Which planet is the patron saint of Scorpio?

Scorpions are a sign with incredible willpower. The main patron planet of Scorpio is Pluto. It determines the subtlety and depth of Scorpio's ability to change fate. This article will tell you about the characteristics of this zodiac sign, as well as about which patron planet Scorpio has.

Scorpio Watermark

Planet name

From ancient Roman and myths it is known that Pluto was called the lord of the underworld, who was the son of Saturn.

A similar hero in ancient Greek mythology was the ruthless and treacherous god Hades. This celestial object got its name almost by accident because of a letter from one girl that she sent to the observatory. However, the most amazing thing is that this name turned out to be very successful, and the planet actually corresponds to its name.

This is a rather gloomy planet, which is very difficult not only to study, but also to understand. In addition, it carries a lot of everything mystical and unknown.

Astronomical characteristics of Pluto

Pluto (in English Pluto) is the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system. It is the tenth largest (not including satellites) celestial body orbiting the sun - after eight planets of the solar system. Initially, Pluto was reckoned among the traditional planets, but at the moment this celestial body is considered a dwarf planet.

Planet pluto

Pluto in Astrology

Pluto is the main patron planet of the Scorpions. In modern astrological science, it is the personification of death and further rebirth. Its main influence is the destruction, change and, of course, the renewal of the energy flow. The discovery of this celestial object happened relatively recently, in 1930.

Based on this, astrologers do not yet have a sufficient amount of information about how specifically Pluto is able to influence a person. Pluto directs absolutely everything that is hidden in the depths of the human subconscious. Thanks to it, hidden negative energy can come out. Pluto leads the shifts of historical eras and has a strong influence on various social processes.

Pluto directs volcanoes, and also activates earthquakes; under its influence, murders and many negative events occur. Pluto is fully responsible for the embodiment of all those forces that are hidden from the outside world. This planet also affects the human instincts and the human sexual and erotic life.

Scorpio - planet patron Pluto

Pluto's Influence on Scorpions

Under the influence of Pluto, Scorpios become surprisingly stronger. A person born under this sign is able to calmly endure temporary troubles and persistently moves forward towards his cherished goal, not paying attention to any obstacles. The temperament of a person who is influenced by this celestial object is quite complex. Such a person constantly seeks to control and dominate.

If the influence of this planet in the horoscope of Scorpio is rather weak, then such people are able to create chaos and destroy everything, without having specific goals and plans. With the negative influence of Pluto on this water sign of the zodiac, a person becomes a real aggressor, he can at any moment hurt close ones and even commit acts condemned by society.

This applies to both male and female. Thus, Pluto has a direct relationship not only with the negative manifestations of human nature, but also with the best. The governing planet-patron of the zodiac sign Scorpio gives him such a negative character trait as revenge.

Scorpio-water element

Characteristics of Scorpions

Scorpios are very insightful in nature. They are also born financial analysts who can manage money. Scorpion psychologists often have to advise on the most difficult issues and problems of their clients, but at the same time they always help a person solve their problems, from which they suffer.

Strong Pluto does helps this zodiac sign and makes people of this sign more successful. The basic principle of Pluto is the elimination of something personal for the common good, the realization of the true truth. Pluto in a weak phase can make a person a destroyer, gives the desire to turn everything into chaos and destroy the traditional order. The impact of Pluto is associated with diseases that can develop imperceptibly. Scorpios are considered the most sexually active zodiac sign among all.

The second patron planet of Scorpio is Mars. He gives this sign of the zodiac energy and strength, but only in situations where they definitely need to make an important decision and begin to realize their plans. This zodiac sign has two features: it can exclusively respond to something, but it will never start to attack the first and has a special type of sexual energy. Pluto, Mars, and to some extent Uranus are the patron planets of Scorpio by date of birth.

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