How to draw legs quickly and easily

The human body is beautiful and unique, and it is not surprising that many artists and sculptors seek to capture the treasured bends.

There are many ways to depict a human body on paper. And if with the face and torso everything is more or less clear, then the limbs cause certain difficulties when drawing them.

Draw legs: where to start?

Let's figure out how to draw a personโ€™s legs. It is very difficult for beginners to give a natural shape to these parts of the body. To do this, you will need to develop a special skill that comes with training.

Take a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. There are many ways showing how to draw legs, but the simplest is to represent the legs as geometric shapes, namely circles and ovals. These figures are somewhat reminiscent of the shape of the knees, hips and legs.

The upper part of the hips should be wider, so start drawing with it, and then slowly narrow it to the knees. Draw a knee, it should slightly protrude to the side.

Practical recommendations

The leg is not a straight stick, it has its own bends and bulges. Having drawn a patella, proceed to a shin. The calves should be the widest part of the calf. Next, gently narrow the lines and draw ankles and ankles. Beautiful ankles are thin ankles, remember that.

how to draw legs

Further, the content of the figure depends on whether you want to display shod legs or not. In addition, the initial position of the legs dictates its own characteristics. If you draw your feet the way they look in front, it will be appropriate to draw your toes pointing towards the viewer. Alternatively, deploy one or two feet at a time at an angle of 45 degrees.

Perhaps you want to make not just a light sketch, but a complete picture. In this case, special attention should be paid to the drawing of the muscles of the legs. It will be useful to first familiarize yourself with the Atlas of the structure of the human body to determine which muscles are located where.

The intensity of muscle drawing also depends on who owns these legs: man or woman - and how much their owner is inflated.

How to draw female legs

Be that as it may, female legs will be thinner and sleeker. It is convenient if you have a model, but if not, you need to take an image from your head or from some existing image. The figure below shows the difference between the image of female and male legs.

how to draw legs

If you are engaged in the image of a female body, you need to know how to draw a girl's legs in various positions: sitting, standing, in motion. Here we are guided by the old principle of using geometric shapes. Draw circles and ovals in the required position, gradually drawing the main muscles and bends.

When there is no need for a thorough drawing of each muscle, simply create shadows from the inside of the thigh and slightly on the side of the buttock. Shaded areas will create the necessary contrast, and the legs will appear more `` alive. ''

how to draw human legs

Now you know how to draw a personโ€™s legs. But remember that more realism requires constant practice. Do not be upset if the first drawing did not work. This is an occasion to be patient on the path to improving creative skills.

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