Cream for scars and facial scars: manufacturers reviews and doctor's advice

Scars and scars are perceived by many people as an aesthetic flaw, especially when it comes to facial skin. Unfortunately, traces remain from wounds, scratches, acne, abscesses, incisions after surgical operations, etc. In this case, doctors select a special cream for scars from patients that promotes the regeneration processes.

Of course, many people are looking for additional information. What properties should have such a tool? What cream for facial scars is considered the most effective? What results should you expect? Are there any restrictions on use? Answers to these questions will be helpful.

When do you need a cream for scars and scars? Range of applications

Scar Cream

Unfortunately, many skin lesions leave not too beautiful marks on their own. A good scar removal cream can handle a ton of problems. The list of readings is as follows:

  • keloid scars, which are scars that rise above the level of the skin and grow beyond the primary area of ​​damage (these marks usually appear on the skin after injuries, surgeries, chemical and thermal burns);
  • hypertrophic scars (such scars appear only at the site of primary damage and often decrease in size over time);
  • stretch marks, the appearance of which is associated with rapid weight loss and pregnancy (some athletes, in particular gymnasts, acrobats, also often encounter the appearance of striae on the skin);
  • atrophic scars, the feature of which is not overgrowth, but, on the contrary, a decrease in tissue volumes during skin restoration (as a rule, they form during the healing of acne rashes or boils).

Of course, scar cream is often used after the appearance of traces on the skin. Nevertheless, sometimes such remedies are prescribed to patients as prophylaxis - their regular use helps to avoid scar formation or, at least, to make it as inconspicuous as possible.

What properties should a tool have?

Cream for facial scars

A good cream for facial scars should have a number of properties.

  • The drug should retain moisture, prevent dehydration.
  • Such drugs should prevent the development of the inflammatory process or relieve existing inflammation.
  • Good creams accelerate tissue regeneration processes, provide quick skin repair.
  • Scar preparations also help restore tissue elasticity in the scar area.
  • Some products also help cleanse and lighten skin.

If you need to choose a similar medicine, then it is better to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can choose a really effective cream for scars and acne (or other problems). There are tools that are used to prevent purulent processes, accelerate skin regeneration processes. Such creams relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect.

Other drugs are used if scars have already begun to form. There are creams that are used to eliminate existing old scars. Only a doctor can choose the right remedy.

The effective components of such drugs

Today it is not a problem to choose an effective cream for scars. The reviews of specialists and people who have already managed to test such medicines on themselves, indicate that a really good tool contains the following components:

  • heparin - a substance that moisturizes and softens scars, making them more elastic, and also accelerate the restoration of skin tissues;
  • allantoin and panthenol are also present in many creams, as they relieve pain and irritation, promote skin regeneration, and prevent tissue hypertrophy;
  • collagen and elastin are components that provide tissues with firmness and elasticity, which, accordingly, reduces the likelihood of scarring (it is worth noting that these substances can not be used if keloid scars have already formed);
  • hyaluronic acid - a natural substance for the body that binds water molecules, thereby deeply moisturizing the tissues, making them more elastic;
  • urea provides resorption of scars, even if we are talking about old scars;
  • many preparations contain silicone, which protects the damage site, creating a kind of adhesive film, while letting air and moisture so much needed by the tissues pass;
  • onion extract and some other herbal ingredients provide skin care and prevent the formation of new marks on the skin.

Naturally, each drug has a unique composition. Scar cream should be selected, focusing on the features of the skin, the presence of certain problems (for example, you need to eliminate old scars or prevent the formation of new ones).

Means "Contractubex": instructions and description

Contractubex Scar Cream

In modern medical practice, the cream from scars "Contractubex" is widely used. This is a remedy from a German manufacturer that helps to cope with the following problems:

  • tears and cuts of the skin;
  • deep abrasions;
  • burn marks;
  • incisions after surgery;
  • scars after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures;
  • marks on the skin after previous chickenpox or acne.

