Every girl should know the signs of the onset of menstruation in order to accurately determine when the menstrual cycle once again begins in her life. It is worth noting that each of them is characterized by certain periods, in each of which there is a manifestation of certain typical symptoms. Each cycle begins with the formation of a follicle. This occurs on the first day of the onset of menstruation. Then, after about two weeks, the egg leaves the follicle, from which the so-called ovulatory phase begins. From this moment until the onset of menstruation, the luteal phase continues when the corpus luteum matures. During menstruation, it is separated, and then follicular maturation begins again.
The concept of menstruation
We will describe in detail about the signs of the onset of menstruation in this article, we will describe all the symptoms and sensations. Menstruation itself, or as it is also called “menstruation,” is regular bleeding in women that lasts from three to seven days. They occur, as a rule, once a month.
Signs of the onset of menstruation are observed in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This concept is used to describe the unpleasant and irritating symptoms that a woman experiences before starting menstruation.
Monthly pain
For most women, menstruation is a very painful condition when the fair sex is quite uncomfortable. Painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. This condition can continue for several days every month, in each menstrual cycle.
You can eliminate these pains with painkillers, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. If you are really tormented by this problem, you should consult your doctor.
Heavy menstruation
For some women, menstruation is plentiful. In particular, they suggest prolonged and heavy bleeding, a condition called hypomenorrhea. In most women, six to eight teaspoons of blood is released per menstruation, it is almost impossible to measure exactly. In cases where it is necessary to change the pad or tampon too often, as well as in the presence of large blood clots, it can be assumed that the woman suffers from heavy menstruation.
Such problems arise for various reasons, including the use of intrauterine contraceptives, hormonal imbalances, and fibroma. It should be noted that for many women the true cause of this condition remains unclear.
If a woman has heavy menstruation, it is not at all necessary that she will be painful. At the same time, painful and heavy menstruation interfere with the usual and comfortable lifestyle for several days every month. In this case, you should definitely consult your gynecologist, discuss with him the ways by which it is possible to reduce the number of secretions and reduce pain.
With regular heavy menstruation, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since anemia can be the cause of this condition. This is an iron deficiency that can lead to dizziness and weakness.
Depending on what exactly lies the cause of heavy bleeding, there are all kinds of treatment options. For example, against a hormonal imbalance, there are quite a lot of drugs that are prescribed to level the hormonal background. For other reasons, there are other alternative methods.
No bleeding
You should pay attention when a woman after a period of regular menstruation encounters their absence for a sufficiently long time.
In such a situation, first of all, pregnancy should be excluded. To do this, it will be sufficient to perform a pregnancy test at home.
The absence of menstruation for more than six months without apparent reason in medicine is called amenorrhea. There can be quite a lot of various reasons for this, including rapid loss or weight gain, stress or excessive exercise.
In the case of a decrease in interest in sex and hot flashes, these may be the first signs of menopause.
In any situation, it is necessary to consult your doctor in order to find out the true cause of this problem.
Signs of the onset of menstruation are observed during the period of premenstrual syndrome. This condition is also known as premenstrual tension. It includes many different symptoms that appear in the fair sex during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
In this article, we will describe in detail how to understand when your period will begin. There is a wide range of symptoms; three quarters of women experience at least one of them every month.
This depression, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, headaches, excitement, fatigue, bloating, aggression and irritability, increased appetite.
You should be prepared for what happens before your period. Most often, such conditions are characterized by severe discomfort. Before the onset of menstruation, the head hurts, other unpleasant symptoms occur.
Most often, they appear in women aged 20 to 40 years. It is worth noting that all women who have menstruation have a tendency to premenstrual syndrome. In most of them, these symptoms cause moderate or moderate discomfort, here's how to understand when your period begins. In some cases, PMS is particularly severe. Then there is reason to talk about premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Characteristic discharge
In addition to the classic symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, women often have characteristic discharge before menstruation. But what should be the allocation before menstruation, many do not know.
Due to the fact that throughout the entire menstrual cycle the hormonal background changes, vaginal discharge regularly changes its color, texture and volume.
For example, immediately before menstruation, the discharge becomes especially unusual due to the fact that the concentration of progesterone in the woman's body increases, and estrogens begin to be synthesized in much smaller quantities.
Now let's focus on what should be the allocation before menstruation in a standard situation. The vaginal leucorrhoea begins to acquire a creamy consistency. Their color becomes slightly cloudy or white, and in some cases it acquires a yellowish tint. It must be emphasized that all of the above options are considered the norm, should not cause any concern in girls.
