French macaroons: recipe. We create culinary masterpieces at home

French variations on the theme of macaroons quite quickly won the hearts of Russians. So much so that they began to look for ways to bake macaroons on their own. The recipe (by the way, cooking them at home is not so simple) for many at first seemed complicated. However, as it turned out, these cookies (quite expensive, between us) can very well be made in your own kitchen. Of course, this is more complicated than, for example, concocting a primitive charlotte, but not to the extent that you abandon your intention. And some actions can be avoided if you are not sure about your culinary talents.

macaroons recipe at home

The key to successful cookies

In order for you to get real French and deliciously delicious macaroons, the recipe at home must be followed very accurately. Do not be too lazy to look in a cupboard for a measuring cup and check how the scales work.

It’s better to start these tender cakes on a dry day or to keep the window and door to the kitchen tightly closed. To form a crust (while maintaining internal softness), you can also leave the heated oven ajar.

Even if you have a few baking sheets in stock, only put one in the oven, on an average level.

The oven sheet must be forgiven with parchment. No lubrication - ruin the results of labor.

pasta recipe step by step

Makaruny: not as difficult as it seems

The only thing you have to fool with is the search for almond flour. However, believe me - you can get it! Too lazy to run around the supermarkets - order via the Internet and wait for the courier. After delivery, you can begin to master the simplest macaroon recipe. For beginners, some techniques are eliminated, some are facilitated. However, those who used it claim that they did not notice the consequences of “adaptation”. It tastes the most natural macaroons. The recipe (with photo) step by step looks like this:

  1. Squirrels are separated from five eggs and whipped with six tablespoons (with a hill) of sugar.
  2. The mass is placed in a water bath, heated to 60 (maximum 63) degrees and whipped until dense elasticity.
  3. Using a sieve, five tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of almond flour are combined. The mixture combines with protein and is kneaded. As a result, the mass should be quite fluid and shiny.
  4. She spreads it with a syringe on the sheet, the stove heats up to 200 degrees, and macaroons are placed in it. The recipe at home takes five minutes to bake at this temperature, after which the gas is screwed to 170, and the process continues for another three minutes.

The resulting convex cakes after cooling are smeared with jam or confiture and glued in pairs.

simple macaroon recipe

Chocolate cakes

Chocolate macaroons are even more in demand. The recipe, in principle, is not too different in composition from the one described above. However, for those cooks who are not looking for easy ways, we will not omit the “uncomfortable” actions in cooking. In the end, once they are introduced by the author, then they guarantee a more delicious result. We will cook according to all the rules chocolate macaroons. The recipe is step-by-step, so it’s easy to follow.

  1. 110 grams of almond flour are mixed, 225 - powdered sugar and 25 - cocoa powder. For even distribution, it is better to use a combine.
  2. The mixture is scattered on parchment on a sheet, dried for five minutes in an oven and sieved.
  3. Beat whites from four eggs with the gradual introduction of 50 grams of sugar; after obtaining a tight foam, they combine with the bulk mixture and smoothly mix.
  4. The resulting dough through a syringe is distributed on a baking sheet, for half an hour it is left on the table to get a crust (so that the macaroons do not crack when baking).
  5. The dried circles are put in the oven for 12 minutes.
  6. After pulling out of the oven, the baking sheet is sprayed with water - so macaroons are easier to remove.
  7. The filling is called ganache, and the halves are glued together.

What to make ganache from is a separate song, since there are innumerable options for it.

chocolate macaroon recipe

Possible variations

Bright multi-colored - that's what many macaroons attract. The recipe (at home, by the way, nothing will hurt to color them too) suggests simply adding dye (of course, food) instead of cocoa. It turns out colorful and elegant.

If you are attracted not so much by brightness as by taste variety, you can replace cocoa or dye with citrus juice - you will get tender lemon or orange cookies. Cinnamon with vanilla will bring their subtle notes - the main thing is not to go too far with them. In general, any spices suitable for baking are suitable for changing the taste.

The main taste variety in macaroons is made by ganache fillings. We will pay special attention to them.

Chocolate ganache

You can cook from dark bitter chocolate, you can - from white. There is only one principle, only 50 grams of bitter cream is taken with 80 grams of fat cream, and 100 grams of white cream. The tile in both cases finely breaks (the finer the chocolate will dissolve faster), the cream heats up, crumbs are poured into them and mixed until thick and uniform. It is better to do this in a water bath so that the cream does not boil, and the chocolate does not change color to whitish.

It is especially beautiful and appetizing when one ganache is combined in one macaroon: a layer of white and a layer of black.

macaroons recipe with photo step by step

Berry ganache

The basis can be put any berries or fruits. If there are bones in them, they should be removed. A gram of three hundred berry mass is whipped with mashed blender, an incomplete spoon of starch and half a glass of sugar is poured into it, an egg is driven in and a couple of spoons of lemon juice are poured. The mass is boiled until it becomes like a dense jelly.

If you want the color of the filling to match the tone of the cakes, add the same dye to it. And for an even better taste, you can also put berries between the halves of the ganache.

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