How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom: unusual ideas with photos, features, color schemes, perfect combinations and the right combinations

Wallpaper is a common decoration material. In this case, you can use not only one type, but also several. It will turn out to divide the space into zones, as well as emphasize the dignity of the interior. How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom is described in the article.

Types of design

The alternation of textures involves the use of different strips and wallpaper inserts. The walls are covered with patchwork, horizontal and vertical methods. Each design option has its own characteristics.

how beautifully combine wallpaper in the bedroom photo

Vertical combination

In this case, a combination of alternating bands is assumed. How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom in this way? The stripes should have the same width, otherwise you can spoil the interior. The texture for different areas should be equally dense, so you should not choose different materials.

how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom

With this combination, uniformity of the color palette and smooth transitions are not required. The vertical combination is dominated by contrast and sharpness. This sticker visually increases the ceiling and makes the room spacious. A bright accent in some places is applied when there is a small amount of furniture.

Horizontal combination

You can evaluate the originality of design by photo. How to beautifully combine wallpaper in the bedroom in this way? Types of combinations of textures are also diverse. Designers advise during the repair to perform the bottom in uniform tones, and the top - dilute with drawings or ornaments.

how to combine wallpaper in a small bedroom

It is possible to experiment with different textures - compared with vertical combination. With this method, the borders of the transitions are outlined with decorative stucco moldings. A plain strip is ideal for patterned and striped wallpapers, and ornamental moldings are great for decorating walls in monotonous colors.

Fleselin wallpapers are perfectly combined. The material is convenient to use. There are options for matte and glossy coatings that combine perfectly with each other.

Patchwork combination

This is another idea how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom. But they rarely use it for this room. Catchy details and heterogeneous textures are intertwined in the room.

how to correctly combine wallpaper in the bedroom

The wall, which was decorated with wallpaper flaps, looks like a bedspread or carpet. To design a bedroom like this, you need to consult with designers and pre-execute the layout.


Many design options look original, as seen in the photo. How to beautifully combine wallpaper in the bedroom? When choosing materials, colors and textures are taken into account. These canvases are divided into monochrome and multi-colored.

how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom

You can choose one color in different colors. This combination allows you to get a harmonious design in discreet colors. It is important that there is no excessive brightness of colors. The saturated palette of one part should be diluted with calm tones. The difference can be in 2 shades, but no more.

A perfect option would be a harmonious combination of pastel colors. For example, dark beige and milk coatings are combined. With single-color combination, it is advisable to use one material so as not to focus on strong contrast.

Other ideas

Different wallpapers are perfectly combined, which makes the room unique and unusual. If the apartment has a single style, then all rooms must be given individuality. With the help of properly arranged furniture, it will be possible to emphasize it.

If there is a niche in the wall, a combined finish will be welcome. With the help of square inserts and baguettes decorating the space, you can perfectly emphasize the style of the room and visually expand it. Using a combination of homogeneous vinyl and patterned textile materials creates a concise image.

A color scheme

When determining how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, the harmony of colors should be taken into account. In this case, the following points are important:

  1. Spectrum intensity. Variants of combinations of different tones of the same color are complex. These are dark and light palettes. The transition should be contrasting. For example, one wall is covered with coral paintings, and the other with peach. The main color should be lighter. The combination of 2 shades is undesirable, but some experts choose wallpaper of the same color of different intensities for opposing surfaces. The arrangement of wallpaper in increasing order is used - from dark to light. The main thing is that there is a smooth transition.
  2. Balance. In this case, complex and simple colors harmonize. For example, a floral canvas at the top in the middle is interrupted by plain wallpaper. In this case, a smooth transition is optional. The active color should be in the center of the room. Bright colors are best not to choose for the bedroom, as they negatively affect the psyche. You can choose pastel shades - gray, white, milky. Suitable green and brown shades, soothing consciousness.

If you want to make the room harmonious, it is important to consider how to correctly combine wallpaper in the bedroom. It is important to choose one of the appropriate techniques, and then the space will be comfortable.

Design Features

The rooms can be either small or large. They are also divided into sunny and darkened, with high ceilings and low. To correct the room, you need to choose a suitable design. How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom so that the room looks harmonious? They are used for:

