Why eyebrows fall out: reasons

When eyebrows fall out, the reasons for this must be determined as quickly as possible. Indeed, not only does your attractiveness depend on them, eyebrow loss can become a symptom of some disease or signal that not everything is in order with your body.

Eyebrow Functions

cause eyebrows fall out

It’s especially worth worrying when your eyebrows drop out in adulthood. The reasons for this should be clarified because they perform several important functions for the body.

Firstly, they give expressiveness to the eyes. How you will be perceived by others depends on eyebrows. After all, no matter what they say, the proverb "greeted by clothes" has not been canceled. And your appearance and expressiveness of the face are no less important than what you are wearing.

Secondly, they protect the eyes from dust and water. In general, you should not initially be afraid that eyebrows fall out. Reasons can be the most harmless. After all, in fact, this is hair. And they constantly need an update. Therefore, from time to time, some hairs fall out, and in their place others appear. This is a natural process that cannot be prevented, and there is nothing to worry about.

But sometimes eyebrows fall out for completely different reasons. It is worth worrying if this happens too often and intensively. This scares every person, so you need to know why it happens, how to deal with it and what it can threaten.

Causes of Eyebrow Loss

eyebrows fall out cause in women

If your eyebrows and eyelashes drop out at frequent intervals, the reasons for this need to be determined as quickly as possible. The first thing you need to pay attention to your health. The fact is that intense hair loss (of any kind) indicates obvious violations in the body.

There are some of the most common reasons eyebrows start to fall out. These are dermatological diseases, an allergic reaction to drugs, the consequences of surgery, taking unwanted drugs, hormonal disorders, and infectious diseases.

But the most common cause is a thyroid problem. Due to violations in the work of this body, hormonal balance is disturbed, corresponding changes occur that immediately affect the appearance of a person.

Thyroid disease

why do eyebrows fall out in women

When the hair falls on the eyebrows, the causes can be in several diseases associated with the thyroid gland. For example, in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

It is possible to determine that the eyebrows fall out precisely due to thyroid diseases by the frequency with which the hair falls out. For example, from old age, eyebrows thin evenly along the entire length, and in case of problems with hormones, thinning occurs selectively and unevenly, only in certain areas. Most often near the temples. A clear sign is also hair loss in other parts of the body. If you notice this, consult a doctor immediately and pass all necessary tests. Perhaps an endocrinologist will prescribe a course of treatment.

Metabolic problems

eyebrows and eyelashes fall out

When eyebrows fall out, the reason for women may be that they too strictly followed diet for weight loss. Due to excess weight, many sharply limit themselves in nutrition, as a result, the body begins to experience an acute shortage of minerals and vitamins. As a result, hypovitaminosis develops.

This is completely unsafe, as it might seem at first glance. The absence of the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins in the body leads not only to hair loss, but also to more serious diseases.

Solving this problem is not so simple. One intake of a complex of vitamins is usually not enough. You need to eat right, providing yourself with nutrients every day. Without exception. It must be remembered that when taking drugs, the vitamins that they contain are absorbed by less than half. And with food, all vitamins get into your body without loss.

Skin diseases

eyebrow hair causes

Dermatological problems are another reason why women have eyebrows. The causes often lie in fungal infections, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.

If a fungus develops in the body, then the skin near the eyebrows becomes dry and flakes strongly. Parasites can penetrate deep into the epidermis, affecting the hair follicles and even destroying them. Because of this, eyebrows can fall out.

It is possible to cure such a disease only in a comprehensive manner, having undergone a course of treatment with the appropriate drugs. But what, only a doctor can determine.


We will analyze in more detail such an ailment as eczema. With him, eyebrows also often fall out. What to do? The reasons for the development of this disease will tell you the doctor. Everyone should know that eczema can occur and develop completely unexpectedly. It is easy to recognize it by the strong irritation of the skin, the appearance of vesicles on them, which are filled with serous fluid. Periodically, they burst, merge with each other, forming weeping wounds. If eczema develops in the area of ​​the eyebrows, then this is likely to lead to hair loss.

Eczema is very difficult to treat. To combat it, you must regularly take a large number of drugs, strictly follow a therapeutic diet. It is extremely undesirable to be treated with folk remedies. They can cause an effect at first (the wounds will quickly begin to heal), but they will not be able to completely get rid of the disease.

eyebrows fall out what to do reasons


Dermatitis is one of the most common diseases that can lead to eyebrow loss. This is usually a type of allergic reaction. Dermatitis is similar to eczema, only the vesicles, bursting, do not merge with each other, but still form weeping wounds.

Dermatitis is treated with antihistamines and hormones. And not only externally, but also orally. Dermatitis is very difficult to completely cure, relapses are often possible. Therefore, here you can not do without a hypoallergenic diet, which can minimize the effect of allergens on the body.

A disease such as psoriasis is also common. With him, eyebrows can begin to fall out and peel off, and a characteristic crust forms around. It is it that prevents the penetration of oxygen into cells. Modern medicine has still not been able to defeat psoriasis. Pharmaceutical companies have developed only various drugs that allow you to maintain a more or less normal condition of the skin, as well as prevent inevitable relapses. But they should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor.

Thus, we can conclude that eyebrows can fall out for various reasons. To prevent this problem, you need to eliminate the negative factor that triggered the loss of eyebrows. Only a qualified doctor will cope with this task. Otherwise, it will not be possible to restore the eyebrows in their original form.

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