There is hardly a person somewhere in the world who would not have heard at least once about a love affair. Many people, if they didn’t try to use it, always thought about it at least once in their life. The idea of ​​enchanting the object of one’s feelings, showing no interest, arises in everyone, both women and men. And this in general is not surprising.
But what about those whose emotions are not directed to the opposite sex? Is there a same-sex love spell? How complicated is such a mess? Will it be effective? What will be the consequences of such magic? How quickly will the rituals work?
There are a lot of questions for those who suffer from unrequited love. But not everyone is ready to turn to esoteric practitioners and clarify the situation. Someone is shy of their feelings, while others simply do not trust sorcerers and witches.
Is such a mess possible?
The same-sex love spell is not at all a know-how in love magic. Such ceremonies did not arise yesterday or even a hundred years ago; they are older than Christianity.
For those who are even a little familiar with the history of the ancient world, the fact that same-sex relationships were not out of the ordinary is not a secret. They were perceived as an everyday occurrence. Most people living at that time did not have a strict orientation at all. That is, bisexuality was rather the norm than nonsense.
Of course, the fact that many people did not have a clear and unambiguous sexual orientation does not mean at all that they did not experience strong feelings. From unrequited love, hearts languished at all times. And, of course, they always tried to attract the attention of the desired object with the help of magic, regardless of whether women or men were discussed.
That is, a same-sex love spell in a love affair has been used since ancient times, and there is no reason to doubt these rituals, there is no reason to doubt their effectiveness.
Are there any particularities in such rites?
On the technical side, these rituals do not have differences with ordinary rituals conducted in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. That is, the rituals are carried out in the same way as the rest.
Strong same-sex love spells, reviews of the actions of which are often left by those who used them, are ceremonies for sugar, hair, photographs and, of course, blood.
The peculiarity of the rituals, whose action helps to achieve the location of a person of his gender, is only one thing - the orientation of the object. In the event that a person experiences emotions similar to the enchantment, the success of the enchantment is ensured. But if bisexuality is not inherent in the one whose attention they are trying to attract with the help of magic, it will take a long time to wait for the result, and it may not be what the conducting ritual is counting on.
How to choose a time and place for the event?
It is quite possible to carry out same-sex love spell at home, independently. In order for the ceremony to be successful, you need a calm, secluded place. If the enchantress does not live alone, and any member of the household can enter his room at any moment, then the house is not suitable for the implementation of the plan.
As for the necessary ingredients, items, elements or parts of the surroundings, their list depends on what kind of ritual a person uses.
The best time to conduct such rituals is considered to be the full moon or the growing moon. However, some rituals, such as those performed on blood, require a waning moon. Although, as a rule, magical rites conducted at this time are intended to ensure breaks in relations, this does not apply to the ancient "black" love spells.
Is there any dependence on the days of the week?
A love affair for gaining same-sex relationships follows the same rules as a regular one. That is, men and women are fascinated on different days. This is done to enhance energy flows, to alleviate the load on the driver and to obtain a faster result.
Women's days:
- Wednesday;
- Friday;
- Saturday.
Men's days:
However, there are some nuances. "Black" rituals should preferably be performed on Sunday. The same-sex love spell, although technically carried out in exactly the same way as any other, still has some “delicate” features.
You need to consider what role the partner will play in future relationships. It's not about activity in bed, but about life in general. If a girl in love with a woman sees in the object of her desires the earner, the landlord of the family, then the ceremony should be performed on men's day. If the idea of ​​future relationships is the opposite - in the female. The same applies to men.
Love spell on hair
To perform the ceremony, you will need:
- candle;
- the hair of the desired person;
- saucer.
A candle is wrapped with hair 12 times. If the length is not enough, you need to use a thin candle or connect several hairs into an unbreakable thread.
While the candle is burning, you should whisper the following words:
“How will I take your hair (the name of the bewitching), and interweave it into the fire.” I’ll flood with wax; You cannot see the light of white without me. He went to bed every single day; he cannot sleep in the dark at night. Waving, harassing and hurry to me (proper name) ".
