Many girls dream of porcelain doll skin. For the sake of a light tone, perfectly matte surface, the absence of age spots and freckles, they are ready for anything, even if you have to sacrifice time, patience and earned money. In this article we will talk about the safest and cheapest methods that will tell you how to lighten your skin.
It is important to understand that you cannot turn from a burning mulatto into a princess with a deathly pale skin tone, because any means lighten it with just a few tones. Remember the story of world famous singer Michael Jackson, who, using expensive and lengthy procedures, tried to get white skin. Of course, the sources speak of different versions: the artist allegedly had Vitiligo (a skin disease that destroys melanin, which is responsible for pigment), that he agreed to a skin transplant, etc. The bottom line is that it is very, very difficult to achieve the desired effect.
Cucumber mask
It is not surprising that this vegetable, consisting of 90% water, can help those who do not know how to lighten the skin. It is logical that you need to use only fresh cucumbers, and not pickled or canned. And even better, if you buy this vegetable not in a chain supermarket, but from summer residents.
So how to lighten the skin with cucumbers? Take one small vegetable, rinse under running water, remove the thorns. Grate the cucumber, add a spoonful of homemade sour cream or regular moisturizer. Apply to face, and after 15 minutes rinse with warm water. Do not add cream or sour cream if you have oily skin. Just use cucumber puree. Make a cucumber mask twice a week and your fair skin will say "Thank you!"
Honey and oatmeal peeling
It sounds very appetizing, and even such a tool will tell you how to lighten the skin at home. This peeling can not only change the tone, but also start the process of cell regeneration, relieve inflammation, reduce the formation of acne and acne.
How to do:
- Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, mix with 2 tablespoons of warm flower honey. To have a peeling effect, you can pour 1 teaspoon of crushed sea salt into the mixture. With massaging movements, apply the mixture on the face, and then leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, treat with tonic and lubricate with moisturizer, oil. Visible effect can be obtained after the first two procedures.
Lemon mask
"Grandmother" recipes are advised to use lemon juice to lighten. However, due to its astringent properties, the fruit can greatly dry the skin, cause an allergic reaction (redness, itching, peeling). But such a tool is ideal for people whose cover is prone to greasy.
How to lighten the skin at home using lemon:
- Take a half of juicy fruit and a deep bowl.
- Squeeze the juice, remove the seeds, and grate the skin on a fine grater to get a porridge-like consistency.
- Add a little honey and then mix thoroughly.
- Apply the mask to the skin of the face, leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week, controlling fat content. If the skin begins to peel or itch, then the use of such a product is better to stop.
Sweet Strawberries Against Stains
And this advice will help those who do not know how to lighten their skin and get rid of annoying freckles, age spots. Of course, fresh berries will be very difficult to find in the winter, but many have the whole summer and autumn to enjoy the gifts of nature, to have time to sunbathe, but at the same time not to let the treacherous spots get out.
To use strawberries for personal purposes, and not just for gastronomic purposes, you need to “extract” juice from it. To do this, you need any blender. It is best if you add a little lemon juice and homemade sour cream to this skin brightener. The resulting cocktail needs to be wiped with a face every morning, and if you have mashed potatoes, then it should be applied as a mask.
But be careful, because strawberries, especially in combination with lemon, can greatly dry the skin, narrowing the pores. But at the same time, after a week you will notice how your freckles and age spots are very pale.
Homemade Scrubs
If nature has rewarded you with age spots and freckles, then these are helpful tips for you. Let's learn how to lighten skin at home, quickly and with minimal waste.
If you want to get rid of various spots on both the face and body, you need to regularly clean your skin with scrubbing agents. They contain small coarse particles that remove the upper stratum corneum, improve blood flow and cell regeneration. After this procedure, the skin will become soft, delicate, and most importantly - without annoying spots.
How to use a scrub:
- If you are doing the procedure on the face, then the hair needs to be removed in the tail or put on a special bandage.
- If you are scrubbing the body, it is best to do this in the bathroom.
- Lightening the skin at home quickly is possible only under one condition: you will correctly use all means. For example, in no case should you scrub and massage the skin with rough sponges. Movements must be strictly from the bottom up, and not vice versa - this greatly stretches the skin and forms sagging (ptosis). It is impossible to touch the area around the eyes!
