How to draw Am Nyama in stages with a pencil?

Sometimes, to cheer you up, it's enough to see pictures of your favorite pets, photos of laughing children, and also look at a funny character. So positive and kind is the funny green creature Om Nom. Who is he? And how to draw Om Nom in stages?

how to draw am nyama

Meet Om Nom

Om Nom is a fun positive character in the popular mobile game Cut the Rope. It resembles a drawn funny frog with big eyes and a funny crest in the shape of an inverted drop. According to the plot of the game application, it is brought under the door in a large sealed box. The animal loves sweets and simply adores sweets. In order to get them, the baby is forced to perform all kinds of tricks, somersaults and bouncing, as well as use assistants and various objects.

He is constantly hungry and needs to be regularly fed sweet. And for this, the players of the mobile application need to cut the ropes on which round two-color lollipops are fixed. And you need to do this in such a way that the candies themselves fall into the green creature's mouth. Having received candy, the kid smiles enthusiastically and champs loudly. But how to draw Om Nom in stages? We will tell you about this in detail.

What do you need to draw Am Nyam?

In order to draw a fun character in the game, and more recently, an animated mini-series with the same name, you will need:

  • a sheet of white paper (it does not depend on the size, so you can use both a notebook and a regular checkered notebook);
  • a simple pencil (a sketch is always better to do with a pencil in order to erase the excess in a timely manner);
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or multi-colored pens (as anyone).

We put a sheet of paper on a hard surface (table, stool, large folder with a rigid frame), take a pencil in our hand and then find out how to draw Om Nom in stages.

Step 1. Draw Am Nyama eyes

We begin to draw a character by determining its location. And it will be located in the center, above, below, left, right, you decide. To do this, put a small notch with a pencil on a piece of paper. Next, before drawing Am Nyama, draw a circle in the place you have approved (because the character has a rounded shape).

Divide it in half horizontally and vertically (these lines need to be made almost invisible, so you do not need to press hard on the pencil). In the first half of the circle (above) we draw two large ovals (without a connecting membrane in the middle). Draw two short lines to them (on both sides), and draw two pupils in the center. Next, we will tell you how to draw Om Nom (the pictures with his image can be seen below) in full.

Step 2. Draw Am Nyama mouth

We lengthen the lateral lines of the โ€œyamchikโ€ (we stretch them to the sides) and connect (this will be the future mouth). Above the eyes, draw an elongated green forelock with a rounded end. The upper part of the โ€œslackerโ€ is ready.

how to draw am nyama step by step

Step 3. Draw the Am Nyama Torso

The next step in drawing Om Nom in stages is to draw the body of the character Cut the Rope. For this purpose, we retreat 1-2 mm from the beginning of the alienโ€™s mouth and from there we lower two lines (obliquely) down and outline the body of our handsome man. Further on the same parallel with the eyes we draw two legs.

Step 4. Draw the hind legs and teeth.

At the penultimate stage, we draw four teeth of Am Nyam with a small distance between them. Then draw two lines from the body of a funny character and take it to the side. It turns out two hind legs.

how to draw am nyama pictures

At the end of the finished hero, it remains only to paint in green. Remember to also erase the excess lines. For a full-fledged effect, you can draw a round two-color candy on a string nearby. You can also figure out how to draw Om Nom riding a mountain of sweets.

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