Raisin Jumbo: properties and varieties

Raisins are a very popular and healthy dried fruit. There are a lot of varieties of it, mainly they differ in the country of origin. Most people, choosing a quality product, rely on external qualities. One of the largest and most delicious varieties is considered to be raisins of Jumbo, which is a Chilean product. In this article, we will consider in detail all its positive qualities and varieties.

Raisin Properties

Raisin "Jumbo" calorie content

Of all the varieties available, Jumbo raisins are the largest, tastiest and juiciest. Berries in dried form have a size of 2 to 2.5 cm. It usually does not have seeds. To taste, this dried fruit is very rich and sweet. Jumbo contains a lot of carbohydrates, mainly fructose and glucose. They usually make up 90% of the product. Also in raisins contains:

  • 2–2.5 grams of protein;
  • 0.1-0.45 grams of fat;
  • 63.5–68.5 carbohydrates.

The calorie content of Jumbo raisins per 100 grams is approximately 270 kcal. If you follow a diet, then this is about 13% of the allowable number of calories that you need to consume per day.

Varieties of Raisins

This variety has several types, they can differ in color: there are both light golden and dark shades. Consider in detail each view.


Raisin Jumbo Golden

This raisin has a light yellow color and a very sweet, full-bodied taste. The berries of this variety are quite large and look like real grapes. Their shape is a bit streamlined. There are no seeds in the Golden variety; raisins are dense and fleshy in consistency.


This raisin is considered to be a premium variety. They make it from Chilean grapes. It has a large size, the color of the dried fruit is dark brown. Inside, it is soft and jelly-like. To taste, such raisins are very sweet, vaguely reminiscent of honey with caramel.


This variety of jumbo raisins is black. It is made mainly from blue grapes. It is considered one of the best varieties, as selected grapes are taken for it, which can be dark and purple. There are no stones in it either. The taste is very rich, like marmalade.


This raisin variety is made from excellent quality grapes, therefore it has the highest grade. It happens only Chilean production.


Dried grapes can be added to almost all dishes, it is considered a universal product that is suitable for a snack. More raisins will complement almost any dessert. It is added both to buns and to various cookies, and if used in vegetarian cuisine, it serves as a natural sweetener. But the original housewives prefer to add it to salads and soups.

Raisin Tincture

Tincture of raisins "Jumbo"

An excellent recipe for tincture, which can be prepared with the addition of this dried fruit. You will need these ingredients:

  • 100 g of raisins, preferably dark;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1 tsp leaf tea;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • vanillin or sugar;
  • several bay leaves;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in a container and pour vodka, after which leave the mixture in a dark place to infuse for 4-5 days. Then strain the tincture and you can enjoy it. It has an unusual taste and wonderful aroma.

But from this dried fruit not only can you make tincture, raisins will give a pleasant taste to any drink. It is well suited for those who only try themselves in the preparation of various infusions.

Raisins for Athletes

Jumbo raisins black

Jumbo raisins are often included in the diet for athletes or those on a diet. After all, after training, as a rule, you can’t eat anything for about two hours, but the body has spent a lot of energy and needs to be restored. That's when raisins will be a great option, it’s enough to eat about 10-12 pieces, it will be a good snack. It will restore energy, as well as potassium, which will help your muscles not suffer from cramps. But you should not use it too much, because the calorie content of Jumbo raisins is quite large.


Raisin Jumbo is a very useful product, but also has several points of contraindication. Since it contains a large amount of sugar, it can not be consumed with diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus (you can use it, but very little);
  • duodenal ulcer (raisins can not be consumed during exacerbation);
  • obesity.

Such a dried fruit, of course, is allowed to be used for many diseases, but you need to have a limit in this. After all, everything is useful in moderation.

Raisins to strengthen immunity

To strengthen the immune system, especially during a period of vitamin deficiency, you need to prepare a special mixture. To do this, take the following products:

  • raisins;
  • prunes
  • dried apricots;
  • Walnut;
  • honey.

All these ingredients must be taken in the same amount. Twist them in a meat grinder, put them in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. You need to use the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for 1-1.5 tsp. It is best to do the remedy in winter, because it is during this period that there are almost no berries and fruits. It helps protect the body from various diseases.

Jambo raisins are a special type of dried fruit. Daily use of it will replenish your body with useful substances and vitamins.

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