- Before starting the procedure, get rid of cosmetics. Do not scrub damaged skin areas, or if you have any skin diseases in the active phase. In the worst case, you can cause complications.
Scrub for real coffee lovers
Face cleaning at home should be done no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise it can cause irritation and itching:
- Take ground coffee or cake. If you brew this wonderful drink at home using grains and a coffee grinder, then there will be no problem making an effective scrub. And in other cases, grinding is sold in any coffee shop or tea shop, and many of them give the cake completely free. 20-30 grams is enough for 3-5 procedures!
- Add the base oil, such as peach, tea tree, grape seed extract, to the scrub. Proportions: 1 teaspoon of coffee per 1 tablespoon of oil.
- Scrub your face with massaging movements, not forgetting to treat the décolleté area, neck and chin.
Moisturizing Recipe
The tool described below will help you learn how to quickly lighten your face and body skin. In addition, it nourishes, moisturizes and improves the appearance.
How to make? Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, add a little hypoallergenic baby cream, add some glycerin and vitamin E (sold in capsules that need to be pierced with a needle and squeezed into a bowl). Stir thoroughly until you get a uniform consistency. Apply the cream immediately after bathing or washing.
This tool is good not only in that it tells how to quickly lighten the skin. It also prevents dryness and the appearance of dark age spots. In particular, homemade cream also fights against unsuccessful tanning.
Herbalism to help
Nature can really help us to be beautiful, well-groomed, young and healthy. The main thing is to know how to use this priceless gift to your advantage.
How to lighten your skin with decoctions and tinctures:
- Dandelion. This plant with bright yellow flowers strews courtyards and gardens every spring. Dandelion is nothing more than a weed for people, but it is from it that they make delicious jam and teas. And few people know that this flower can be used to lighten the skin of the body. Everything is simple: take fresh leaves, pour boiling water over them and leave to insist overnight. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté area every morning, but remember to rinse with warm water then. You can also use dandelion oil, pouring castor leaves on the leaves and insisting for two weeks in a dark place.
- Parsley. This spice can be found all year round. To make a unique mask, you need to take leaves with twigs, grind in a blender, and then apply the finished pulp to the face. No less effective will be tincture of parsley, where the spices are poured with boiling water, and the face is wiped with the resulting aromatic water.
- Viburnum. You can use currants. We make berry puree, which is applied to the face like a mask and aged for no more than 20 minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey to make the skin even lighter and younger.
As mentioned above, lemon juice is really able to lighten the skin of the face and body, but it acts harshly in relation to the cells of the epidermis. Any aggressive agents must be used extremely carefully to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions and inflammatory processes.
There is another non-standard method that uses hydrogen peroxide. This tool can be found in any home medicine cabinet. To change skin tone, just wipe your face 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to choose the lowest percentage of funds, for example, 2.5%.
You can make masks with the addition of baking soda, but for dry, sensitive skin, such a tool will not work. First of all, take a glass of warm water and stir dry sodium carbonate in it. Wipe your face and body several times a week to lighten. Also mix some soda with homemade scrubs, peels, and masks.
Useful Tips
Whatever methods for lightening the skin you choose, you should be as careful and attentive as possible, monitor the body's reaction to certain ingredients in masks, scrubs, and peels. You can not use funds if you have:
- there are sutures, wounds, inflammatory processes, such as purulent acne, acne, acne;
- skin diseases such as lichen, keratosis, seborrhea, dermatitis, melanoma and others;
- very dry skin, peeling and small cracks are noted;
- sensitive skin, easily injured.
To summarize
You can’t say for sure which method will help you. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist and a cosmetologist in order to choose a universal remedy that will act more gently and gently.
Remember that any masks, scrubs, compresses should be done no more than 1 time per week, otherwise the skin will not be able to recover, and each procedure will cause you only torment. Do not forget about the existence of essential oils (eucalyptus, peppermint, turmeric), which are added to moisturizers and nourishing creams.
Follow the basic rules of skin care, namely, do not use soap so as not to dry it, do not wipe your face with a stiff towel, do not scrub injured skin, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially if you have sensitive skin. Performing elementary actions, you will notice how the process of clarification is much easier.