How and by what means to shatter walls for wiring without dust?

Carrying out repairs in their home or apartment, the owners usually face the stage when it becomes necessary to lay new wiring. This is necessary for the installation of new outlets, because in the proposed places of their placement simply do not always have power supply.

You might think that to complete the task you only need to purchase a branched wire, and also take the help of specialists. However, the services of masters today are not free, moreover, they can turn out to be very expensive, while you can completely ditch the walls yourself. For this, it will only be necessary to study the technology and correctly apply it in practice.

Features of concrete wall chipping

how to ditch the walls for wiring

If you thought about the question of how to ditch the walls for wiring, then at the first stage you need to use a pencil and paper. Your task is to schematically indicate the line of passage of the wire. It is important to determine the exact locations of sockets and switches. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the set of rules that govern the distribution of electrical equipment.

Many believe that they know the method of gating, but in practice they encounter problems. If you are faced with the question of how to properly wall the walls for wiring, then you should know that horizontal walling should not be located farther than 150 mm from the overlapping plates. Vertical furrows should be discarded, as regards the case when they can pass near gas pipes. It is necessary to depart from the latter at least 400 mm.

Windows and corners should be removed 150 mm and more. Lay pipes only vertically or horizontally. Extra slopes should not be. As an exception, only attic structures are used, here the wiring should be parallel to the wall - at an angle.

When home masters wonder how to ditch walls correctly, they learn that the length of a continuous furrow should not exceed 3 m, while its width and depth are 25 mm. It is important to exclude the presence of turns. The transition to the outlet and the switch should be done at the same angle. An exception is joints that have a horizontal surface. It is forbidden to make strobes located horizontally in the bearing walls. This recommendation applies to buildings in any region. When it comes to panel houses, this rule should be followed.

Tool selection

how to ditch walls for wiring

Before starting work, you should definitely ask yourself a question about how to ditch the walls for wiring. Today, a huge number of methods for carrying out these manipulations are known. You can use:

  • hammer drill;
  • shtroborez;
  • chisel and hammer;
  • grinder;
  • impact drill.

Stroborez is an almost ideal tool, as it allows you to get even cuts. However, its cost is high. But if you plan to use a hammer drill, then the manipulations will be possible to carry out very quickly, and the work will have a low cost. With the help of an angle grinder, such furrows are smooth, but garbage will form, which is difficult to dispose of. The main advantage of a chisel and hammer is low cost. However, if you want to achieve high quality, then saving on tools is not worth it.

Using a hammer drill

how to ditch a concrete wall for wiring

You may have a question about how to ditch the walls under the wiring with a perforator. This method is one of the most common. This is because the procedure does not require a lot of money and time. The first step is to prepare the walls. These works are no different from those when other tools are used.

The wizard will have to check for the presence of old wiring. When wires appear in the walls, unpleasant moments occur. You should not risk your health and life. Use for checking a special device. At the next stage, the master will mark the walls. However, you need to start marking only after you make sure that there are no live wires in the walls.

It is necessary to draw lines from the central box to current sources, among them:

  • sockets;
  • circuit breakers;
  • wires of lighting devices.

Care must be taken to protect against dust and dirt. Doors and windows are usually curtained, because the use of a punch will be accompanied by the formation of dust spreading throughout the room. If you have a question about how to properly ditch a wall for wiring with a perforator, you should familiarize yourself with the information below. After completing the preparation, you can proceed to the main actions.

To do this, using the tool along the drawn lines, it is necessary to drill holes that must be 1.5 cm apart from each other. Then everything depends on the tool. It can be switched to the gating mode, for this you should use a special nozzle. You can insert a simple drill. Holes made previously are interconnected using a punch. Beginners should not neglect the preparation, because without experience it is quite difficult to carry out such work, and to achieve the ideal result will be completely unrealistic.

Using a grinder

we will destroy the walls for wiring without dust

If you still have not decided how to ditch the walls for wiring, then you can consider a technology that involves the use of a grinder. To do this, use a diamond disk, because the wall material is quite durable. Two strips should be cut in the marked area. Slots should be parallel. The step between them will be 2 cm.

