Saint Sebastian in the masterpieces of world painting

There are stories in the history of art that have inspired artists for centuries. Saint Sebastian, a legend about which arose in the early Middle Ages, is depicted on the canvases and frescoes of thousands of masters from different countries. What are these paintings about? What is the appeal of this image?

Warrior and martyr

Events, which are narrated by the legend of St. Sebastian, took place at the end of the third century, in the era of severe persecution of Christians. The honest and courageous Sebastian was the cohort commander in the personal guard of the emperors Diocletian and Maximilian. Being a secret supporter of the teachings of Christ, he converted his soldiers to the new religion, supported in the faith those who were persecuted by the Gentiles.

When his convictions were revealed, Diocletian ordered the archers to shoot Sebastian. He was tied to a tree trunk and arrows were fired at him. Finding him dead, the soldiers left the prisoner in the woods. Saint Sebastian was found who had come to bury him alive, and his friend’s mother, Saint Irina, went out. Sebastian did not want to secretly leave Rome and boldly opposed Diocletian, throwing accusations of cruelty into his face. By order of the emperor, the martyr was beaten to death and thrown into the river with sewage. His dead body was removed from there by Saint Lucia, whom Sebastian appeared in a dream. She buried the body near the Appian Way and the Cathedral of St. Sebastian subsequently appeared at the burial place.

During the years of severe plague epidemics that hit Europe in the Middle Ages, there was a belief that the disease was transmitted by air. The flying arrows that struck the saint became a symbol of a cruel disease, and Sebastian was the personification of protection from inexorable calamity. In the seventh century, a case became known when, by a sign from above, one townsman built a chapel in the plagued area dedicated to Sebastian, and the pestilence ceased. Since then, the cult of the saint has become widespread. Churches with images of the martyr appeared throughout Europe.

Huge iconography

It is estimated that about 6,000 images of St. Sebastian were created. Each artist reflects his vision of the image, using the artistic means of his time.

Saint Sebastian

One of the canonical images belongs to the brush of the early Renaissance master Antonello da Messina (c. 1429 / 1431-1479). In his picture we see a young man tied to a pillar and struck by arrows, against the background of the perspective of a beautiful city house with high arches, above which a bottomless blue sky. Citizens in rich clothes calmly go about their business. The figure of the hero is like an antique statue, his face expresses rejection of everything earthly, he does not notice either pain from wounds, or the beauty of the landscape. Conviction in true faith and striving for God gives a person beauty and spiritual purity - this is the essence of the picture.

The beauty of true faith is shown on many other canvases, the hero of which was St. Sebastian. They were written by such masters of the Renaissance as Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), Rafael Santi (1483-1520), Pietro Perugino (1446-1523), Giovanni Boltraffio (1466-1516).

Titian Vecellio (1488/1490 - 1576)

Titan of the Renaissance Titian depicted a completely different hero in his picture. Saint Sebastian is a mighty warrior, with confident calmness opposing evil. The drama of the impending demise emphasizes the dark coloring inherent in the environment. But the picturesque system is not gloomy, it is rich in many shades of fire, smoke, flaming sunset sky.

Titian. Saint Sebastian

Titian is a true artist of the Renaissance. His attitude to the harmony of the human body originates from ancient traditions, revived by the masters of that era. And the courage and freedom of painting means open the way for painters of the next generations.

Old story, new painting

In the seventeenth century, a different painting style was born. Baroque masters continue the traditions that were laid by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian. Saint Sebastian is also portrayed as a handsome young man, an ancient hero. But now the composition, form and pictorial palette are much more complicated. The faces in the pictures are the faces of people from life. They feel and act not as heroes of myths and legends, they are taken by the artist from his environment, from reality.

The genius who led the others was Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio (1573 - 1610). His paintings on biblical subjects have not been recognized by the official church for a long time. His rampage and indomitation deprived him of a long creative life. But he left behind a whole trend in painting - caravagism.

Saint Sebastian picture

His painting “The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian” is known only in copies, but paintings by followers of the artist with a similar plot convey the features of Caravaggio’s pictorial manner. "St. Sebastian" Josepe de Ribera (1591-1652) - a masterpiece of a new painting for that time. The characteristic dark background combines the figures illuminated by dense lateral light into a complex balanced composition. The splendidly painted body of the stricken martyr, the face of Saint Irina, the soaring angel immediately attract attention. It is the one who paints, gives depth, and lights colors on a dark background that is characteristic of Karavagists.

Caravaggio Saint Sebastian

Sometimes only one light source is used, as in the picture of Georges de Latour (1593-1652) "St. Sebastian and St. Irina." The flame of a candle snatches from the darkness the inexpressibly beautiful female face of Irina, the figures of a lying youth and crying women. Such lighting emphasizes the subtle play of color nuances and gives the whole scene special significance.

The plot for all time

Artists are always interested in strong feelings that are born on the verge of life and death, in the struggle between good and evil. The symbol of this struggle was St. Sebastian. Many great masters of painting have a picture with such a plot. El Greco (1541-1614), Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863), Camille Corot (1796-1875), Salvador Dali (1904-1989) depicted scenes from the life of St. Sebastian in different ways.

El Greco Saint Sebastian

Common in them is high art, born of an inspiring plot and genius of the artist.

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