bruises under the eyes, cosmetology claims that tissue regeneration is accelerated, blood flow is increased, wrinkles are smoothed out. Also this method is used:
- To eliminate dark circles.
- Spider veins under the eyes.
- Sinyakov.
The method has practically no contraindications, but the skill of a specialist is important so that no side effects occur.
Synthetic and natural placeholders
To eliminate many cosmetic defects, subcutaneous fillers are used; they can be of a natural nature or synthetic. The effect is practically no different, but natural placeholders have a high cost, which will affect the price of the procedure.
The composition of synthetic philling includes polymers, silicones and some other components. It is important to consider that synthetic substances do not resolve after administration, therefore, it recommends choosing a good specialist to remove bruises under the eyes, cosmetology. Before and after the photo, the unfortunate master, who is poorly aware of the essence of the procedure, will not please, and the consequences will have to be removed surgically.
It is recommended to use this method:
- In the presence of loose skin around the eyes.
- To eliminate bruises and bags.
Drugs are administered only once, previously the place is treated with an anesthetic.
Microcurrent therapy
The method is perfect for removing bruises under the eyes. Cosmetology describes the procedure as follows:
- The patient comfortably sits in a chair or on a couch.
- The specialist acts on problem areas with low-frequency currents.
During the procedure, pain is not felt, since the current strength is very small, but it is enough to increase blood flow and regeneration processes in the skin without damaging the cells.
The main advantages of the method include:
- Detoxification and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Normalization of the sebaceous glands.
The entire course may require from 10 to 15 procedures, between them you need to take a break for several days. To maintain the effect for a long time, you need to visit a specialist once a month to conduct a maintenance session.
But we must pay attention to the beautiful ladies that this method does not help everyone, most often the effect is best observed when the problem is minimal.
Eyelid biorevitalization and bioreparation
With this procedure, you can easily remove the bags and bruises under the eyes, cosmetology confirms this. But also revitalize the skin, contribute to its recovery. The specialist makes injections at points on the eyelids, under the eyes, in the corners of the eyes.
But the method will also be more effective if you approach the solution of the problem comprehensively: change your diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, observe a drinking regime, give enough time to normal sleep.
Biorespects are distinguished by a complex composition, which includes:
- Riboflavin.
- L-carnitine.
- Vitamin C.
- Amino acids.
- Hyaluronic acid.
Such a complex composition provides a solution to several problems at the same time, because it lasts longer in the skin than ordinary hyaluronic acid. After the injection, the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis are launched, which helps to eliminate problems.
The entire course involves three to six procedures that are done once a week. Further, the frequency of administration of drugs is reduced to one in two weeks, and then it is necessary to make maintenance injections every 3 months.
If you complete the entire course and follow the recommendations of specialists, then the positive effect will last up to 2 years.
Skin Care After Procedures
We found that cosmetology really helps to remove bruises under the eyes. The features of the procedures are such that without proper care after visiting the clinic, the result will not last long.
You can extend the effect and prevent the recurrence of the problem if you adhere to the following recommendations:
- Observe sleep and activity. Chronic lack of sleep adversely affects the condition of the skin.
- Women should only purchase proven, high-quality cosmetics for skin care and makeup.
- Observe drinking regimen. Per day, per kilogram of weight should be at least 30 ml of water. This will ensure a normal level of moisture in the skin and its tone will be maintained. This will reduce the likelihood of bruising and sacking.
- On the recommendation of specialists to use moisturizing and nourishing creams. In this matter, it is better not to trust advertising, girlfriends, it is necessary to take into account the features of your skin.
Compliance with all recommendations will reduce the likelihood of a second visit to the beautician.
Pharmacy drugs against the problem
Modern methods help to remove bruises under the eyes, cosmetology gets good reviews, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit such clinics. In such cases, pharmacy products may come to the rescue.
They are easy to use and are available over the counter. Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Of the most effective means include:
- "Tramp." Available in the form of ointments or powders. The composition of the algae in dried form, which perfectly cope with bruises and puffiness. To solve the problem, you need to do a compress for 20 minutes daily. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to apply the product to wounds.
- "Heparin ointment." It is cheap, but it solves the problem well. The constituent components in addition will also prevent infection and inflammation. The ointment dilates blood vessels, which helps eliminate bruises.
- Troxevasin. This ointment helps not only with bruises and injuries, but also relieves bruises around the eyes. The use of the drug leads to a decrease in inflammation, swelling is reduced, there is a slight analgesic effect.
Before purchasing funds, it is better to consult a dermatologist.
Gymnastics helps from dark circles under the eyes.
Physical activity helps to keep all muscles in good shape, improve blood circulation. Gymnastics for the face is no exception. It must be performed several times a day, giving only 5 minutes. Last well done before bedtime.
The set of exercises is as follows:
- Relax your face muscles and close your eyes. Make them circular motions for a minute.
- Under closed eyelids, raise your eyes up and down. Repeat 8 times.
- Open your eyes, look in front of you, blink quickly for 30 seconds.
- Open eyes draw a figure eight.
If the problem is associated with lack of sleep, overwork, then exercises will help tone the muscles under the eyes and the problem will not be so obvious.
Massage Against Dark Circles
A massage that can be completely performed at home will help to cope with the problem. Simple exercises strengthen muscles and the color of the skin under the eyes normalizes.
Massage gently so as not to injure. It is necessary to include several movements in the massage:
- With the middle and forefinger, drive slowly and without strong pressure around the eyes.
- Close your eyes and make circular movements with three fingers, slightly pressing.
- Close your eyes, put your fingers on your eyelids and lightly press. Rotate the eyes first, clockwise, and then counter.
Regular classes will give a positive effect.
All methods are effective if you want to remove bruises under the eyes. Contraindications cosmetology recommends that you take into account in order not to harm yourself. The problem can be eliminated only if a comprehensive approach to its solution.