Anastasia: the meaning of the name, fate and character

For girls, parents often choose the beautiful and sonorous name of Anastasia. The meaning of the name is another reason for its popularity. Nastya, as a rule, grows up strong and strong-willed personalities with many advantages and talents. However, the name also has weaknesses that you need to know about.

name anastasia meaning of the name and fate

Name Anastasia: origin and meaning

The approach to choosing a name for a child should be meaningful. Therefore, when making decisions, parents should conduct a survey. The study of the meaning of the name Anastasia should begin with its origin. This is a female form named after Anastasius, which is of ancient Greek origin. The word "anastas" means risen, returned to life, rebelled, returned to life.

Studying the meaning of the name Anastasia, it is worth noting that the girl named so will have several holy patrons at once. The basic information about them is given in the table.

Patron saintDescriptionName day
Anastasia Patricia of AlexandriaDesertMarch 23 (March 10)
Anastasia Roman SolunskayaRev. Martyr. Being an orphan, she grew up in a monastery. She was beheaded at age 20.November 11, 12 (October 29, 30)
Anastasia the PatternererA rich Roman woman who treated prisoners and bought them from prisons. Endured for faith and was executed.January 4 (December 22)

Name horoscope

In order to better understand the meaning of the name Anastasia, it is worth paying attention to the horoscope. Here is what astrology says about this:

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio. Girls born under this sign are recommended to be called Nastya.
  • Planet - Pluto.
  • The colors of the name are green, blue, red, pink. These colors, individually or in combination, should be present in the wardrobe and interior.
  • Stone - Malachite. It is recommended to use it in interior decoration and decoration.
  • Plants - jasmine and orchid. They must be present in the house as indoor flowers. Their images also bring good luck.
  • Animals - a dove and a Siamese cat. They bring Anastasia good luck both in real form and in the form of paintings or figurines.
  • The element is water. She pacifies and calms Anastasia. In stressful situations, you need to take a bath or drink a little liquid. In the room and in the workplace, decorative waterfalls or aquariums should be present.
  • Metals - silver and copper. Anastasia should have jewelry or talismans made of these materials.
  • Day of the week is Tuesday. It is on this day that a surge of energy and performance is noted. It is necessary to plan all the most complex and important cases on it.
  • The lucky number is a deuce. On the second number you need to plan important events or decision-making. Luckily you need to wear paired talismans.
The meaning of the name Nastya Anastasia

Children's period

The meaning of the name Anastasia for a girl begins to appear already from the first years of a child's life. In childhood, Nastya has the following features:

  • Mobility and hyperactivity. It is difficult for a girl to sit in one place and concentrate on any one lesson.
  • Dreamer and dreamer. Constantly hovers in the clouds and lives in a world of children's illusions.
  • A gullible and kind child who quickly forgets offenses.
  • He can always come up with a game for spending time alone or with friends.
  • Stubbornness and hard work. But only on condition that parents will instill in Nastya these qualities.
  • Simplicity and good nature. These qualities make little Anastasia a favorite of others.
  • Attachment to parents and emotional dependence on them. Needs constant feeling of support.
  • He does not like to follow the order and mode.
  • Likes praise. Especially small Nastya is flattered when her peers begin to imitate her.
  • Demanding in relation to adults.
  • Arrogance caused by increased attention from parents and relatives.
anastasia meaning named character and fate

Adult Anastasia: the meaning of the name and character

With age, a person changes. Some features inherent in the child are erased. Nevertheless, some key points remain. The meaning of the name, fate and character of Anastasia are closely interconnected. As you grow older, a holistic personality is formed , which has the following main features:

  • complex, contradictory nature with a changeable mood and views;
  • It has a quick reaction and can instantly make important decisions;
  • exceptional elegance, grace and femininity;
  • thin mental device;
  • exceptional intuition and sharp mind;
  • weak initiative;
  • unarmed before anger and cunning of ill-wishers;
  • hard work and performance;
  • caution and discretion;
  • ability to quickly adapt to any life circumstances;
  • ability to maintain balance in extreme situations;
  • external self-confidence, which is a mechanism of psychological defense;
  • can change moral principles in order to achieve his goal;
  • pity and sensitivity to other people's problems;
  • love of expensive and beautiful things, as well as the desire to quickly get rid of everything old;
  • ability to listen and keep secrets;
  • integrity and integrity;
  • love of planning key life events;
  • ability to adapt to any life circumstances;
  • unconditional obedience and worship before stronger personalities;
  • fear of important fateful decisions.
the mystery of the name Anastasia and its meaning

The influence of the zodiac sign

Astrology will help you understand in more detail what the name Anastasia means. The meaning of the name, as well as personality traits, may depend on the zodiac sign. A detailed description is given in the table.

Zodiac signCharacteristic
  • stubbornness and straightforwardness;
  • ability to defend one’s own opinion;
  • spontaneity of actions and exposure to mood swings;
  • confident movement towards the intended goal;
  • fear of loneliness
  • softness, sensuality and romance;
  • desire for calm and quiet life;
  • prefers family to all other life joys and values
  • dual nature and inconstancy;
  • fast falling in love and the same fast longevity;
  • inability to concentrate on any one lesson or hobby;
  • great sense of humor
  • Jealousy and possessiveness;
  • developed intuition;
  • ability to understand people;
  • unpredictability of behavior;
  • artistry and mannerism;
  • hysteria and panic
a lion
  • energy bordering on hyperactivity;
  • self-confidence and narcissism;
  • frequent conflicts with others;
  • professional achievements in priority
  • pedantry, bordering on meticulousness;
  • friendliness and friendliness;
  • developed sense of humor;
  • commitment to family values
  • sublimity and dreaminess;
  • constant search for new acquaintances;
  • hobbies and sensations;
  • the desire to help others, even if they do not ask
  • explosive uncontrollable temperament;
  • rejection of outside interference in your life;
  • readiness in any situation to defend their interests;
  • harshness, rudeness and conflict;
  • opposite sex behavior
  • straightforwardness and categorization in communication with others;
  • inability to flatter and flirt;
  • ability to achieve goals
  • composure and obstinacy in achieving goals;
  • critical attitude to life;
  • strong will and strong character;
  • secrecy and closeness to new acquaintances
  • enthusiasm for the world around;
  • honesty and openness in communicating with others;
  • Appreciates freedom and independence;
  • prefers loneliness to noisy companies;
  • cold-blooded perception of male flirting and compliments;
  • non-interference in the affairs of others
  • refined, vulnerable and gentle nature;
  • pretense rudeness and secrecy;
  • natural grace and femininity

