Polyp in the vagina: symptoms, treatment, removal

Currently, an increasing number of women are turning to a gynecologist with such a pathology as polyps in the vagina. Photos of such growths do not cause positive emotions in any of the women. What is this disease? A polyp is a neoplasm, which in 99 cases out of 100 has a benign basis. It can form both on the vaginal mucosa and inside the uterus. A polyp has the ability to grow inside the body or cervix. Its sizes can be very different. Due to the small legs, it looks like cauliflower.

Polyps in the vagina. Symptoms and causes of education

Despite the fact that all the causes of the appearance have not yet been fully studied, today one can still single out several of the most common.

A number of studies have shown that one of the main reasons for their appearance is various inflammatory processes.

The papilloma virus infects the mucous membranes of the vagina. It promotes the formation of a polyp. The papilloma virus is thought to be highly contagious. It can be transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also from mother to child.

vaginal polyp

A polyp in the vagina can also appear in women after the birth of a child. Indeed, in the process of procreation, damage to the vaginal mucosa occurs. Such damage can also be a consequence of sexual intercourse.

The cause of the formation can be a disease of the endocrine system or hormonal failure (it can provoke childbirth, abortion or gynecological surgery).

The polyp in the vagina most often has a reddish color. But with a violation of blood circulation or with constant friction, it can change to a purple or blue-burgundy hue.

In rare cases, the formation of several growths can be observed at once. This phenomenon is called polyposis.

vaginal polyps symptoms

The formation of a tumor of this type for a long time is not accompanied by any symptoms. It begins to worry only during the growth period, with damage or when the legs are twisted. In this case, a woman may notice:

- pink discharge, which becomes more abundant after intercourse;

- bleeding or bleeding;

- bouts of sharp pain in the inguinal region, intensifying after intimacy. A woman can also experience unpleasant sensations during intercourse, as well as when examined by a gynecologist;

vaginal polyp removal

- violation of the monthly cycle and the growth of its duration;

- the inability to conceive a child. Most women often consult a doctor with this problem. On examination, it turns out that it is the polyps that are the reason why the reproductive function is impaired. Also, such a formation makes it difficult for sperm to enter the egg.

Vaginal polyps. Treatment and diagnosis

Due to the fact that this neoplasm may not manifest itself for a long time, its detection mainly occurs at a routine examination by a gynecologist. Not to notice this growth is simply impossible. An ultrasound or colposcopy is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. And also a histological examination is mandatory . After all, although small, but the likelihood that the formation of malignancy, there is still.

polyps in the vagina photo

It is simply impossible to remove the papilloma virus from a woman’s body. Therefore, the treatment is surgery. During it, education itself will be cut out.


Removal of the vaginal polyp is possible in various ways. But regardless of how the operation will be performed, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia.


  1. Surgical. The polyp is cut out of the vaginal tissues using a scalpel. This method is considered the most common. After all, after removal, the polyp remains intact, and you can analyze and find out whether this neoplasm is benign or malignant. After surgery, stitches are placed on the damaged area of ​​the vagina.
  2. Loosening the polyp followed by coagulation. This method allows to reduce the likelihood of relapse to a minimum.
  3. Vacuum removal. It is used only with a small tumor size. With this method, the vaginal mucosa is practically not injured.
  4. Laser and freeze. Removal of the polyp in this way is possible, but provided that histological examination has been done before. Since after this procedure, the polyp is completely destroyed.

Pregnancy and education

If a polyp in the vagina is found in a pregnant woman, it will be removed only after childbirth. Before that, you should not touch it. After all, he does not pose any danger to the fetus. But after the polyp has been removed, those wishing to become pregnant should hurry. After all, there is a high probability that a relapse is possible in a year.

Regardless of which method was used to remove the polyp, after this procedure, discomfort will be felt, and the appearance of blood secretions is also possible. However, the recovery process does not last long. Soon, a woman may return to her usual way of life.

Treatment of a polyp in the vagina with alternative methods

For those who are afraid or unwilling to remove education, there are alternative methods of treatment. But before you apply them in practice, you should think about the consequences of self-medication can be unpredictable and this neoplasm can go malign.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • raw pumpkin seeds, ground on a coffee grinder, - 6 tablespoons;
  • boiled chicken yolks - 7 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 liters.

All components must be mixed and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, not bringing to a boil. After this, within ten days you need to eat 1 teaspoon, after five days the procedure can be repeated. The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator throughout the course.

vaginal polyps treatment

The second remedy is garlic swabs. Grated garlic is placed in gauze and in the form of a tampon is inserted into the vagina overnight for ten days. This procedure should be carried out in three courses with breaks of seven days.


Many women know firsthand about the polyp in the vagina. In our article, we described in detail what constitutes a given entity and how it arises. Also considered treatment methods. Timely detection of education reduces the risk of relapse and the likelihood of developing cancer.

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