The composition of this tool contains allantoin, onion extract and sodium heparin. It is available in the form of a gel that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. The drug has the following properties:

  • stimulates wound healing processes;
  • eliminates itching, burning and discomfort;
  • restores the natural pigmentation of skin tissues;
  • normalizes the processes of blood circulation and nutrition of the skin;
  • softens the tissue of an existing scar, making it more elastic;
  • saturates scar tissue with moisture;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • possesses anti-inflammatory properties;
  • interferes with the processes of formation of a voluminous keloid scar.

By the way, many patients and doctors believe that this is the best cream for scars. It has practically no contraindications - they are used to treat the skin even of young children and pregnant women. The medicine is ideal for facial skin.

Silicone gel "Kelo-Cat"

Acne Scar Cream

This drug is a kind of revolutionary tool, patented by an American company. This product is available in the form of a gel and spray. The composition contains two main components:

  • polysiloxane, it is also silicone - this substance creates a protective impermeable film on the skin surface that lasts for 24 hours and creates an occlusion effect, thereby enhancing the effect of the main active substance;
  • silicone dioxide, which helps get rid of burns, scars and scars of various origins.

The use of this gel helps to make scars softer, flatter, smoother and less noticeable. This preserves the elasticity of the skin surrounding the scar. The gel relieves discomfort, skin irritation and itching. A silicone film formed on the surface of the skin normalizes the processes of collagen synthesis, does not allow connective tissues to grow and form bulk keloid scars.

Many people prefer to use this particular scar cream. Testimonials from patients indicate that the drug really helps to prevent the development of scars. If you start treating the skin with gel in time, then there are practically no traces of wounds or cuts - the skin tissue is completely restored. The tool also helps smooth out old scars, make them less noticeable.

You can apply the product only on cleansed skin. The drug layer is updated once a day.

The medicine has practically no drawbacks with the exception of high cost. A tube containing 60 g of gel will cost about 7000-9000 rubles. Of course, not every patient can afford such a drug, but the results are worth such money.

The drug "Dermatics": how to use?

Cream for scars and scars

If you are looking for an effective cream for scars after surgery, then you should pay attention to the drug called "Dermatics". By the way, its composition and mechanism of action is similar to the previous drug. It also contains components that create a protective film on the surface of the skin, enhancing the effect of the gel.

By the way, the drug is also available in the form of a silicone dressing (patch), which must be fixed on previously cleaned and dry skin. The tool is kept for 12-13 hours. The duration of therapy, as a rule, is about 2-3 months - during this time the skin manages to fully recover.

Cream "Scar Aesthetic": instructions and features

Scar Healing Cream

Many people today are looking for a good and safe cream for scars and scars. Reviews about him are positive - the remedy really helps get rid of skin defects and even helps with stretch marks, making stretch marks less noticeable, tightening the skin.

“Scar Aesthetic” is a gel that is produced by the famous American brand “Scar Hill”. This tool is distinguished by its rich composition and many useful properties.

  • Silicone - creates a protective film on the skin surface, enhances the effect of other components.
  • Onion extract - has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits collagen synthesis in the tissues of the resulting scar.
  • Coenzyme is a substance that takes part in the processes of ATP synthesis and, accordingly, provides the cell with enough energy.
  • Palmitoyl is a substance that is often used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. This component moisturizes the skin, accelerates tissue repair.
  • Arnica - reduces swelling, eliminates bruises, improves blood circulation.
  • Bisabolol - essential oil of pharmacy chamomile, quickly relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Coconut oil nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, creates a protective film on its surface, which prevents the loss of moisture and neutralizes the negative impact of the external environment.
  • Algae extract soothes and cools the skin, relieves discomfort, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Pine bark extract - contains pycnogenol, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, protects the cell from free radicals, provides protection against degenerative processes and age-related changes. This substance also increases skin elasticity, relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Glucosamine - provides restoration of soft tissues, cartilage and tendons.
  • Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A. It also has protective properties, acts as an antioxidant. This substance has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, saturates it with moisture, and returns a natural shade.
  • Chitosan is a substance that provides deep hydration to the skin, due to which it is widely used in cosmetology.
  • Allantoin softens the skin, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Calendula extract soothes the skin, relieves inflammation, protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, and has anti-aging properties.
  • Grape seed extract also acts as an antioxidant, providing cell protection.
  • Vitamin A (in the form of retinol palmitate) - takes part in metabolic processes, positively affects the condition of the skin, promotes regeneration.
  • Ascorbic acid is also an effective antioxidant. Vitamin C is also involved in the synthesis of collagen and hormones, normalizes metabolism, and promotes the absorption of iron.
  • Shea butter enhances regenerative processes in skin tissues, acts as a moisturizer. This natural component also protects the skin from the effects of the external environment, softens the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic.
  • Squalene has anti-inflammatory properties, enhances tissue regeneration, accelerates the process of elimination of harmful substances, acts as an antioxidant.

