Are there love spells? How do you know if you have a love spell?

Does magic, other worlds, supernatural, etc. really exist? More than one generation seeks to answer this question. But no matter how many scientists try to confirm or deny the presence of mysticism in some phenomena, they are not able to do this in any way. Therefore, people continue to write off everything that they cannot explain or argue to the tricks of evil forces or, on the contrary, to the beneficial influence of angels.

In this article, we will try to answer the question of whether there are love spells. Indeed, in recent years, an increasing number of people have been offering society similar services. How to understand that one can really count on help, calculate a charlatan, or recognize the presence of magical effects on oneself in time? The reader will find answers to these and many other questions in the material below.

What is a love spell?

what is a love spell

If we study the interpretation presented in the dictionaries, we can conclude that different authors offer their own definition of this term. And all because only those people who encountered and felt everything in their own skin believe in this kind of magic.

Esotericists note that a love spell is a form of corruption aimed at suppressing the human will, violent invasion of the individual’s inner world, and intentional destruction of the energy field. The purpose of such actions is understandable. A customer or a person who is not only interested in whether love spells exist, but also dares to go against the laws of nature and subordinate a man or woman of interest to his will, seeks to satisfy his own desires. At the same time, he does not think at all about how harmful such an effect is for a bewitched person. But it is very dangerous.

What is the danger of love spell for the victim?

A love spell is a magical effect during which the aura of a charmed person deliberately collapses and unites, is closely intertwined with the aura of a person, which he himself performs or for which magical actions are performed. Thus, after the rite, the object of witchcraft completely changes, in fact, the one who wanted to be obtained after a love spell is no longer there.

what is dangerous love spell

According to real stories about love spells, sexual attraction is gradually rolling on the victim. At some point, it becomes so strong that thoughts about the object of passion overshadow everything else, life loses its meaning and becomes unbearable without the person who had a magical effect. Enchanted literally goes crazy, gasping for unrestrained attraction. There is no love or sympathy in this case. There are only carnal desires, physical needs that the victim seeks to satisfy in any way.

What is the danger of love spell for the performer?

Performer - a person who performs magical actions, seeking to receive the object of his love by any means, does not think about the consequences. The price of the question, the type of love spell, the way - all this becomes unimportant.

However, chasing the desired goal, the performer does not even think about the fact that he is dealing with powerful forces. And they don’t conclude deals just like that. Therefore, to make a love spell on a man immediately and without consequences will fail. At the same time, anyway, the performer independently performed a ritual or turned to various sorcerers and magicians for help. If the action was carried out, then the first thing you need to prepare yourself for the consequences. And upon reaching the goal - receiving the victim for long-term use, you will certainly have to sacrifice something. You just have to choose what it will be - career, financial success, luck, health or life, is impossible. The forces of the other world themselves determine what exactly they need from the performer.

real love spell

If the contractor believes that he will be able to get off easily or somehow disown the payment of the established cost, then, according to real stories, this is a vain hope. Well, trying to outwit powerful forces or hiding from them is completely pointless. After all, as you know, everything in this life must be paid. In this case, the price may be too high. You should think about this before you figure out how to make a love spell on a guy or a girl, and then implement it.

The myth of the white love spell

We are used to hearing that magic is divided into black and white, like everything else. Therefore, we believe that all magical influences can be safe, harmless and terrible, promising serious consequences. However, professional sorcerers, especially if they are really honest with the client, do not cease to repeat that there are no white love spells. Indeed, the love spell itself has a dark goal - to subordinate one person to the will of another. These actions are violent in nature, cause serious harm to the enchanted, break it: they block brain activity, destroy the aura, cripple the soul. In addition, the rituals of white magic help all participants in the rite. For these reasons, white magic, based on prayers, faith in God and ideals, values ​​established by him, will never allow a love spell. After all, one of the commandments of God says: "Love your neighbor." That is, behold, enjoy, but do no harm.

effective love spell

Thus, to the question "are there love spells that do no harm to anyone," the magician or sorcerer must answer: "No." If he lied, then follow his advice and rituals, you should not pay a lot of money. If he is insincere with the client at the very beginning, then there can be no guarantee of the success of the ritual.

Should you trust magicians who promise to complete a love spell for free?

Every person at a certain moment in life has a desire to find out more about magic. If you enter into any search system a query about whether there are love spells, you can come across a lot of offers from supposedly beginners or, conversely, highly professional sorcerers. Which offer to implement any service completely free of charge. And many people, strangely enough, take such a benefactor at face value, for some reason without thinking about the fact that free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap. And the unfortunate mouse for the opportunity to at least touch the desired sacrifices his life. The same thing happens with a love spell, for which the client will not give a dime.

