Cleaning the VAZ-2114 nozzles: device, step-by-step instructions, tips from the masters

In this article we will talk about how to clean the VAZ-2114 nozzles with their own hands. Some motorists trust only certain craftsmen who do the job efficiently and on time. But you need to consider that the lack of equipment repair in this way is a high cost of work. In addition, it is very difficult to get to a good master - some have queues for weeks ahead, and if the nozzles clogged so that gas does not enter the intake manifold through them? In this case, you have to either do all the work yourself, or turn to less professional masters.

Features of injection engines

VAZ-2114 cars are equipped exclusively with fuel injection systems, which means that their reliability is quite high. But malfunctions do occur, especially due to insufficient fuel quality or untimely replacement of filter elements. And if an ominous inscription Check Engine appears on the dashboard of a car, then you must definitely check the engine's performance.

VAZ-2115 nozzle cleaning

A fairly common reason why the engine starts to run intermittently is unstable because the nozzles are clogged. You can also clean the VAZ-2114 nozzles (8 valves) yourself. The work is not very difficult, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm, which we will talk about later.

Signs of nozzle clogging

There are several symptoms that clearly indicate that the nozzles are clogged and need to be cleaned:

  1. Misfire when the engine is idling.
  2. Unstable motor operation.
  3. Acceleration of the car is slower than usual. The dynamics do not improve even when the accelerator pedal is fully depressed.

As you understand, injectors are precisely those elements that supply the fuel mixture to the manifold under a certain pressure. And how their engine and all its other systems will directly depend on their work. Changing the nozzles is not worth it, unless, of course, their windings are burned out. As a rule, simple cleaning helps in most cases.

What do you need to know?

The main thing is how you fuel your car. Try not to fill gasoline at unfamiliar gas stations, as this leads to the fact that the stable operation of the fuel system is disrupted, and soot often appears in the combustion chambers, which is quite difficult to get rid of. With regular refueling of a car with low-grade gasoline, the resource of nozzles will not reach 120 thousand km.

Cleaning the VAZ-2110 nozzles 16 valves

But it is recommended to replace these nodes about once every 90 thousand km. The cost of the kit - about 2000 rubles - depends on which store to buy. The manufacturer also affects the price - imported analogues are 2-3 times more expensive, but they have a longer service life. Not much higher, however, but people who did not study mathematics at school claim that the quality of foreign analogues is simply up to par. In fact, domestic ones will serve you for several years until you pass 120 thousand km. And their cost is only 2000 rubles. And import will cost 5000 rubles. and will pass 150 thousand km. Knowing the basic laws of mathematics, we can find out that the savings are doubtful.

Extend nozzle service: is it worth it?

And now let's talk about how to get rid of the constant cleaning of VAZ nozzles with your own hands, as well as extend their life. In fact, there are two options for increasing the service life:

  1. Use additives in order to improve the quality of gasoline. Such additives will be able to clean the fuel supply system. You can buy them at any car store. Additives need to be poured into the tank. Their cost is not very large, so this method can be recommended as prevention. But additives, according to the masters, itโ€™s like a drug, I tried it once - Iโ€™ll have to use them constantly.
  2. The second way to extend the life is flushing and cleaning the nozzles. It is recommended to do this every 40 thousand kilometers. If you do this work yourself, it will cost you a mere penny - spend only on the purchase of cleaning fluid. And if you do this in the workshop, you will have to give at least 1,500 rubles. (new 2000 stand).

Such a verdict - the cost of additives is quite large, their effectiveness is low (they are cleaned, but poorly), flushing costs a lot of money. What to do then? If you yourself will clean the nozzles, then you can choose this method and increase their resource. In other cases, it will be much cheaper to replace the nozzles with new ones every 90 thousand km.

How to check the operation of nozzles

Before you start cleaning the VAZ nozzles (16 valves), you need to make sure that they generally work.

Do-it-yourself VAZ nozzle cleaning

Diagnostic techniques are known and identify problems with great accuracy:

  1. Check on a cooled, but running engine. To make sure that it works, you need to touch all the nozzles with your hands. In the event that the element is serviceable, you will feel vibration or pulsation. But such a technique is not very good, since the information about the work comes incomplete.
  2. Diagnostics in idle mode. To do this, add a little speed and let the motor work a little in this mode. After this, loosen the nuts on the caps that hold the nozzles. Turnovers should fall a little. In the event that there is no decrease in speed, we can say that one of the nozzles is broken.

Once you have verified that the elements are in good working order, you can begin to work. Cleaning the nozzles on the VAZ-2110 (16 valves) can be performed by any motorist who knows how to handle tools. In addition, the cost of repairs will be attractively low - it can not be compared with service at the service station.

How to remove nozzles

Cleaning nozzles VAZ-2114 8 valves

In order to clean, it is necessary to completely dismantle the rail and nozzles. On VAZ-2114 cars and similar models, it is necessary to carry out such manipulations:

  1. Disconnect the vehicle completely, to do this, disconnect the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. All work must be carried out on a cooled engine. Otherwise, personal injury may result.
  3. Remove the cover covering the top of the motor.
  4. Remove the air filter, dismantle its case.
  5. Unscrew the piping from the pump and nozzle. It maintains high pressure, so you need to bleed off the rest of the mixture in advance. The pipeline is installed on a support bracket.
  6. Using a spanner wrench, unscrew the nozzle. Be sure to remove the washer, but do not lose it.
  7. Disconnect the plug, the lock, which is located near the ramp, remove to the side.

By the same principle, you need to remove all other nozzles. In the event that they are completely out of order and cannot be restored, only the installation of new elements will help. If the nozzles work, it will be enough to clean them.

Outdoor cleaning

Cleaning nozzles VAZ 16 valves

When cleaning nozzles on the VAZ-2115 and similar models, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Assess the status of the device. If there are signs of leakage, do not install them on the car, it is better to buy new ones.
  2. If there is a chance that cleaning will give any result, you need to remove the o-rings that are on the sprayer and body.
  3. Clean the elements with acetone. To do this, completely immerse the nozzles in it. With this, all contaminants will be cleared much better.
  4. Clean the fuel rail using a simple vacuum cleaner.
  5. Remove the nozzles and use a needle to remove the coke, which may be on the surface of the nozzle.

This can complete the external cleaning of the VAZ-2114 injectors.

Clean inside

And now the most crucial moment has come - you need to clean the device from the inside. You will need a syringe, a can of liquid for cleaning carburetors, a tube. Clean the nozzle with a cleaning agent through the tube. This composition is very aggressive, it corrodes some grades of plastic, so you should first try how it will act on the tube. And if nothing happens to her, you can get to work.

Cleaning nozzles VAZ-2114

After cleaning, install new rings. Old, even peeled, is not recommended. In order for the next cleaning not to come soon, you need to replace the fuel pump grid, filters - fuel and air. Otherwise, cleaning the nozzles on the VAZ-2114 will not give the expected results.


After carrying out the work, you need to assemble the entire fuel system, connect the power wires, test the engine. After such an intervention, try to refuel only at trusted gas stations, which have high quality fuel. This is the main parameter that affects the correct operation of the nozzles and the entire fuel system as a whole.

Do-it-yourself nozzle cleaning VAZ-2114

Timely filter replacement is also important. Often, the fuel filter that has become unusable causes the nozzles to become clogged. Cleaning will give a result, but short-term.

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