Health status

The meaning of name and destiny are closely interconnected. The name Anastasia also determines the state of health of its owner. In general, a woman’s body is healthy and strong. But his own frivolity and inattentive attitude towards himself leads to a number of diseases and physiological disorders. Here are some things to note in this context:

  • mental disorders;
  • fragility of bones;
  • chronic disease of ENT organs;
  • disorders of the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • vein diseases;
  • kidney and bladder diseases.
Anastasia meaning for girl

Love and family

For several decades now, one of the most popular has been the name Anastasia. The meaning of the name and destiny are closely interconnected. In particular, the imprint on personal life. With regard to romantic and family relationships, the following should be noted:

  • Amorous and easily accepts men's courtship.
  • He loves strong and confident men who are able to take responsibility and solve problems.
  • Knows how to manipulate men and make the most of romantic relationships.
  • He loves experiments in the intimate sphere, which is an important factor in establishing relations with a spouse.
  • As a rule, getting married early.
  • Good housewife and caring mother.
  • Able to establish relationships with relatives of the spouse.
  • Dependence on the beloved man and the desire to constantly be under his care.
  • Supports a spouse in all endeavors, always remains on his side, thanks to which, unions are usually strong and happy.
  • The best compatibility with Vladimir, Denis and Pavel.
  • Relations with Vadim, Nikolai, Stanislav and Vitaly are poorly developing.
name of the girl anastasia meaning of the name and fate

Hobbies and career

Predict what the future of the child will be, by studying the meaning of the name Nastya. Anastasia is a gifted and versatile person. Her main hobby is to decorate and perfect everything around her. She likes to sew, knit and cook. In this regard, women named Anastasia, as a rule, are good housewives. If Nastya decides to build a career, it is best to pay attention to such areas of activity:

  • the medicine;
  • pedagogy;
  • psychology;
  • acting;
  • art history;
  • literature;
  • art;
  • programming and computer graphics;
  • food service industry;
  • private enterprise.
what does the name anastasia mean


The mystery of the name Anastasia and its meaning lies in the spelling and sound. The table shows the letter-by-word decoding.

A (triple repeat - characteristics are enhanced)
  • diligence;
  • hard work;
  • punctuality;
  • high professionalism;
  • striving for physical and spiritual balance;
  • initiative and activity;
  • doesn't like monotony and routine
  • caution;
  • selectivity in communicating with people;
  • incredulity;
  • hard work;
  • Does not like monotonous monotonous work;
  • sharp mind and critical thinking;
  • the desire to patronize loved ones;
  • excessive exactingness to members of the opposite sex
C (double repeat - performance is enhanced)
  • ambition;
  • an irreconcilable struggle for the truth;
  • desire for success;
  • leadership skills;
  • unpredictability of behavior;
  • obstinacy in achieving life goals;
  • reliance on common sense and rational logic;
  • emotionality and moods;
  • desire to stand out from the crowd;
  • high demands on friends and partners
  • sacrifice;
  • mercy;
  • the desire to protect the weak;
  • versatile personality development;
  • heightened sense of justice;
  • developed intuition;
  • ability to adapt to any life situations;
  • generosity and generosity
  • love of art;
  • subtle sense of beauty;
  • vulnerability and vulnerability;
  • peacefulness and intolerance to conflict;
  • constant perplexity in appearance (striving for the ideal);
  • thrift and thrift;
  • prudence in dating
  • narcissism;
  • moderate egoism;
  • the desire to be in first place everywhere;
  • knows his own worth and does not take offense;
  • desire for respect from others;
  • stealth and suspicion;
  • oratorical skills;
  • imagination and rich imagination

Season effect

Depending on the date of birth, the meaning of the name and fate may slightly change. The name of the girl Anastasia can leave such an imprint on the character, depending on the season:

  • Winter - gives the girl a sharp mind and prudence. The restrained character and inaccessibility makes her look like the "Snow Queen". An important characteristic of the β€œwinter” Anastasia is its rationality and propensity to save. Despite the fact that from the outside it seems to be stingy, homeworkers really appreciate this quality.
  • Summer - gives the girl sociability and friendliness. The soul of the company is the meaning of the name Anastasia. There are always a lot of people around her. But it is also worth noting that for a girl it is important not just to be surrounded by people. She wants to be in the center of attention and take leadership positions in all spheres of life.
  • Spring - gives the girl tenderness, romance and pronounced sentimentality. She sharply and painfully reacts to any non-standard situations. As a rule, he chooses a profession that makes it possible to show creative abilities. He quickly falls in love and also quickly cools down to the representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Autumn - gives the girl a sharp mind and analytical abilities. Such Anastasia is distinguished by isolation and secrecy. She prefers to a noisy company a solitary pastime or calm friendly conversations.

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