Patients note that this scar healing cream is indeed suitable. The combination of synthetic ingredients, vegetable oils and extracts helps to achieve really good results.

The drug "Kelofibraza" to eliminate scars

Scar cream reviews

In modern medicine, to prevent the appearance of scars, Kelofibrase cream is widely used. This is a combined remedy, which contains several active ingredients at once.

  • The main component is urea. This substance provides a moisturizing effect. Also, the drug has a detrimental effect on fungal microorganisms, inhibits the process of reproduction of bacteria. Urea has keratolytic and absorbable properties.
  • Heparin sodium prevents the activation of proliferative processes, softens the collagen matrix under the surface layers of the skin, and saturates tissues with moisture. The substance also has anti-allergic properties. Heparin provides an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation to scar tissue.
  • The composition also contains camphor, which relieves pain and discomfort, eliminates inflammation in the structures of the scar. This substance irritates nerve fibers, which ensures the dilatation of capillaries and improves the nutrition of hypertrophic skin areas.
  • In addition, the cream also contains substances such as potassium sorbate, levomenthol, propylene glycol, stearyl and cetyl alcohol, glycerol dioleate, purified tocopherol, peanut butter, soda, lemon extract, and ascorbyl palmitate.

This medicine is effective both for eliminating old scars and for preventing new ones. Also, the cream is often used to combat stretch marks. The drug has practically no contraindications and extremely rarely leads to the appearance of allergic reactions.

How and when to apply Fermenkol cream?

Scar Removal Cream

If we are talking about the treatment and prevention of keloid scars, then the drug "Fermenkol" is considered effective, which is available in the form of a gel and a special solution for electrophoresis.

The composition of the drug contains a complex of enzymes that destroy collagen. These enzymes are obtained from the digestive tube of some marine animals. The skin gel also contains purified water, ammonium sulfate, methylisothiazolinone, cross-polymer acrylate, glycerin, methylchloroisothiazolinone.

The enzymes of this drug act on the skin, destroying pathological collagen, which, in fact, ensures the rapid growth of the keloid scar. The therapy in this case gives really impressive results. Skin itching disappears almost instantly, the growth of the scar gradually stops, its density and bulk density decrease. Also, the gel moisturizes the deeper layers of the skin, makes the scar tissue more elastic, removes excess pigmentation, which makes the mark on the skin almost invisible.

By the way, the drug is used not only for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars. They also treat skin defects that have appeared, for example, after the introduction of fillers or previously transferred acne.

As for contraindications, this remedy is not prescribed only in case of allergic sensitivity, decompensated form of hypertension, skin oncological diseases, as well as persistent neurological disorders (the active components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream and can affect different organ systems.

When you can not apply a cream from scars and scars on the face? List of contraindications and limitations

In fact, the modern pharmaceutical market offers customers a huge number of such products with different compositions and in different price categories. But is it always possible to use a cream for scars and scars? Of course, each drug has its own limitations (this information can be found in the instructions), but some common ones can be highlighted. The list of contraindications is as follows:

  • the presence in patients of hypersensitivity to individual components of a cream or ointment (it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the compositional characteristics before starting therapy)
  • such products are not intended for the treatment of mucous membranes and delicate skin around the eyes;
  • the presence on the tissues of the treated area of ​​inflammation, open wounds, scratches, unhealed abrasions, ulcerative necrotic lesions;
  • the presence of oncological formations in the area of ​​scar formation or in the immediate vicinity of it;
  • the presence on the treated skin areas of allergic rashes and purulent processes;
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