Psychological exercise for trainings

To work on yourself, you do not always need to contact a psychologist. In some cases, it is enough to take advantage of special exercises. They are effective if you want to restore faith in their own strength. Resisting despondency in a difficult situation is not easy. The goal may be to restore the mental form, clarity of mind. Such classes are quite simple, interesting and effective. Therefore, a good psychological exercise allows you to quickly set yourself in the right direction.

How to get rid of stress.

Quite interesting and simple is the exercise "Balloon". The task is carried out mentally. It consists in imagining a balloon that inflates with each breath. After increasing it, you should hold your breath for 30 seconds. This psychological exercise needs to be repeated 5-6 times.

You can put your hands on your knees. After this, you should relax with your eyes closed. In the right hand you need to imagine a lemon, and then squeeze the juice out of it completely. The same thing needs to be done for the left hand. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to imagine. Then you should repeat the movement with both hands at the same time.

The psychological exercise "Seven Candles" is performed while sitting. You should sit comfortably with your eyes closed. After that, seven burning candles should be presented. You should take a deep breath. Then, introducing the candle, blow it out. The same actions must be repeated with the remaining candles.

Exercise "Fly" will help get rid of facial tension. To do this, close your eyes and imagine that now the fly will sit on your face. It is intrusive and constantly falls to different parts of the skin. That is, the insect has to be driven away. Eyes should not be opened.

If you imagine a lamp at chest level, this also helps to improve well-being. If the lighting is directed down, this is associated with a comfortable sensation. Then the lamp begins to shine up, blinding the eyes. It should be directed downward in their thoughts.

Increase self-esteem

With simple exercises, it’s easy to boost your self-esteem. These can be psychological exercises for trainings and those that can be done independently. It is necessary to identify the qualities on which work will be carried out. For this purpose, it is preferable to take an ordinary piece of paper and list on it the positive character traits that need to be strengthened. You should refer to this list daily, working on the indicated traits.

But in the evening you do not need to be sad or engage in self-flagellation. A list should be made, even of small victories. The list should include even minor achievements. Here, every victory is of great importance. This task is very effective for psychological relief.

psychological exercise

Individual psychological exercises can be carried out as daily work with affirmations. It is necessary to highlight a positive attitude for yourself and read it in the morning. This approach helps a lot to fix the situation during the day. If something does not work out, then you just need to remember the morning setting and repeat it. You should also read books written by successful people. For example, “The Richest Man in Babylon” by J. Clayson, “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Everything,” by J. Kehoe and others.

Do not assume that the use of such exercises will quickly achieve obvious results. It all depends on perseverance and faith in one's own strength. If you move in stages, then gradually it will turn out all the better.

Psychological exercises for the group

Classes in a team that can be formed from several people are quite effective. Psychological exercises (group) are aimed at simultaneous work with several participants. Best of all, such activities help to establish communication difficulties.

A rather popular problem is the following: a person does not feel like everyone else. Because of this, it develops a feeling of internal discomfort. He also begins to experience loneliness, believes that others do not understand him. In this case, a certain psychological exercise helps.

Its purpose is to show the individuality of each of those present. To do this, give all participants a napkin. Then a number of actions should be carried out, not paying attention to the other participants:

  • Fold the leaf in half.
  • Open the upper right corner.
  • Fold the sheet in half again.
  • Repeat with angle.
  • For the third time do the same.
  • Repeat all 4 times.

After that, each participant needs to unfold a sheet and show a snowflake. Participants compare among themselves obtained by bending the image. And it is noteworthy here that the same instruction was originally used. In this case, we got different snowflakes. This is how the best psychological exercises work. They are unobtrusive and indicative. The training considered demonstrates the manifestation of the individuality of each participant.

psychological exercises

Improving family relationships

A family in which there is no mutual understanding between children and parents is not happy. You should be able to agree, explain and defend your point of view. At the same time, it is extremely important to act tactfully and not offend anyone with your behavior. To get to understand each other as best as possible, you should also pay attention to psychological exercises for children and adults.

One good example is the Glass Door exercise. To implement it, you need to submit a subway car. As if one participant managed to enter it, and the other did not. Between them there were glass doors that impede audibility but retain visibility. And now the person remaining on the platform wants to tell a friend about where the next meeting will take place. Talk time is 15 seconds, because after that the train leaves.

During the exercise, participants should be located at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After that, they need to spend 15 seconds to agree on a meeting place and time. Then the train leaves, and the person remaining on the platform talks about whether he understood his partner.

Psychological exercises for training at home can involve more people than in a pair. Thus, the father could remain on the platform, and the mother and son could leave. Or the daughter is alone in the carriage, and mom and dad agree with her about the meeting place. This exercise should be repeated several times. The more options you come up with, the better.

