Why after an abortion there are no periods, what should I do? Delayed period after abortion

An abortion is not recommended for any woman, as this procedure can lead to serious complications in the future. But if, nevertheless, for some reason, such an intervention cannot be avoided, then here you can meet another problem, such as delayed menstruation after an abortion.

Abortion as a surgical procedure

An abortion is an abortion by artificial means, which can be done at any time. They make it in every medical institution where the gynecological department is located. In most cases, an abortion is performed in case of an unwanted pregnancy, when a woman decides that the child does not fit into her daily routine. Many women have only one reason why they decide to have an abortion - this is the lack of finances and housing.

no abortion after abortion
If the pregnancy lasts up to 5 weeks, then abortion is done with the medical method, up to 8 weeks - vacuum abortion, up to 12 - instrumental. The latter species is considered the most unsafe, painful and traumatic. There are cases when an abortion is performed as indicated by the doctors, then the period does not matter. Do not forget that any type of abortion is a surgical intervention in the body of a woman. Most often after this procedure, many patients are concerned about the question of why there are no periods after the abortion . There are a number of reasons for this that can come to light after complications.

Problems after abortion

If we knew in advance what serious problems could be after an abortion, many women refused this procedure. All the consequences of such an operation are divided into:

delayed period after abortion

  1. Early complications. They appear after an abortion in the first week of the postoperative period. This includes damage to the uterus with surgical instruments.
  2. Incomplete or failed abortion. These are less dangerous complications, but they occur most often.
  3. Hematometer. This is an accumulation of blood in the uterus. Such a complication is rare and is combined with poor contractility of the uterus and blood coagulation of the patient.
  4. Late complications. They can occur during the first month after an abortion. This includes inflammation of the uterus and appendages from exacerbation of chronic diseases and getting new ones. This is accompanied by an increase in temperature and an unpleasant odor.
  5. Delayed complications. This includes infertility, Rhesus conflict, chronic diseases of the reproductive system, hormonal disorders . This also includes delayed periods after an abortion. We will analyze the most common problem about the violation of the menstrual cycle in women after abortion.

Why there are no periods after an abortion

An abortion is considered a strong intervention in a woman’s body, and menstruation shows how postoperative recovery goes. After each type of abortion, the body returns to normal in different ways. To the question of why there is no menstruation after an abortion, one can answer: "Because there were serious malfunctions in the body." We will consider them in detail.

after an abortion, menstruation does not go

Medical abortion and delayed menstruation

As mentioned earlier, they do it at the very shortest time, using medications that a woman takes orally. The next day, the fetus is rejected, and this will be considered the first day of menstruation. From this day, a woman begins a new cycle. Allowable delay should not exceed 10 days. But this type of intervention does not guarantee termination of pregnancy, and therefore, after the abortion, menstruation does not go. Also, such delays occur due to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

why there is no menstruation after an abortion

Mini-abortion delay

After this type of surgery, the cycle begins a month after the onset of bleeding, which appears after the termination of pregnancy. Allowable delay should not exceed 60 days. It all depends on each patient’s organism. There is no menstruation after an abortion, which means that the inflammatory and infectious process in the uterine cavity has begun. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Instrumental abortion as a cause of delayed menstruation

This type of abortion includes abortion by curettage of the embryo from the uterus. No abortion after abortion? This indicates a violation and malfunction of all the reproductive functions of the woman’s body, and hormonal disorder is also included here. This problem with the menstrual cycle begins mainly due to the removal of a large number of soft tissues. To restore your period, you need more time than in other cases. Here, a woman should also urgently consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will promptly identify the cause and prescribe the correct treatment, and if necessary, he will put it in the hospital under the supervision of specialists.

no month after abortion

When do menstruation after an abortion recover

This question is asked by many women after an abortion. Everything will depend on how the abortion went and how strong the female body is to deal with such serious violations. For many patients, the first period after an abortion is a guarantee that there is no more pregnancy. So in search of an answer to the main question - “when?” - you need to look for an answer in the bowels of your body and listen to all the alarming signals. It happens that there is no month after the abortion, in this case it will take a long time to heal and recover, so that the hormonal background returns to normal. How much menstruation will go depends on the type of abortion chosen and the personality of the female body. If after termination of pregnancy pieces of the fetus or placenta remain in the uterine cavity, then the menstruation will go on for a long time. It also depends on the period at which the abortion was performed. After him, a woman should rest from physical activity for at least two weeks. The longest periods begin after drug termination of pregnancy. On average, if everything went well, without complications and the patient’s body quickly returns to normal, then a full menstrual cycle begins after 30 days.

What to do if menstruation has not arrived

It happens that after an abortion the cycle does not start. In this case, if there is no period after the abortion, you need to urgently put off your affairs and run to the hospital for a consultation. Doctors will conduct a comprehensive examination and begin to eliminate the focus of the disease. As a rule, such treatment is carried out using antibiotics in the form of injections, tablets or droppers. Do not try to self-medicate using folk remedies. So you can only harm yourself and aggravate your health. And this threatens the most terrible diagnosis in the life of every woman - infertility.

no period after abortion


There are no periods after the abortion - this says that it is time to go to the hospital. Summing up all of the above, it is appropriate to recall the saying "measure seven times - cut once." Before deciding on such a serious step as abortion, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Because on one side of the scale lies fragile female health, which is difficult to restore, and on the other - the life of a person, albeit a very small one. Many women, in a hurry, took such a serious step and now regret it, but nothing can be returned. An abortion is done quickly, but then they recover their health only after a few years, and there are cases when one termination of pregnancy leads to infertility. Such women are further deprived of the joy of motherhood and cannot live a full life.

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