How to overhaul facades?

It's no secret that every year any residential building is aging and requires certain renovations, which must be carried out by qualified specialists. All problems with the premises should be prevented as early as possible so as not to endanger the residents. Sometimes a moment comes when overhaul of the facade of a residential building is necessary. This is due to the fact that it wears out over time as a result of the destructive effect of negative environmental factors, such as precipitation, piercing wind and intense heat. Therefore, in order to increase the life of the residential object and return to it a more attractive appearance, it is necessary to periodically repair the facade.

What factors indicate the need for repair work?

overhaul of facades
Determining the need for building repairs is quite simple. This can be done by performing a surface inspection of the house. This can be done by both the residents themselves and the public utilities.

Obvious signs are the following defects:

  • falling or damage of the plaster layer on an area exceeding 35%;
  • exposure of seams between panels or blocks;
  • destruction of the insulation layer;
  • gutters and gutters were deformed, as a result of which precipitation began to fall on the facade.

If any of these defects is detected, an urgent overhaul of the facade of the apartment building is required.

What work includes the overhaul of the facade of the building?

The exact list of works that will be carried out during the repair of the building cannot be called, since each individual case is unique. In addition, when decorating building facades, various materials that require the use of certain technologies can be used. But what is included in the overhaul of the facade in most cases?

Here is a rough list of repairs:

  • removal of dirt and finishing material from the facade;
  • sealing joints and laying insulation and waterproofing material;
  • facade decoration;
  • drawing on the walls of special compounds that protect them from moisture;
  • replacement of damaged drainage system elements.

If, in addition to the finishing layer, the insulation was also damaged, then its replacement will also be necessary. But do not forget that only qualified specialists will be able to draw up an accurate list of works that will require major repairs of the facades of the MKD after the inspection of the facility.

Who is responsible for the repair?

capital repairs of facades of houses
According to the current legislation, the restoration of damaged facades of residential real estate should be done by a contractor company, which is created by local authorities. Hiring commercial organizations is prohibited. At the same time, the contractor may not have to repair on his own, but only engage in the organization of work and coordination of actions.

It is worth noting that the company that will repair the facade can be chosen by the owners living in the house through public voting. But the contractor must be officially registered, and he must also have all the necessary documentation that allows overhaul of the facades.

Who is financing the renovation of the facade?

All costs for the overhaul of the facades are borne by the owners of the house. For these purposes, residents monthly pay a certain amount. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the repair will be possible only if at least 2/3 of the owners vote for it. But that's not all. At the meeting of residents by means of a public vote, the amount of monthly contributions that will be received in the general fund is also decided.

Inspection of the object and determination of the degree of damage

overhaul of the building facade
Overhaul of the facades of houses is carried out in stages and consists of the following stages: plastering walls, painting and other types of work. But, as mentioned earlier, in order to make an accurate list of required works, a preliminary inspection of the residential object is necessary in order to assess the degree of damage to the building. For example, if a crack appears on the wall, then it will first be necessary for specialists to establish the reason behind the formation of the defect. This measure is mandatory and will prevent the appearance of new cracks.

Preparatory stage

Overhaul of the facade of the building begins with the preparatory phase.

It includes a set of events, which includes:

  1. Removing dust, dirt and old coatings from the facade.
  2. Repair damaged cornices.
  3. Replacement of deformed elements of ebbs and drainage system.
  4. Checking the adhesion of tiles to the working surface.
  5. General assessment of the condition of the property.
  6. Drawing up a working estimate.

At this stage, issues related to the need to replace insulation and waterproofing at the joints of individual facing elements are also resolved.

Based on the information collected, the contractor will be able to assess the condition of the house and determine its level of wear. This is necessary for the preparation of the project for the repair work. It is important to understand that this process is quite complex. Therefore, it is recommended not to deal with it yourself, but to entrust everything to qualified specialists.

When all the documentation is ready, the territory on which the facility is located is being prepared for repair. Fences are installed around its perimeter, which will block access to the building of passers-by and vehicles.

Renovation of buildings

overhaul of the facade of an apartment building
Overhaul of facades is a very time-consuming process that requires large physical and time costs. It is used for very severe wear of buildings. With minor damage, cosmetic repairs will suffice. All work is carried out in a strictly defined sequence.

After completion of the preparatory phase, all work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cleaning the walls and their preparation for subsequent work.
  2. Plastering the work surface. This is done in order to eliminate various defects and make the walls smooth. If defects of great complexity are present, then they are preliminarily eliminated with the help of certain materials, which are selected by specialists individually for each specific case.
  3. Primed walls. This type of work is preparatory before painting. It allows you to improve the quality of adhesion of the coating, which will last much longer.
  4. Painting work. Wall painting is the final stage of the redecoration of residential buildings.

Cosmetic repair is resorted to much more often than capital repair, since it requires less financial cost.

Overhaul of residential buildings

what is included overhaul of the facade
Unlike cosmetic, overhaul of facades is a more complex undertaking requiring certain skills and knowledge, as well as specialists with certain qualifications.

All work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Cleaning the facade and its preparation for subsequent work.
  2. Replacement of heat and waterproofing in the joints, as well as priming and plastering of walls.
  3. Wall decoration with decorative materials.
  4. Drawing on the facade of special mixtures that protect them from the negative effects of precipitation.
  5. Replacement of damaged and defective elements of the drainage system, gutters, ebbs and elements of the ventilation system.

Overhaul and insulation of the facade should be carried out in accordance with certain rules and in compliance with technology. Only in this way will it be performed efficiently and for a long time.

Maintenance and overhaul: what is the difference?

overhaul insulation of the facade
Facade repair is a major or ongoing repair. And what is the difference between them? These are two completely different types of repairs, each of which has certain features and requires the implementation of various types of work.

The current is aimed at restoring the attractive appearance of the building. Therefore, in its process mainly cosmetic measures are carried out, which include:

  • restoration of plaster in places where it is damaged or began to crumble;
  • filling and priming of the working surface;
  • painting the walls.

Overhaul, in turn, is a more complex, difficult and lengthy activity, since the restoration of damaged sections of the facade requires the use of sophisticated technologies.

When can a major overhaul be required?

The state has developed a program of major repairs of residential facilities for each region of the country. 6 months before the planned restoration of the facade of the building, the contractor who will carry out the overhaul of the facades must provide information to the owners of the living space in the apartment building about the planned works and the timing of their implementation. After reviewing the technical documentation, apartment owners can make certain changes to it, which the contractor must take into account. What's next? After resolving all disputes and issues between the contractor and the tenants, repairs can begin.

What if major repairs are needed ahead of schedule?

With very strong deterioration of the building or any of its individual sections, the residents of the house may not wait for the time for which the overhaul is planned, and begin to do everything on their own. But in this case, there is one big problem: who will pay for everything? In such a situation, the only solution is to collect additional contributions. At the same time, the relevant payment adjustments will be indicated in the payment schedule, and the owners will be exempted from making them for a certain time.

facade repair is a major or current repair
In addition to solving financial issues, it will also require the preparation of estimates and technical documentation, which also falls on the shoulders of residents. To do this, you will have to turn to a company acting as an intermediary between homeowners and local governments. The local administration, in turn, on the basis of the contract will oblige the contractor, who will be engaged in repair work, to prepare the corresponding project and all the documentation necessary for its implementation. According to the schedule of work and deadlines for the project, overhaul of an apartment building is being carried out.

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