Breast adenoma: symptoms, treatment methods

Breast adenoma is a benign neoplasm consisting of glandular tissue cells. This pathology responds well to treatment, but in the absence of therapy leads to dangerous complications. Given the fact that many women of reproductive age suffer from this ailment, it will not hurt to get acquainted with the information about the disease.

Why does a tumor appear? What symptoms should I look for? How to treat breast adenoma? Are there preventative measures? The answers to these questions are important to many.

What is a disease?

Breast adenoma

Breast adenoma is a benign tumor that forms from the structures of the glandular epithelium. By the way, such a pathology is a form of mastopathy.

In most cases, the neoplasm is diagnosed in young women of reproductive age. In patients older than 40-45 years, such seals are extremely rare.

It is worth noting that the tumor can be either single or multiple. In any case, the diameter of the neoplasm rarely exceeds 1-3 cm. Seals can appear both in one breast and in both.

Such an adenoma is hormone-dependent - it responds even to the slightest fluctuations in hormone levels. The tumor does not turn into a malignant one.

The main causes of the development of pathology

As you know, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland is extremely sensitive to the effects of hormones. Such biologically active substances as estrogen, progesterone, somatotropin and prolactin take part in its development and changes. For example, estrogen provides the formation of connective tissue and ducts of the gland, and progesterone controls the growth of lobules and alveoli.

Any change in the level of sex hormones that is observed, for example, during sexual development, during pregnancy, lactation, affects primarily the functioning of the glandular tissue of the mammary glands. It is proved that an increase in the amount of progesterone leads to the formation of a simple adenoma. Fibrous adenoma of the mammary gland (consists of glandular and connective tissue structures) develops under the influence of estrogen.

Risk Factor Information

Fibrous adenoma of the mammary gland

Breast adenoma is directly related to hormonal changes. Doctors identify several major risk factors.

  • It is proved that in about a third of cases, the appearance of such a neoplasm is associated with a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
  • The level of insulin is also important, therefore, women who suffer from some forms of diabetes are at risk.
  • It is believed that the appearance of a neoplasm is sometimes associated with liver diseases, since it is this organ that removes excess hormones.
  • Abortions, miscarriages are accompanied by sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels, which can cause lumps in women’s breasts.
  • Risk factors include rejection of breastfeeding after childbirth, lack of sexual intercourse up to 30-35 years, constant stress (they are also accompanied by a change in hormonal levels).

Breast Adenoma: Symptoms

Breast adenoma symptoms

As already mentioned, adenoma is a benign mass. Its diameter rarely exceeds 20-30 mm. In most cases, a woman accidentally discovers a lump in her chest.

Breast adenoma has a clear contour and smooth surface. It is quite mobile (when pressed, you can feel how the seal moves). During menstruation, the neoplasm can increase in size, but as soon as the hormonal background is leveled, the adenoma returns to its original size.

Further tumor growth is possible. As it increases, it begins to squeeze nearby tissues, vessels and nerve endings, which is accompanied by already quite noticeable discomfort, pain.

Varieties of neoplasm

Adenoma can have a different shape and structure. Depending on these factors, several types of neoplasms are distinguished.

  • Nodular tumor - has clear edges. Such a neoplasm is isolated from nearby soft tissues.
  • Leaf adenoma - consists of several layers. The tumor has no clear contours and grows rapidly, which greatly complicates the treatment process.
  • Tubular tumor - consists of several nodules that fit tightly together.
  • Lactating adenoma - characterized by active secretion.

Diagnostics: what tests do I need to pass?

Diagnosis of breast adenoma

As a rule, a neoplasm is discovered completely by accident. But in the future, a very thorough diagnosis is required, which will help to understand whether the tumor is benign and what treatment methods should be used in relation to it.

