The temperature rises after tooth extraction: taking an antipyretic, re-visiting a doctor, examining and conducting the necessary treatment

To date, quite a lot of people have encountered toothache, which was caused by various reasons. Such an unpleasant sensation is very difficult to endure, so it is advisable to immediately seek help from a qualified specialist. An operation to extract a molar from a dental alveoli is associated with trauma to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, as a result of which an inflammatory process may develop. At the same time, many people are interested in the question of whether the temperature can rise after tooth extraction. Some believe that this is quite normal, while others are convinced that this is evidence of various serious complications, so they sound the alarm and immediately run to the dentist's appointment. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail and find out when to panic when the temperature rises, and in which cases there is nothing to worry about.

general information

girl is lying on the couch

If after receiving a dentist you continue to have problems with the health of the oral cavity, then you are probably interested in the question of why the temperature rises after tooth extraction. According to medical experts, this is a protective reaction of the immune system to infection in the body. As for dentistry, during surgical intervention, a rupture of connective tissue and ligaments occurs, and an open wound forms at the site of the molar.

At the same time, the dentist can not completely remove the infection from the alveoli, so it provokes an inflammatory process, because of which the body temperature rises. In most cases, there is nothing wrong with this, and this reaction indicates that the protective functions of the body work normally.

When to sound the alarm?

So, we have already found out whether the temperature can rise after tooth extraction. In most cases, this is quite normal. However, in some situations, people's concerns are justified. In most cases, the temperature is kept within 37.5 degrees. If it persists from 1 to 3 days after the operation, then this is considered normal, but with longer periods there is a high probability of any problems. Most often, complications arise in the case when during the operation the patient had any pathology proceeding in an acute form. Therefore, if after 3 days you do not notice any improvement, it is best to go to the appointment with your dentist.

The main causes of the increase

girl holding her head

Let's dwell on them in more detail. As a rule, the temperature rises after tooth extraction and lasts more than three days as a result of any complication. Moreover, this can happen not only due to non-compliance by the patient with the doctor’s prescriptions, but also due to medical errors made during the operation, as well as many other problems.

Among them, the most common are the following:

  • incomplete removal of the root system of the molar;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • periodontitis;
  • various infectious and viral diseases;
  • destruction of the cyst membrane;
  • alveolitis;
  • purulent-necrotic process in the hole;
  • dental nerve dysfunction;
  • dry alveolus;
  • hematoma;
  • odontogenic periostitis.

In the presence of complications, a person not only has a temperature after tooth extraction, but also severe pain during palpation of the hole, as well as other pronounced clinical manifestations. Therefore, if you have any disturbing symptoms, then you should immediately go to the hospital, where you will be prescribed the necessary laboratory tests and select the most effective treatment program.

Is it worth it to bring down the temperature?

What you need to know about this? So, after the tooth extraction, your temperature has risen, what should you do in this case and should it be knocked down? Profiled experts argue that an increase of up to 38 degrees is considered an acceptable norm, therefore, no antipyretic drugs should be taken. Moreover, at this temperature, the immune system fights the infection best, so reducing it will do more harm than good.

If, after tooth extraction, the temperature rises to 38 and above, in this case, it is worth taking medications such as Nurofen or Paracetamol. They are not only good antipyretic drugs, but also have anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, these drugs are one of the safest for the body, so that they can be given to both adults and children. For children under 6 years of age, rectal suppositories are most often prescribed.

If you do not want to expose the liver to the negative effects of tablets, rubbing with cool water will help. In this case, to improve the processes of thermoregulation in the body, you need to adhere to the water balance and drink as much liquid as possible. In the case when it is not possible to bring the temperature down independently, and other symptoms of the inflammatory process are added to it, it is better not to risk it, but to seek qualified medical help. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous, because in the presence of any complications, delay and lack of proper treatment can greatly aggravate your condition.

When to sound the alarm?

toothache after removal

If the temperature after tooth extraction (what to do with it, it was described above) does not go away for several days, and severe pain has been added to it, then this is a good reason to think about visiting a dental clinic.

For adults, fears only increase with the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • gum redness.

With children, the situation is more serious, since they are much more likely to experience complications after surgical removal of the molar. First of all, the doctor prescribes an x-ray for the kids, which allows him to assess the real state of health. Further, based on the results obtained, the most effective treatment is selected, aimed not only at removing the inflammatory process, but also at eliminating the cause of the pathology.

In most cases, if the temperature after a tooth extraction in a child does not drop for a very long time, then dentists take the following:

  • if part of the molar root remains or a cyst is detected, then they are removed;
  • then the alveolus is treated with antiseptic agents;
  • a blood clot is formed, which will perform protective functions and prevent the further spread of infection;
  • with a large lesion of the oral mucosa, it is sutured;
  • prescribe antibiotics.

