Choosing sweat under the armpits

It is very important for a person to understand that sweat is a natural secretion of the skin. It maintains the body's water balance and prevents it from overheating. Therefore, first of all, you should think about how to neutralize the smell of sweat under the armpits.

anti sweat under the armpits

Antiperspirants and Deodorants

To begin with, a person should go to the store for an antiperspirant. It contains zinc and aluminum salts, which make sweat glands smaller. That is why after using it, the amount of secretions on the skin is reduced. However, such anti-sweat remedies under the armpits do not neutralize the smell, but only block the excretory function. Therefore, you need to use them in the morning, before going out. And when a person is already sweating, then applying them does not make sense. Deodorants fight it with an unpleasant odor. Similar remedies for sweat under the armpits have a variety of forms. They need to be selected taking into account the type of skin. Some people choose ordinary sprays for themselves. But they contain alcohol and are very irritating to the skin, as it is too sensitive in this area. People who have such problems should buy gel, cream, talcum powder, or deodorizing powder. They do not have alcohol, and they have a very mild effect on the skin.

We deal with problems in the body

sweat under the arms folk remedy

If you are interested in sweat under the armpits, it means that it has already caused you a lot of trouble. And this indicates that not everything is so safe in your body. Sweat itself is ordinary water, which has neither taste nor smell. And an unpleasant aroma indicates a strong slagging of the body. If this problem has become permanent for you, contact a specialist for help. He will help you understand the situation and determine what means of sweat under the armpits will suit you.

We use folk remedies

Such a problem can be solved independently at home by any person. Are you tired of sweat under your arms? A folk remedy - a decoction of oak bark - will help you cope with the problem. Take somewhere about 50 grams of oak bark, pour it with a liter of hot water and put everything on fire. Boil for 30 minutes. Then strain well through cheesecloth, folded several times, and when the broth cools down - it is ready for use. Wipe them regularly with problem areas.

the smell of sweat under the armpits
Vinegar and strong black tea are also quite effective. By such means, you can lubricate not only the area under the armpits, but also the legs, since they also do not always have a pleasant smell. For this purpose, a mint infusion is perfect. It is prepared and used like oak. Even in ancient times, they also used strong infusion of Kombucha. To start, be sure to take a bath or shower, soak a towel in this infusion well and start to wipe them with those areas that bother you. However, among other things, do not forget about the basic rules. In the hot season, try to give preference to natural fabrics. Change clothes as often as possible. No need to consume a lot of hot or carbonated drinks. Refuse spicy and spicy food completely, and then the problem of sweat will worry you much less.

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