The sun in the 6th house: features, characteristics and interesting facts

One of the key planets in the horoscope is the Sun. To determine its effect on the character of a person, an astrologer builds a natal chart. It is important to find out in which zodiac sign, in which house the Sun is, and also what aspects it forms. Based on the information received, a forecast of future events can also be made. What qualities the Sun gives to a person in the 6th house will be considered below.


For many centuries, people have been trying to solve the mystery of the interconnectedness of processes in the micro- and macrocosm. There are many teachings that open the curtain of the unknown. Some of them are very ancient. There are many modern approaches to the interpretation of horoscope information.

Natal chart

To find out the character traits that a person received from birth, astrologers build a natal chart. On the location of the planets in the synastry, certain conclusions can be drawn. The sun in the 6th house for men and women leaves a certain imprint on the type of personality.

By the way a person behaves in certain situations, one can make a forecast about future events that will happen in life. To do this, make up a solarium and transit aspects. There are many methods for interpreting the results of astrological analysis.

The sun in the horoscope

The synastric Sun in the 6th house determines the personality of a person. This is his position in life. It is especially important to consider the position of the Sun in a man’s birth chart. But for both sexes, our main luminary is important in interpreting the natal chart. This is the position that a person takes in life, what he aspires to, what he wants to become.

The sun and the nature of man

The energy of the Sun has a pronounced masculine origin. It is a spirit enclosed in matter, will, vitality. This is the self-realization of man. The sun denotes the social role, the creative energy of man. The star passes by the signs of the zodiac for one year, determining the main characteristic of the person.

The house into which the Sun falls shows the path of self-realization, achieving the goal. These are desires, interest and hobbies. The aspects that the Sun forms with other planets, shows in which directions a person will receive support, and where he will meet resistance. The sun determines the life potential, strength and ability of a person, his achievement.

Sixth house

The sixth house in astrology is associated with our daily affairs and concerns. This is work, service. This is the daily life of a person. It is also a health home. This is the life force that a person spends every day on everyday life, work. If he is excessively keen on his service, his strength ends, his health is broken.

The sun in the horoscope

The sun in the sixth house of the synastry gives a person the strength to perform everyday duties. His calling is to serve people. This is the ability to work, apply your abilities and skills.

The sixth house is responsible for the treatment of pets. Man does not seek glory. He just does his job because he has to. It brings him satisfaction. A man likes to equip his life, take care of loved ones. He helps people not for honor. He just feels that he must serve others.

The sun in the sixth house

If the sun is in the sixth house, a person is able to solve problems that require skill and experience. A man loves to do his job. He obeys his superiors. The owner of such a horoscope feels part of the system. He does not seek the brother to assume the role of leader. He likes to do the work that he knows how to do well.

The sun in the sixth house

The sun in the 6th house of a woman reveals information about her husband. He will be an employee, an ordinary profession. For other aspects, you can see in what area the woman’s husband will work with the sun in this position. In a man, a similar position of the Sun can speak of aspirations in the field of work. This is a matter of his life.

A person’s career is of little interest. He does his work for his own sake. According to the aspects that the luminary forms, as well as other characteristics of the birth chart, you can determine in which area a person will work. It can also be said, upon a detailed examination of the natal chart, whether the person’s activity will encounter obstacles or will service be given to him easily.

Positive character traits

The sun, being in the sixth house, gives a person with a harmonious horoscope positive character traits. He gets high competitiveness. Man, thanks to his skills, performs tasks better than others. He takes his daily responsibilities seriously.

The sun in astrology

Man avoids conflict. He knows how to find a way out of them. A person helps those who are weaker, need support. This is a noble personality whom others can admire. But he himself believes that his life is ordinary and that in his place everyone would do such things.

Man takes care of pets. He respects the achievements of others. The partner's sun in the 6th house gives a person the ability to take seriously the decisions of a loved one. He clearly fulfills the requests. However, if this disgusts his internal concepts, the owner of the horoscope can object and offer the best solution in a certain situation.

Negative character traits

If there are lesions in the horoscope, inharmonious aspects, the character of a person can acquire negative features. He becomes unable to defend his interests. He can flatter others. It is not difficult for such a person to sacrifice his honor. A person can sneak up, cringe before those who are stronger. At the same time, he himself humiliates the weak. A partner can subordinate to his will, if his character is weaker. There is a painful dependence on patrons, strong personalities.

Sinastric Sun

Man cannot show his personality. Cannot make decisions independently, especially responsible ones. The sun in the 6th house in defeat does not allow a person to express their true emotions. He keeps aggression in himself. Therefore, it can break out unexpectedly.