And the point is not that the necessary magical effect will not bring any result. Quite the contrary, the effect of the ceremony will be very powerful. It is likely that a love spell for a girl or a guy will work and the performer will receive a sacrifice on a silver platter. However, again, what will sacrifice to pay for the success of the ritual? After all, there is a risk that you will have to pay not only with otherworldly forces. The mage or sorcerer himself will also take his fee. For example, he will write to the client all his sins and thereby make him responsible for serious misconduct and jokes with the Universe.

Easy love spells

what is a love spell

A love spell is a method of exposure, involving a lot of rituals. And black magic has in its arsenal a whole bunch of these. Among them, there are many spells for a man who will definitely work.

However, lightweight is not one of them. After all, it is distinguished by two important features. First, relative safety. And, secondly, a short-term effect. That is, at a certain moment the magic will dispel and the situation will return to its previous course. If the performer decides on an easy love spell, it is important to consider that, after some time, the passion will come to its senses again. The same thing happens after removing the love spell.

As for the convenience of such love spells, it consists in the fact that for the ritual does not require the victim’s things - hair, blood and so on.

Love spells on the photo

More serious rituals are quite popular and in demand. They are based on witchcraft, carried out by means of the energy impact on the object of passion through the use of his photograph. This ritual has an incredible amount of variation. And the cost of the service, which the magician or the sorcerer appoints, and the severity of the consequences, depend on how difficult the manipulations are, what result the performer wants to get, as well as on his durability.

Today, there are a lot of ways with which you can make a love spell on a guy or a girl. Consider one of the most effective, but also dangerous.

Energy love spell

This type of magical effect is considered the most powerful and durable. But for its execution, the biological material of the victim or the performer himself will be required. According to real stories, the most powerful energy effect is a love spell on blood. But it is only suitable for girls. Running it is pretty simple. You just need to dissolve a little menstrual blood in a bottle of red wine. And say special words. Then let the victim drink this mixture.

Such a ritual binds the bewitched one until the woman has completely stopped critical days. However, the service rendered by otherworldly forces will have to pay. The victim is most likely addicted to alcohol or drugs. And the performer will suffer infertility. But if children still appear in such a marriage, they will also have to pay for the sins of one of the parents. After all, free love spells do not happen.

Love spell on the cemetery

Very effective and relatively durable are rituals that are performed using dead energy. The basis of such a ceremony is a terrible principle that absolutely accurately reflects the desire of the performer. Its action is that the victim begins to slowly fade away if he is far from the performer. That is, witchcraft is carried out in such a way that the enchanted has only two ways: life with an imposed person or death.

Most often, such a love spell on a girl or boyfriend is short-lived, because no victim can withstand violence against himself. After some time, the performer buries his passion. And then, in retribution for the deed, is sent next.

real love spell

The most scary and dangerous love spells

According to magicians and sorcerers, such as voodoo rites, gypsy love spells, and the like are considered the most powerful rituals. But the reckoning for them will be much more serious. After such a love spell, the victim is completely subordinate to the will of the performer. Over time, a person simply loses himself, in some cases losing his mind or ending his life with suicide.

It is also important to note that such love spells are performed on a guy at night. And after them, not only the victim suffers, but also the performer, as well as all blood relatives. Especially the most vulnerable are the elderly and children.

How to recognize a love spell?

At some point, it may seem to many people that they are spoiled. Moreover, it’s unusual, but one that suppresses the will and makes you passionately want a person who previously had no feelings. However, if you wish, you can easily check if you have a love spell.

How to learn about magical effects:

  1. To perform the ritual, you will need a chicken egg.
  2. You need to hold it in your hands before you go to bed.
  3. Then break and pour into a glass with holy water.
  4. Which must be put up at night at the head of the bed.
  5. In the morning you should see what happened to the egg. If it is clean, there is no love spell. If something has changed - the person is spoiled.

Using candles

Also effective in recognizing love spells and church candles. One of them needs to be lit and held for ten minutes in his left hand. If the candle will crack, smoke or go out, the person will be spoiled.

powerful love spell

Church attendance

We already wrote earlier that love spells on a man without consequences and immediately do not happen. To verify this, a person suspecting something was wrong should go to church. If he can calmly go into a bright room, then there is no damage. If he feels discomfort, he will feel bad or want to leave the church as soon as possible, he is under the influence of a love spell.

Based on all the above, we can conclude that there are no free spells. Moreover, the consumer’s consumer attitude towards his victim has negative consequences not only for the latter. It is for this reason that alliances based on witchcraft are dysfunctional. And if you recall the Russian-language proverb that says: “You won’t be forcibly sweet,” which sounds like a warning, the sad outcome becomes completely clear.

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