Cleaning up RAM in Windows 7: system tools, programs, tips

Shortage or excessive loading of random access memory - trouble of many computer systems. This applies not only to outdated PCs or laptops, but also to modern models, when too many resource-intensive programs are installed in the system. To reduce the consumption of resources almost always requires cleaning the RAM. In Windows 7, unloading unnecessary items from RAM is not always done automatically, and manual intervention to complete the processes may be ineffective, if only because the user simply does not know which process is associated with a particular service or program. Nevertheless, in this case, you can offer some simple solutions that will help, if not completely clean, then sufficiently reduce the load on the "RAM".

Clearing RAM in Windows 7: System Tools

Since the operating system cannot always unload unused components of services and processes from RAM, users will have to do this manually. And you should start with those components that are loaded with the system, reserve a certain amount of RAM and sometimes, as they say, hang there dead weight.

cleaning RAM in windows 7

In our case, the cleaning of RAM in Windows 7 begins just by turning off the elements that the user does not need, but they themselves persistently “eat” the memory. Use the msconfig command in the Run console, go to the startup tab in the system configuration and see how many processes start up with the system (even after the first installation of Windows, not to mention when the user applications were installed or some additional ones Components).

RAM cleaning 7

Basically, at startup there are various kinds of updates that monitor the release of software updates (for example, for a Flash player), agents, downloaders, etc. Even every Skype program, even that one, constantly “hangs” in memory, although you may not use it (the application is not running, but its agent is active).

Thus, the cleaning of RAM in Windows 7 is done by disabling everything that you consider unnecessary. In extreme cases, you can leave only the ctfmon process (if one is displayed), which is responsible for changing the keyboard layout and displaying the language bar in the system tray, and anti-virus updates. This is an ideal option.

program for cleaning RAM

Move on. Call up the section of programs and components from the “Control Panel” and go to the system components. And there are a lot of interesting things. For example, why keep the Hyper-V module active if it is not intended to use a virtual machine on the computer? What is an active print service for if you do not have a printer? Turn it off without a doubt. The result will not keep you waiting (of course, only after a reboot)

Clearing RAM version 7 of Windows: the most popular utilities

But even with this approach, after the launch and subsequent completion of user programs, some elements may remain in the memory that the system cannot unload (or does not want?) On its own. In this case, you will need to use additional measures, consisting in the use of utilities for cleaning RAM. As a rule, all such applications provide automatic cleaning of RAM (in the worst case, according to a schedule), and during installation they take up a minimum of space (several megabytes).

Among the most popular and interesting utilities are the following:

  • Mz RAM Booster;
  • CleanMem
  • Mem reduct;
  • RAM Booster;
  • RamSmash and many others.

Mz RAM Booster as an example of a RAM cleaner

In general terms, all utilities work on similar principles and use the same algorithms. As an example, we will consider a small program for cleaning the RAM Mz RAM Booster.

automatic cleaning of RAM

This application optimizes memory in the background, unloads unnecessary or unused heavy dynamic libraries, and even reduces CPU utilization by processing process priorities through the system registry. As for the size ... You won’t believe it - 1.3 Mb!

True, all utilities of this type themselves are constantly located in RAM, and the icon is displayed in the system tray. But what is 1.3 MB compared to, say, the full amount of RAM 2 GB, when 1 GB of memory remains available?

Instead of an afterword

That's all for cleaning RAM. As you can see, everything is simple. Which program to choose? This is your business. However, you should not forget about disabling unnecessary components of the system itself either, because no matter how good third-party applications are, they still cannot complete some system processes.

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