Then a punch or other tool is used to remove unnecessary residues between the cuts. You can use a hammer drill. After the wiring is laid in the opening and closed with plaster. The extraction of material should be carried out to such a depth that at the final stage it was convenient to lay the plaster. When the wires are completely hidden and located deep, there will be free space that can easily be filled with the composition.

Dust-free grating recommendations

how to ditch the walls under the wiring puncher

If you have a question about how to ditch a concrete wall for wiring, then you should also think about how to avoid the formation of excessive amounts of dust. After completion of work, its layer may turn out to be so impressive that only an industrial vacuum cleaner will be able to clean the room.

If you are interested in cleanliness after the completion of the manipulations, then you should prefer a wall chaser. It resembles a grinder, however, it has built-in diamond wheels. The presence of a casing allows you to adjust the pitch between the disks and control the depth of the furrows. The advantage of a chamfer is the presence of a branch pipe for a vacuum cleaner. Dust during operation does not extend beyond the enclosure. However, for a one-time operation, this method is not suitable, because you can buy a tool for a high price. But if you still want to get a clean room, then you can rent the unit.

Using a hammer and chisel

how to ditch walls for dust-free wiring

When wondering about how to ditch walls for wiring, you can consider one of the simplest options - using a hammer and chisel. The length of the plot that needs to be staked should be divided into separate segments. With the help of a chisel, the master will have to outline the recesses, the marks should be located on the edges of the future strobe. The recesses should be equal to the width of the tip of the tool. After, installing it across the direction of the future cable, part of the wall must be knocked out.

Continue removing the top coat further. You need to move along the planned line, and in the end you can deepen the stroba by 25 mm along the entire length. After each removal of the top layer, you can deepen the gate immediately. However, these tools cannot be used if the wall is concrete, since the material at its base is strong enough, so it will be difficult to work.

Final work

the better to ditch the walls for wiring

So, we will grind the walls under the wiring without dust using a special tool - a wall chaser, which you may have available. Sometimes a tool can be found from relatives or acquaintances or rented in a store. Once the strobes have been pierced, they should be cleaned with a broom or vacuum cleaner. It is important to remove dust from the recesses and prime.

The process of laying electrical wiring and its fixation has a number of nuances. After completion of work, the shutter is closed. This can be done, as mentioned above, using plaster. Putty and gypsum are used as alternative solutions.

Why you should not choose a puncher

Before starting work, you can ask a question about the depth to which the wall should be ditched for wiring. Using a hammer drill, you need to go deeper by 25 mm. With the help of a blade, in the next step, you can deal with the device of the strobe. The main condition for this is not to install the blade across the line. In this case, you will chop off the extra piece of plaster or wall. As a result, the strobe will not find the necessary parameters for width and depth, in addition, the appearance will not be very attractive. Strobing with a punch allows you to achieve a result, but the process itself is not very clean and fast.

Why not use an angle grinder

If you, too, were among those who wondered what is better to ditch the walls for wiring, then you probably considered options for using an angle grinder. In addition, a diamond disk should be purchased for it. With it, you can grind not only brick and concrete, but also plaster. In the latter case, the work will be easy.

The whole process will be almost identical to the previous one, only the result is an exception, it provides for the formation of a more even strobe. This is important to consider when it is necessary to minimize damage to wall or plaster finishes. However, experts do not recommend the use of an angle grinder, since working with it is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of dust, which, when completed, is filled up completely. But to solve the problem, you can use a vacuum cleaner, it is better if it is industrial. When gating, in this case, you should enlist the help of another person who will hold the suction pipe near the cut.

For reference

Now you know how to shatter walls for wiring without dust - for this you should use a chipper. It acts as an ideal modification of the option with a grinder. The device provides the ability to install a pair of cutting diamond wheels. Between them you can adjust the distance. The main advantage is that the circles are closed by a casing, which overlaps the place of contact with the wall.


In most cases, the chaser has a casing that is equipped with a tap for the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner. The result of the work are smooth strobes that can be formed without dust. After cutting along the edges of the strobes using a punch, you will need to select the excess material.

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