Another variant of the same rite is the preliminary weaving of the hair of the desired person with his own.
Love spell for sugar
Same-sex love spell for sugar is carried out as follows:
- a piece must be soaked with sweat or tears, but not allowed to deform;
- to whisper over the refinery;
- to have it with you, and if necessary, add to the drink to the desired person.
The words you want to whisper may be:
“As a bee flies to sweet nectar, so do you (the name of the object of divination) seek me. It’s not sweet for you day or night, until you are filled with my tears (then) and quench your thirst. And when you drink my (proper name) tears (sweat), you won’t go anywhere, you’ll stick forever. ”
Spell for blood
This is a “black” same-sex love spell. Before resorting to it, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, consider the possible consequences and try to analyze the depth of your own attraction. After such rituals, there will be no turning back. And if there is no true love in the heart, and there are only momentary impulses, then you should not resort to such a magic.
Many people think that such rites require menstruation and are suitable only for women. This is not so, any blood is good for a love spell. It must be added to the food or drink of the desired person, whispering the following words:
“You cannot live without blood. My blood will flow in you. Will forever attract me. "Without me, you can’t see the light of day, nor can you fill your thirst and thirst."
There are more "sparing" options for love spells on the blood. They will need a thing that can absorb liquid. Any piece of fabric, such as a scarf, will do. The thing is impregnated with its blood and buried under the threshold of the house of the desired person. In urban environments, a magical item can be hidden in the gap between the wall and the door frame.
Love spell on the image
A strong same-sex love spell is quite possible without the help of a “black” witchcraft. In the old days, rituals performed according to the image were not particularly popular. However, with the advent of photography, everything has changed, and love spells on pictures invariably lead to quick results.
For the ceremony you will need a photograph that has not undergone any processing. Pictures with an abundance of filters, effects and other “embellishments” are not suitable. Also, the image on which many people are captured is not suitable. It is especially important - the eyes of a person should be visible in the picture, not covered by glasses and not taken away from the lens.
For the ritual itself you will need a candle and a small box that matches the size of the picture. It is necessary to ignite the flame, when it flares up and begins to heat the wax, they should fill their eyes in the picture.
In this case, you need to say:
“Do not see the light of God for you, do not close your eyes in the night. You languish, toil, you don’t drink without me, don’t eat. I’m closing everything around you, you’ll see nothing and nobody, only me alone. ”
If a man is bewitching, then you need to pronounce "one." After the wax has frozen, the candle is extinguished. She and the photo are carefully placed in a box. The drawer should be securely hidden. It is not worth burying objects if the wax lags behind the image and difficulties arise in the relationship, the ritual will need to be repeated.
What could be the consequences of such a mess?
Love spells do not go unnoticed, but what the consequences become depends directly on the severity of the intervention in a person’s karma. For example, if the object of the divination itself was interested in the spellcaster, but did not dare to admit it, then the magic actually only served as an impetus, no more. There was no “restructuring" of karma, no global energy intervention. Accordingly, there will be no consequences.
Another thing is if, with the help of a ritual, a person’s orientation is changed, those feelings are imposed on him to which the object is not inclined. In such a situation, consequences cannot be avoided. They consist in the fact that the spellcaster himself will not receive at all what he wanted.
A man enchanted by force resembles a zombie. There is no love in such a relationship. The object of passion will really be near, but his eyes will not burn and such a life will not bring joy. Moreover, people whose energy field has undergone serious violent interventions are prone to various diseases and addictions. This means that a direct result of a love spell can be a cancerous tumor, alcoholism, or something else.
What do they say about such rites?
Not quite the same attitude in people causes a same-sex love spell. Who did - rarely leaves reviews, of course, if the magic was successful. People tend to protect their happiness, and not share its "recipe" with others. In addition, there is always a fear that a loved one will be able to learn about what lies at the heart of a relationship.
For this reason, reviews of such a fortune are dominated by theoretical considerations and responses about those who failed to achieve the goal. Particularly trust the opinion of a disappointed in the ceremony is not worth it. Magic is based on the deep belief of the conjurer in his own actions. If this feeling is not there, then the ritual will not work.