It is important to understand that after a course of treatment, body temperature can also be elevated during the first day, which is quite commonplace.

Wisdom teeth extraction and temperature

This group of molars is the most problematic, since the process of their eruption is very painful and can be accompanied by various pronounced symptoms.

In this case, not only does the temperature rise after tooth extraction, but the following also appears:

  • severe pain in the alveoli;
  • soft tissues in the area of ​​removal are reddened, and swelling is also observed;
  • there is no blood clot in the hole;
  • severe migraines.

Symptoms can be felt both sequentially and simultaneously. In some people, due to the individual characteristics of their body, no clinical manifestations are observed at all. But in most cases, if the temperature has risen after the removal of the wisdom tooth, this indicates a complication that must be treated without fail.

Problems after extraction of temporary molars

child at the dentist

What you need to know about this? In some cases, the temperature may rise after removal of the milk tooth in children. Similar in medical practice is very rare, since temporary molars during the operation fall almost independently, therefore, complications do not develop. But if the inflammatory process has begun, then it is better not to wait 3 days, but immediately lead the baby to the dentist's appointment. Pathology can be caused by a violent reaction of the immune system to severe stress received by the body or due to various diseases that only a qualified doctor can determine.

If you want to avoid the situation that the temperature rises after the extraction of the milk tooth, then the following recommendations should be observed after the operation:

  1. Rinse your mouth with special antiseptic agents, for example, Rotokan.
  2. Sanitize the oral system.
  3. Follow hygiene procedures.

In addition, after removing the molar, it is better to refuse to visit the bathhouse, eat too hot or cold food, avoid drafts and hypothermia, and also refrain from contacting people who have any infectious or viral diseases.

Drug treatment

taking pills

As a rule, the temperature rises after tooth extraction in the evening, when a person is going to go on vacation, which significantly affects the quality of sleep. Therefore, at 38 degrees and above, you can take antipyretic drugs to ensure the body has a healthy sleep.

Effective and relatively safe means are:

  • Nise
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nimica
  • "Nurofen Express";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • Nimulide;
  • Ibuprofen

In addition to fighting high fever, all of these drugs relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. However, one must take into account the fact that they affect the functioning of the central nervous system, and also become addictive over time, so it is not recommended to abuse them.

They are also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • during gestation;
  • people suffering from stomach ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

According to doctors, taking any pain medication is not recommended for more than three days. In addition, you must first thoroughly study the instructions for use and consult a doctor.

It is better not to bring down the temperature with the help of Aspirin and Analgin, since they not only have a high level of toxicity, but also worsen hematopoiesis, as a result of which there is a high probability of opening bleeding from the alveoli, where the tooth used to be.

Alternative methods of therapy

There are many good alternative medicine methods that our ancestors have used for centuries to deal with problems associated with oral health.

Therefore, if you do not want to take medications again, then follow these tips:

  1. Keep track of your water balance and drink plenty of fluids. It is best suited for this rosehip broth, cranberry juice and any tea with the addition of honey. But do not forget that the temperature of the drink should not be too high, because otherwise you can injure the hole.
  2. Wipe with cold water or put vinegar compresses. In the first case, you need to wipe not only the face, but also the hands, neck and armpits. This will allow you to slightly lower the temperature without taking antipyretic drugs.
  3. Treated with air. Put the fan in such a way that the air flow from it goes to the body without getting on your head so that the inflammatory process does not intensify. Alternatively, you can blow around with a fan or wet towel.
  4. Eat foods that stimulate the body's thermoregulation process and help lower body temperature. These are bananas, citrus fruits, honey, kefir, barley porridge and grape juice. Adhering to such a diet, you will get not only a very healthy, but also an incredibly tasty diet.
honey and orange

You can also put enemas. Yes, this method is very unpleasant, but it lowers body temperature well. In this case, it is better to wash the intestines not with ordinary water, but with a decoction of chamomile. To prepare it, you need 4 tablespoons of grass pour a liter of boiling water. For one procedure, you need 200 milliliters of decoction, which are bred in the required volume of water. Just one procedure will bring down the heat.


girl at the dentist

If your temperature rises after tooth extraction, then in most cases this is a normal reaction of the body to the inflammatory process that occurs due to trauma to the soft tissues of the oral cavity during a dental operation. You can bring it down with the help of modern medicines, as well as folk methods. However, if after 72 hours you do not notice any improvement, then you should immediately go to the hospital, since a painful condition can be a harbinger of complications or serious diseases requiring qualified medical care. Therefore, do not be negligent in your health, and immediately consult a doctor with any problems.

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