Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, treatment

Hemorrhoids are venous plexuses overflowing with blood, which are located in the anus and, expanding, form hemorrhoidal nodes.

Hemorrhoids are characterized by pain in the anus, anal itching and rectal bleeding.

Often, women who have hemorrhoids during pregnancy do not rush to begin treatment, considering it harmless and thinking that it will go away on its own. This is a profound error. Hemorrhoids should be taken very seriously, especially when it comes to pregnancy. In addition to the usual discomfort, he can make his negative adjustments during pregnancy, complicate labor and recovery after childbirth. Therefore, you must not ignore hemorrhoids during pregnancy, begin treatment without delay.

Hemorrhoidal nodes are external and internal. Internal are located in the rectum, and bleeding from them are more plentiful than from external. External nodes are located in the anus itself, often fall out and cause very painful sensations when the intestines are empty.

If a woman has hemorrhoids during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed strictly individually, since you need to take into account at what stage the hemorrhoids is, how it manifests itself. In any case, pregnant women should not use any treatment methods themselves. Preparations against hemorrhoids, effective in ordinary life, during pregnancy can have the exact opposite effect. But you should not forget that treatment should not harm the child.

To cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy, many women began treatment with antihemorrhoidal suppositories, considering this method to be traditionally applicable. However, some of these drugs are characterized by the presence of potent substances that penetrate into milk. It is imperative that all women remember: if hemorrhoids occurred during pregnancy, only a doctor will tell you how to treat it.

The postpartum period calms many, since the nodes in the treatment process behave passively and take much smaller sizes. However, the work begun must be completed, otherwise serious complications cannot be avoided, especially since especially large hemorrhoidal nodes can not be treated with any home methods. If the condition of the pregnant woman allows, the doctor himself is interested in transferring the course of treatment to a later period, when the woman’s body gets stronger after childbirth. In the event that the circumstances were threatening, that is, there was a loss of nodes or hemorrhoidal bleeding opened, then emergency surgery can not be avoided.

Most women try to avoid the surgical method and, in addition to suppositories, use hemorrhoids ointment during pregnancy. Ointments are not inferior to suppositories according to the results of their exposure, and in many cases are more effective. The advantage of the ointment is that it acts directly on the affected area. But taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the course of the disease, ointments and suppositories can be combined, that is, apply them in combination or alternately. In this case, overgrowing of cracks, reduction of itching in the anus, the disappearance of edema.

Every pregnant woman should monitor how the ointment acts on hemorrhoids. If the pain persists, you may need to change the drug. Even proven drugs such as Proctosan, Relief, Metrogil, Hepatrombin and Troxerutin may not bring the desired relief. After all, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the stage of the disease, the state of blood vessels and capillaries.

Hemorrhoids ointments are popular and are an effective way to treat this ailment. They have a mild, enveloping effect, are well absorbed by the capillaries, penetrating into the bloodstream, as a result of which the patient immediately feels great relief at the very beginning of use.

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