  • First of all, the patient gives blood. Both a general and a biochemical blood test are performed. Such studies make it possible to determine the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as check the level of sex hormones.
  • Mammography is mandatory. An x-ray of the affected mammary gland makes it possible to determine the shape and exact location of the tumor, as well as its size and contour features.
  • Sometimes, ductography is additionally performed - the same X-ray examination, but with the introduction of a contrast medium into the milky ducts.
  • An ultrasound is performed, which also allows the doctor to examine the tumor.
  • A biopsy is also considered mandatory, as this is the only way to accurately determine whether the tumor is benign.
  • If the patient is prepared for surgery, then she is required to do an MRI scan - so the surgeon can get a 3D picture of the tumor.

Drug therapy

Breast Adenoma Treatment

Immediately it is worth saying that drug treatment of breast adenoma is not able to destroy altered tissues. Nevertheless, if the neoplasm is small and not prone to active growth, surgery is not performed.

Vitamin complexes are prescribed to patients, in particular, preparations that contain vitamins A, P, E, B6 and C. The drug Klamin is also included in the treatment regimen, which supplies the patient with an adequate amount of iodine for normal thyroid function.

If the appearance of a tumor is associated with an increase in the level of growth hormone and prolactin, then doctors recommend preparations made on the basis of ergot alkaloids. Effective drugs such as Bromocriptine and Parlodel are considered. Often used and a medicine such as "Provera" - it inhibits the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones. If there is an increase in estrogen levels, then the drug "Diferelin" is included in the treatment regimen.

It is worth noting that hormonal treatment helps prevent further tumor growth or even reduce its size. Nevertheless, a small number of pathologically altered cells always remain.

When breast adenoma removal is necessary

Unfortunately, not in all cases it is possible to cope with the tumor with the help of medications. Surgery is recommended in the following cases:

  • the neoplasm is growing rapidly;
  • due to the increase in the size of the tumor, the appearance of the mammary gland changes;
  • there is a risk of malignant degeneration;
  • adenoma disrupts the functioning of the mammary gland.

How is breast adenoma removed? The operation can be carried out in different ways:

  • The method of enucleation. During the procedure, the doctor removes areas with excessive tissue growth. At the same time, healthy areas of the gland remain unharmed. Local anesthesia is sufficient for the procedure.
  • Sectoral resection. This procedure is performed at the risk of malignant degeneration of the adenoma. The doctor removes not only the tumor tissue, but also nearby healthy parts of the mammary gland. In the future, the specialist may decide on the additional conduct of radiation or chemotherapy.

Alternative methods of therapy

Alternative treatment of adenoma

Immediately it is worth saying that alternative treatment of adenoma is possible only with the permission of a doctor. The unauthorized use of home remedies can only worsen the patient's condition.

  • Verbena herb decoction is popular. It is simple to prepare: just pour a spoonful of dry raw materials with a glass of water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Dip a sterile cloth in the cooled broth and attach to the affected breast. Top compress is fixed with cling film, a towel and left for an hour.
  • You can apply a honey cake to the affected area of ​​the gland. To prepare it, you need to mix part of the slightly melted honey (natural, of course) with two parts of flour. The compress can be fixed with a bandage and left for 6-8 hours (for example, at night).

In no case, such tools can be considered as full-fledged substitutes for drug therapy. They can only be used as auxiliary methods of treatment.

Is there an effective prevention?

Predictions for breast adenoma

In fact, specific means of prevention do not exist. Women only need to be careful about their own health. At least once a month, it is important to conduct an independent examination of the mammary glands. If during this you find any seals or abnormal structures, then you should consult a doctor.

All diseases of the ovaries, uterus, thyroid and liver should be treated in time. Of course, a woman needs proper nutrition, physical activity, healthy sex life. If obesity occurs, then the patient should go to a nutritionist and draw up an appropriate diet.

Predictions for Patients

According to statistics, a simple, glandular adenoma is a benign tumor and can be treated well. Patients, of course, regularly need to undergo medical examinations, but the prognoses for them are quite favorable. If we are talking about fibrous adenoma, then there is a risk of malignant degeneration, however, such cases are rarely recorded.

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