Sun in signs of Fire and Earth

If the Sun is in the signs of Fire, it is easy for a person to realize his plans in everyday life. In Aries, the luminosity is bright and aggressive. A man spares no strength to complete tasks. Therefore, it often experiences depression. This happens when the forces end.

Sun in the signs of the zodiac

The sun in Leo makes a person respected in society. He succeeds through his work. The sun in Sagittarius in the 6th house appears most harmoniously. A person does not lose optimism in any situation. He correctly distributes forces to achieve his goals.

In the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo), the Sun gives man caution and practicality. He pursues real, earthly goals and objectives. He reaches them gradually and methodically.

Sun in the signs of Air and Water

The sun in the signs of Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) makes a person dependent on third-party energy. Such people will try to enlist the support of a partner. The owner of such a horoscope has many plans and ideas, but he cannot solve them on his own. Therefore, external assistance is required.

In the signs of Water, the influence of the Sun shows passivity. However, the inner world of a person is filled with energy. This can give the owner of the horoscope insight and a melancholy mood. A person will try to avoid independent actions and decision-making. He dreams that his plan is carried out by the hands of others.

The sun in the 6th house of Scorpio gives a person internal strength, which can manifest itself from time to time, break out. In Cancer, the luminary makes a person emotional. However, expressing his feelings is difficult for him. In Pisces, this position of the Sun gives creativity, craving for mysticism.


It is important to evaluate the aspects that the sun forms with other planets. Trigon and sextile are considered favorable. They put obstacles in the way of quadrature and opposition. Interesting is the connection of the planets. If the Sun unites in the horoscope with the Moon, a person knows how to alternate passivity and active actions.

The luminary in conjunction with Mercury gives the person the ability to clearly convey his thoughts to others. The aspect with Venus gives self-awareness through art and love. In conjunction with Mars, the Sun makes man an active conqueror of peaks, a conqueror. The aspect with Jupiter brings to the character the desire to help, patronize others.

In combination with the Saturn Sun, it makes a man closed, but at the same time fair. The planet Uranus, which is located with the Sun, gives an extraordinary personality, with unusual ideas and outlooks on life. The sun and Neptune in the 6th house endow a person with creative abilities, talent. In conjunction with Pluto, the luminary gives a strong personality potential. It must be used correctly. Compound with the Sun is also called the burning of the planet. Astrologers are ambiguous about this aspect.


Solar horoscope allows you to make a forecast about future events. If the Sun passes through the 6th house in a similar horoscope, a person falls into a dependent position, he is subject to certain circumstances. These are additional duties, debts. You may have to do your job and someone else. Sometimes this means a promotion.

The sun in the 6th house of a woman's solarium gives her the desire to work. She gives herself to the service of others. Perhaps it will be work. But sometimes aspects point to serving your family. In a man’s map, this can talk about changes at work, in a career. There may be a dismissal and joining another position.

Sometimes such a horoscope suggests the need to take care of your health. You may need to undergo preventive treatment. If there are some ailments, due attention should be paid to them. If the aspects are harmonious, the person will be accompanied by success in the service. With disharmony, serious obstacles are possible.


The transit Sun in the 6th house makes a person pay more attention to work. This time is necessary in order to determine from which a person receives joy in everyday life. Perhaps this is a job for yourself or for others. This period is characterized by routine human activities. Other services may be required. For example, it can be a hairdresser, a cosmetologist, a doctor, a dentist, etc.

Perhaps family matters will come to the fore. A person can actively engage in home improvement, garden, cottage, devote himself to taking care of children. Health conditions may also be required.

If the aspects are harmonious, a person will be proud of the results of his work. This allows you to harmonize vital energy. In unfavorable aspects, a feeling of dissatisfaction may appear. Pride does not allow one to receive joy from one's own labor. You just need to perform your daily tasks, improve your technique. Otherwise, relationships with colleagues or superiors may be disrupted.

What to do at this time?

When the Sun in the 6th house passes in transit according to the horoscope, you can try to gain authority among professionals. At this time, you can harmonize relationships with colleagues, family members. It is recommended to do your health, hygiene and disease prevention surveys.

Since there are many current affairs, a person will be busy with their decision. You can get extra income. At this time, you often have to take care of someone. It can be children, relatives and friends. A person should accept his daily work as a gift, enjoy it. In this case, harmony and satisfaction will appear in his life.

Having considered the features of the influence of the Sun in the 6th house on a person’s personality, one can understand the main motives of his behavior, as well as make a forecast for the future.

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