Exercises for the smallest

Children like to search for a hidden object by performing the appropriate psychological exercise. To do this, place something in the room and blindfold the child. Then, commands should be given aloud on how to move around the room. They can sound in this form: "Take a step to the right, turn, sit down." And after finding the item, it's nice to change roles.

How to summarize should be discussed with the child of the difficulty of performing the exercise. What was easier to do — listen to orders or command?

psychological exercises for training

The Crocodile game is very popular. One participant, using facial expressions and gestures, explains a word to everyone. It may be a noun or a stable expression. It can be abstract or concrete. The person who has solved the riddle correctly asks the following question.

Sociability Exercises

If you have problems with communication skills, you also need to turn to a series of exercises. It is not at all difficult to do at home, but it is best to engage in a group. When conducting various kinds of trainings, different socio-psychological exercises are used. The success of the training group is to improve the individual's ability to interpersonal interaction.

Such exercises are aimed at:

  1. Learn to perceive yourself and others.
  2. Gain a number of socio-psychological knowledge.
  3. Better understand each other's messages.
  4. Feel your own involvement in emerging situations.
  5. Understand the features of interpersonal communication.

individual psychological exercises

Training Exercise Examples

Exercising “Snowball” helps a lot to defuse the situation at the beginning of any training. It consists in the fact that each of the participants alternately calls his name and epithet to it. But the adjective must begin with the first letter of the name. It can be Andrey Adequate, Sergey Serious, Daria Kind and others. Thus, those present receive the first idea of ​​new acquaintances. And, importantly, the psychological exercise allows you to defuse the atmosphere and form the first contacts between the participants. 10 minutes are allocated for the exercise.

There is another exercise called “Compliment.” To complete it, you need to divide in pairs all those present. After that, each of them should introduce himself to the partner, telling him a compliment. The other person repeats this action. Then the pairs should change. But another compliment should be called another partner. The game should continue until all present with each other. Exercise takes 7 minutes.

Options for Parents

Every adult is faced with a large number of issues to be resolved daily. This applies to work activities, problems in personal life, difficulties with raising children, material issues.

To establish life, you need to take responsibility for everything that happens around. This is not to blame for anyone, but for the person with whom events that do not suit him occur. Therefore, we must realize the importance of our influence on what is happening. After that, you can do simple psychological exercises for parents.

One must imagine that the whole family is a very small company. And for its success, you need to behave by analogy with entrepreneurs. You should set goals, plan, manage employees, analyze activities, and assign responsibilities. But do not equate the family with something industrial, for example, an enterprise engaged in raising children.

practical psychological exercises

Now you need to describe your ideal family. Consider the general state of family affairs. It is necessary to identify and record the moments in which parents manage to control what is happening. All force majeure situations should also be noted. Thus, all weaknesses of the company become identified.

Another exercise for parents

During the day, all complaints that arise should be recorded. You must also pay attention to the accusations of other people. Such psychological exercises are very effective. Often we do not even suspect how much energy we spend on blaming others for our troubles.

After something similar arises in the head, one must pay attention to this thought. All inferences such as “It happened because he acted in this way” should be replaced by “What can I do to make the situation better?” We need to work on ourselves for three weeks. The reward will be the habit of taking responsibility for everything that happens in their own lives.

If the difficulty in solving life problems continues to be felt, then you need to perceive everything as a new task for creativity. You should realize that everything that happens is an experiment. It is also necessary to work on the search for new solutions, to use imagination. Indeed, such an approach to business is very interesting in comparison with that which involves going with the flow.

psychological exercise goal

Exercise to Improve Family Relationships

Now you need to decide on your dreams and desires. Perhaps the wife believes that in the first place you need to take care of acquiring a good home. In this case, the husband may believe that education for children is of great importance. Practical psychological exercises also include discussion of the material side of the issue. The qualities that you want to see in your family are also significant. Moreover, it is very important that the spouses respect each other.

At this stage, you need to arrange an evening of dreams. It consists in telling each other their thoughts about an ideal family. In this case, the husband and wife should be mutually frank. It is very important here to think about personal growth, giving importance to children. What is the relationship with them over the years? As reference periods, you can choose 5, 10, 20 years.

psychological exercises group

Simple psychological exercises often allow you to achieve significant results. To do this, you need to make very little effort and patience. Perhaps life without stress is an achievable goal. So why do we often ignore ordinary methods, for the implementation of which additional costs are not needed? After all, it is better to anticipate the situation or take up the elimination of the problem at the very beginning than subsequently seek the help of a specialist.

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