Signs are an integral part of our life. People, relying on popular beliefs, determine their course of life. Many fables are connected with February 29th. Young girls are interested in whether it is possible to get married in a leap year. The material tells about the roots of this superstition.
Cassian's negative image
Every fourth year in our calendar is one day longer and is not 365, but 366 days. Catholics on this date honor the memory of Oswald of Worcester. The Orthodox faith celebrates the name day of the holy Roman John Cassian. This was a real person who lived in the second half of 300 years. The man is known as a good monk and theologian. History testifies that he was a kind and humble Christian who dedicated his life to the Lord. But in folk tales he has an ambiguous role.
According to legend, this saint was distinguished from others by bad temper and disobedience. It is believed that in childhood he was abducted by demons and raised in a lie. In many paintings, the Christian is portrayed with demonic, evil features. Many people believe that this character brings destruction and misfortune to the earth. That is why people believe that you can’t get married in a leap year, start new business and move to another house.
Folk myths
One legend says that an angel sinned before God. But the merciful Creator did not strictly punish the saint.
According to one version? The Creator placed a naughty subject on the man who hit him on the forehead for three years in a row. On the fourth, leap, the sinner rested. Another belief says: once Nikola-sorcerer and Cassian met a man who was stuck in a swamp. The first angel undertook to help the poor. But his friend did not want to get his hands dirty. God, learning about this, punished the evil saint. Since then, the people celebrate its name day every 4 years. Because of Cassian’s dislike for people, many people think about whether to marry in a leap year, look for a new job and lay a house.
Another belief says that this saint conscientiously guards the gates of hell. And only once every four years receives a day off. When the guard relaxes, the apostles guard the entrance.
Another world
Unlike the Slavs, Europe acquired other traditions. One of the popular signs prohibits not only this day, but throughout the year to sign important documents and make serious decisions. In Western countries, such a theory had an absolutely logical explanation. The fact is that until the 18th century, February 29 did not have a legal status. This day did not actually exist on paper, so the final transactions were illegal. To avoid trouble in the future, people tried to avoid paperwork.
If on our open spaces people are thinking about whether it is possible to marry in a leap year, then in Ireland the attitude to the situation is completely different. For a long time in this country, women had the right on February 29 to offer a hand and heart to a man. The guy did not dare to refuse. Everyone who did not agree to the proposal had to pay a fine in the form of a kiss or purchase of an expensive thing for a disappointed bride. In other parts of the world, the angry bridegroom gave the offended young lady 12 pairs of silk gloves, dresses or money.
Strong figure
The history of such a tradition is very deep. According to legend, St. Bridget agreed with St. Patrick that once every four years a girl has the right herself to call a man to marry. The fancier of the custom was not satisfied with the fact that the woman had to wait for the first step from the gentleman. Even today in Scotland and Ireland, where this tradition is prevalent, people do not think about whether to marry in a leap year.
But the young lady who was planning the wedding had to wear a red skirt the day before to warn her potential spouse.
The woman initiating the agreement is a real historical character. Bridget was distinguished by strength and independence. She defended the rights of the beautiful half of humanity and actively participated in the political, religious life of the country.
The other side of the coin
This tradition became the basis for the wonderful Hollywood melodrama How to Get Married in 3 Days. The main character of the film goes to Dublin to offer her boyfriend’s hand and heart. But in fairytale Ireland, she meets a man who actually conquers her soul.
In Europe, many couples decide to marry in a leap year. Statistics show that 95% of such original proposals end in agreement.
In contrast to our region, where February 29 is considered the day of misfortune, other countries believe that a person who was born on this day will have great luck.
Therefore, it all depends on the worldview and mentality of the people. A person who believes that all days can be divided into good and bad will depend on the calendar. In the case when a person pays less attention to superstition and signs, her existence will be filled with joy and happiness. Many Slavs should take an example from Europeans, for whom February 29 is another reason to have fun.
Year of the Widow
There are many new, unkind signs. For example, you should not lay a new house, since all its residents will be seriously ill. Do not move to another apartment, because there the owners will fail. Older people are not recommended to buy clothes in which they should be put in a coffin. They say that such persons, after procurement, do not live long. Pregnant women should not have their hair trimmed, as the baby may be born sick.
They are wary of those who plan to get married in a leap year. Signs say that a curse falls on a person who decides to take such a step. The family will break up, the newlyweds will cheat on each other. One of the partners may die young, and his half will remain forever a widow.
But none of these gossip has scientific evidence.
Opinion of the church
But few people know that in our territory once there was a good tradition for a leap year. For belief in such a period, the girl herself could choose a young man who would woo her. But people forgot about this custom.
The church believes that there is no mysticism on this date. You can get married any day if the Sacrament does not contradict the church canons. People themselves come up with prejudices, and if a couple thinks about whether it is possible to marry in a leap year and postpones the wedding, most likely their decision is not yet final. Lovers need time to think. During this period, they will get a chance to check the sincerity of their feelings and intentions.
The negative coloring of the last day of winter, when
unclean power creeps out onto the earth
, originates even from the Gentiles. In turn, February 29 for Orthodoxy is an opportunity to honor the Monk John Cassian of Rome, a good Christian.