The norm is considered when the vaginal discharge before menstruation does not have any smell at all. Also, their appearance should not be accompanied by burning or itching. The volume of these leucorrhoea is constantly increasing, most women note that the labia become moist.
In some cases, before the appearance of menstrual flow in women, bloody discharge occurs. However, their volume is so small that many simply do not pay any attention to them. It is considered normal if they appear one to two days before the menstruation itself.
If a woman takes oral contraceptives for a long period, then most likely she will not notice any change in the nature of the vaginal secretion. This will not be a gynecological disorder.
Menstrual cycle
The date of the onset of menstruation can be determined if you have a good idea of your menstrual cycle. Its duration is not the same. The most common is from 23 to 35 days.
The difference depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, this applies to the period before ovulation. There are several ways to calculate your menstrual cycle. It is a mistake to assume that it is calculated on the basis of the number of days between periods. In reality, this is not so. At least three months should accurately indicate the number of critical days in the calendar. Only in this case will it be possible to calculate the cycle time.
The oldest and most effective is the calendar method. His goal is to establish the exact date when the next menstruation begins. To do this, the calendar should mark the beginning of menstruation, it will coincide with the first day of the menstrual cycle. Doctors themselves consider the beginning of menstruation to be the appearance of profuse bloody discharge, not brownish.
After that, for several months, clearly record the beginning of the cycle. You can calculate the exact start date for the next menstruation in three to six months.
Uncharacteristic symptoms
In addition to the classic symptoms that appear in most women, for some, premenstrual syndrome is characterized by rather atypical manifestations.
For example, many are wondering if there can be a temperature increase before menstruation? This really happens with some women. As a rule, the temperature rises slightly, but this can affect the general well-being.
This is due to the fact that progesterone acts on the temperature regulation center located in the brain. It is this relationship that leads to a seemingly unreasonable increase in temperature. Some may not notice it at all, but for women with hypersensitivity, this can be of great importance.
An increase in body temperature usually begins about a week before menstruation. It ranges from 37 to 37.2 degrees. When menstruation begins, progesterone production decreases, the temperature again becomes stable.
Also, many cannot understand why zhor attacks before menstruation. The reason for this is a rather sharp hormonal surge. Elevated progesterone is again to blame, as well as adrenaline, which begins to be intensively produced. This leads to the appearance of additional gastric juice, which affects the increase in appetite.
In women, first of all, the craving for flour and sweets increases. Worry should be those who carefully monitor their figure or seek to lose weight, is on a diet. This is also fraught with endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitus. Symptoms in this case disappear on their own with the advent of a new menstrual cycle.
The condition of a woman in the premenstrual period is also characterized by increased sensitivity. For example, women often have sore nipples before menstruation.
In official medicine, this condition is called mastodynia. This is due to swelling of the breast, as well as an increase in its sensitivity. The reason again is the production of large amounts of progesterone.
These pain sensations cause a lot of inconvenience, but are not considered any pathological condition, but a physiological norm. A woman has to endure pain in her nipples until her period ends. Only then will it disappear. Many girls begin to complain of nipple pain about a week before menstruation.
Another uncharacteristic, but often found symptom, is an inflated stomach before menstruation. Bloating not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also becomes a source of severe pain.
The abdomen increases before menstruation at once for several reasons. Due to the increased production of progesterone, smooth muscle relaxes greatly. The girl’s uterus becomes swollen and soft. In addition, under the influence of hormones, the fluid begins to linger in the body. In this case, internal edema may appear, increase in the volume of the limb. An increase in the abdomen is also characteristic of this condition. A woman can physically feel her stomach swelling. At the end of menstruation, it takes its former size.
When the stomach is inflated in the middle of the menstrual cycle and is accompanied by pain, this may indicate a rupture of the follicle. Moreover, this pain syndrome and such bloating are also not considered pathological conditions.
Bloating may be associated with uterine fibroids. In this case, the patient needs a medical consultation to exclude possible oncological diseases.
When the lower back bothers
If your lower back hurts before your period, this is an occasion to visit your gynecologist. The doctor may prescribe sedatives, but the main thing is to eliminate the likelihood of an infectious disease. In this case, you will have to undergo a course of drug therapy.
Often, lower back pain indicates the onset of menstruation. These pains may be intermittent or alternate with discomfort in the chest or abdomen.