  1. Masking defects. Combined materials are great for uneven walls. A harmonious combination of colors allows you to solve this problem. Pastel shades are slightly striking and visually smooth the surface. In the presence of defects, do not choose dark deep colors. The presence of a large number of small patterns eliminates bumps. Relief coatings fit harmoniously into the bedroom interior. Just do not choose a wallpaper with smooth oblong stripes or large squares, as they emphasize defects. If flaws are noticeable at the junction, they are corrected by borders or moldings. This allows you to make a smooth transition from one part to another.
  2. Zoning space. If competent design of a children's bedroom is required, then combined wallpapers will be the best option. They perfectly divide the space into zones. For example, on a berth of a girl there may be pink wallpaper. And opposite the boy’s bed, a light gray canvas is placed. These colors combine perfectly - then there will be no discomfort in the room. This will be the best choice if you want to combine wallpaper in a small bedroom.
  3. Correction of the size of the room. The visual perception of the room will change a little. If the room needs to be expanded, then it is necessary to highlight 1 wall with a bright ornament. The elongated space is increased by wallpaper in nude tones pasted on the sides. Dark coatings are placed on the end wall. To reduce the room, you should choose a wallpaper with a small pattern or a plain dark blue, brown or black coating. Extend the space by using horizontal combination.
  4. The emphasis. This method also allows you to combine wallpaper in the bedroom. Photos of the interiors demonstrate that you can make the room original with the help of a bright element on the wallpaper. He draws attention to objects that are with the wall. Wallpaper should be combined with the environment. This applies not only to colors, but also to style. Designers advise decorating the room so that the walls, furniture have common patterns or colors.

Combination Recommendations

How else can you combine wallpaper in the bedroom? The photo of the interior, presented below, shows that the combinations can be quite unusual.

how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom

To make the canvas look beautiful, you need to follow simple combination rules:

  1. It is important that the wallpaper is of the same type and does not differ in thickness. Otherwise, they will be difficult to dock.
  2. If sticking is done for the first time, do not experiment. Composition, including 3-4 shades without a suitable approach, will look elaborate.
  3. Before a full repair, you need to buy trial rolls to choose the right color and size. At home, you can determine whether the materials are suitable for your room. Lighting and interior are taken into account.
  4. Vivid colors should not be selected for spectral combination. For this technique, monochrome options are chosen.
  5. It is important to make the walls even.


When thinking about how to beautifully combine wallpaper in the bedroom, it should be borne in mind that a lot of materials are sold. Wallpaper are matte, glossy, velvety. If the coatings are of different materials, but of the same color scheme, then there will be an excellent interior decoration.

The following wallpapers are considered popular:

  1. By paper. This is a budget option that is difficult to work with. If water gets on paper, then it breaks. Defects may be visible on the wall. More suitable are multilayer duplex or triplex wallpapers. Their price is higher than the cost of single-layer. These coatings can hide small flaws.
  2. Vinyl. These wallpapers are made of paper or feseline basis. Due to the variety of techniques for applying vinyl, original models are obtained. For a bedroom it is better to choose silk-screen wallpapers or heavy vinyl coverings. The downside is heavy indoor air. Due to the waterproofness of the vinyl, the walls hardly breathe. But the problem is solved with regular ventilation or installation of ventilation.
  3. Non-woven. Wallpaper made of non-woven material. Vinyl or other decorative coating is applied to the base. The canvases are durable, flexible and comfortable. The technology is simple. A special glue is applied to the wallpaper, which does not corrode the surface. Vinyl wallpapers look great on uneven walls.
  4. Textile. They are made of fleselin base and natural fabrics: jute, linen, cotton, velor or silk. Woven fabrics are released in wide rolls, so you can paste the whole wall. In this case, you do not need to dock the edges.
  5. Photowall-paper. The photo is applied on paper, vinyl, non-woven backing. The base affects the quality of the result. There are workshops where you can order wallpaper. A wall with them will be an accent, and the rest will be neutral.


How can I combine wallpaper in the bedroom, taking into account the style? It is important that the materials fit the overall design of the room:

  1. The classics use combinations of simple and complex elements. Wallpaper can be monophonic, and in the center of the wall you can place the applique. The best choice would be horizontal combination, when there is a combination with moldings or frames around the perimeter. Geometric prints alternate with light accents.
  2. Hi-tech has minimal features. There is no bright palette and elaborate patterns, warm tones are also not worth choosing. But blotches of delicate elements in harmony with cold shades are suitable. The style uses a base of white, gray, blue, black colors. There may be discreet drawings.
  3. Provence and country use delicate pink, blue or brown shades. The difference is a small floral pattern or strip. The emphasis is on the bedside. A combination of wide and narrow stripes is possible. But the color of the wallpaper should be one. In these styles and apply a patchwork combination. The interior can be decorated in stone or wood, when non-woven or textile wallpaper is needed.
  4. Combined wallpaper in oriental style is rarely used, but still it is permissible. You can combine expensive materials from natural fibers. The style is different in that there are almost no pastel colors. The main and background wallpapers should have dark colors.

Best ideas

The article presents all the options for combining two types of wallpaper in a bedroom. This room needs coziness and comfort. Materials should provide an atmosphere of calm. To do this, choose a combination of pastel colors. For example, light gray wallpaper will be the background, and the emphasis is on the wall with a large floral print.

how beautifully combine wallpaper in the bedroom

In a small room by the bed, you can make a small niche, which stands out with a pattern or baseboard trim on the edges. The interior is original with bright accent walls. Wallpapers decorate not only the walls, but also the ceiling, which also looks great.

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