Today, emigration is one of the hottest topics, especially among IT professionals. This article is aimed at informing the category of people who have taken a clear position in their worldview preferences. It should be noted in advance that IT specialists, today, are in a privileged position on this issue than most other categories of domestic society, and this fact, without a doubt, opens up a number of additional opportunities.
So, let's figure out where to start. The process of emigration itself is surprisingly simple and, at the same time, requires a certain share of patience and perseverance from those who wish to leave their native lands.
To begin with, there are 2 possible types of emigration - “working” (work abroad) and “permanent” (leaving for permanent residence).
The start is “permanent” simple enough - you need to submit a list of documents for one of the proposed immigration programs. There are few states that host official immigration programs, but those that are are worthy - for example, Australia, Canada or New Zealand (for more information, see the website )
The main advantages of such programs:
1) all the necessary information regarding these programs is spelled out in detail on the official websites of the relevant departments, which excludes the costs of lawyers and immigration consultants for the correct filling and sending of documents;
2) formality. This means that if your data meets the requirements of the program, then with a probability of 100%, you will receive a positive response.
Most immigration programs are built on the following principle - a certain system of points has been developed, which are awarded in the established order for such categories as age, education, work experience in a specialty, knowledge of languages, and for various other things - for example, for having children. In the case of scoring the required number of points - the candidate passes. If not, then it does not work. How much and for what they give points, how the evaluation procedure is going on and what documents are needed to confirm - everything is written on the official website of the program. Everything is transparent - you will know in advance how the assessment procedure goes. A number of programs include interviews, again - these interviews are a simple formality, if you are well prepared and have enough points, this will be one stage of your immigration project.
The main issue that needs to be addressed is the issue of generating income in the country that will receive you. In order to solve the problem of employment, the following is necessary:
- A good level of language proficiency (this must be taken care of in advance);
- try to create yourself a certain positive PR in advance - take part in the popular open-source project or start a blog dedicated to professional topics. It is recommended that you get LinkedIn contacts from professional activities in the country of destination, or rather, make several publications in the local thematic press. Carrying out such diligent "preparatory" work will significantly increase your chances of success. Nevertheless, as in any other undertaking, the most important and difficult step is the first.