Moles on the hand

You can not find a person who would not have moles on his body. Everyone has them, and they are located on the face, limbs, back ... Hands are also a favorite place for the formation of these spots. The fact that we can often examine our hands gives rise to a logical interest - we want to know the meaning of moles on the hand. Sometimes, revealing these secrets, a person begins to develop in himself those features that are indicated by one or another arrangement of such โ€œsigns of fateโ€. Such symbols on hands occupy a rather significant place in the science of the study of moles - moleosophy. The fact is that any speck, from the point of view of palmistry, speaks of any particularity of a person, his fate, destiny.

Consider the values โ€‹โ€‹of moles on the arm in the most common places. Do you have a dark spot on the inside of your left wrist? So you are vulnerable and sentimental. And if in this place not even one, but a few spots - you are extremely sensitive to the slightest manifestation of rudeness or inattention. But moles on the right wrist speak of a womanโ€™s ability to use her apparent defenselessness. She presents herself in such a way that makes a man in everything to please her, protect and protect. In general, they say that the values โ€‹โ€‹of moles on the hand are mostly favorable - those girls who have a lot of them on their hands are usually happy in marriage. Men should look at the forearms of their chosen one. If on their outside there is such a speck, then the chosen one of its owner is very lucky. The fact is that such a woman can give a man maximum comfort - her hands seem to possess magical powers. If a man really loves such a woman, then happiness in their marriage will be necessary.

The values โ€‹โ€‹of moles on a manโ€™s hand are also more often characterized by good energy. Such a person does not have to have a strong body, pumped up muscles - he is already capable of achieving his own, subjugating people to himself. These hands can adapt to almost any kind of activity, they can work for a long time, not getting tired and not dropping even in difficult times. Well, if your chosen one has 2 moles in the forearm, you should know that such a person is able to love, appreciate, respect a woman, listen to her for the rest of her life. Two signs on the manโ€™s right hand are a sign of fidelity.

A mole on the back of the right hand is not a good sign for righties. However, the size and shape of this speck should be taken into account. If this is a small cute speck, then it does not carry any negative information. If it makes a not very pleasant impression, then you should turn to the palmist for an interpretation: he will be able to explain in detail the meanings of the moles on his hand, depending on their location and shape. The same applies to the symbols on the left hand of the left-hander. Basically, these moles indicate obstacles in achieving the goal.

Separately, it is worth mentioning what moles on the palms mean . In this place, they can appear quite unexpectedly, and just as suddenly disappear. The appearance of a mole in the palm of your hand indicates an upcoming event, which is very important for a person. It also happens that this symbol, appearing, informs its owner that he was able to change his fate. If we turn to history, we can see that the life of people marked by a mole in the palm of their hand was bright and unusual.

Located on the right palm, it can mean hereditary diseases, complex character traits that entail certain problems - a kind of karma.

A mole in the left palm of the right-handed person indicates hereditary problems. If the line of life passes through it, perhaps this is a warning about the danger for which there is time to prepare. A large mole in this place can indicate a difficult period in life.

An interesting interpretation of a mole in the left palm is that its owner will meet late, but happy love.

The location of the speck at the intersection of the lines of the heart, life and mind indicates that a very serious event is expected, which needs to be prepared. Holders of a mole on the hill of Mars must constantly control themselves, because they may have mental problems.

Moles on the mound of Venus speak of difficulties in love.

Let us recall once again - special attention, deciphering the meanings of moles on the arm, you need to give them shape. Often, beautiful dark spots speak of luck, and repulsive ones speak of problems.

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