The miracle remedy "Kareprost". Feedback on its use

All women dream of being irresistible, and each of them madly wants her chosen one not to look away from her admiring eyes, and everyone else envied her. The most important thing in appearance is, of course, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and thick and long eyelashes give them an unusual charm .

kareprost review

The drug "Kareprost". Feedback on its advantages over other means

If you want to have such beauty, then in our time everything has become possible. If by nature magnificent eyelashes are not given - make them yourself! This is not a problem at this time. You can, for example, buy and glue artificial cilia. But this is not very convenient - at the most inopportune moment, they can come off and put their owner in an awkward position. And after prolonged use, their eyelids turn red, and their own eyelashes become brittle and unattractive. It is much more convenient to grow your eyelashes. And here the amazing tool for eyelashes “Kareprost” comes to the rescue. Reviews of many women who took advantage of it indicate that this drug really works. And everyone who used it was satisfied.

eyelash carereprost reviews

Means "Kareprost". Feedback on its use

This eye medicine, manufactured in India, can affect eyelash growth. It contains the active substance bimatoprost. This product is sold in the form of drops contained in 3 mm vials. Applying it for a month, you get dark thick and long eyelashes. Using this tool, you must strictly follow the recommendations. If you want to visually see and compare the result of its action, take a photo of your eyelashes every month of use. Before use, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of all unnecessary, after which drops "Kareprost" can be applied to the upper eyelid. Reviews of many women say that for the best result, the drug must be applied every evening. As a rule, one bottle is enough for a period of four to six months. If you wear lenses - they must be removed. Taking the applicator in your hand and holding it strictly horizontally so that the contents do not spill onto the floor, you need to squeeze one drop from the drug bottle and draw it on the skin at the very base of the upper eyelid, following from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. A similar procedure must be done over another century. Wipe off excess with a clean soft cloth. To avoid infection, you must use a separate applicator each time for each eyelid. Use the product only for the upper eyelids no more than once a day, the frequency of lubrication will not enhance the growth of eyelashes. The procedure requires special care. Used applicators should be discarded immediately.

kareprost reviews photos

Means "Kareprost". Reviews

The photo attached to the article will show you the result of its use. There are many positive reviews of those who regularly used this tool. The drug really helps to restore the density and length of the eyelashes. But, applying it, you must not forget that this is a drug, and not some harmless oil. It was created to treat a specific eye disease, and enhanced eyelash growth was its side effect. If the drug enters the eye, it can cause inflammation and other disorders. Some users noted that it sometimes causes itchy skin around the eyes, and after stopping the use of eyelash drops, growth stopped.

Means "Kareprost". Feedback on the appropriateness of its use

They say that beauty requires sacrifice, but before you gain it, you should evaluate the possible losses. What if your purchase is not worth it if your own health is at stake? Isn't it better to lubricate the cilia with burdock, castor or other oil and not put yourself at risk?

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