Girl or boy - who will be? How to find out? Calendar, table

Many people are used to planning their future. So, each couple expecting a baby’s birth wants to know whether a girl or a boy is who they will have. Currently, there are many ways to determine the sex of the future baby. However, not all of them are reliable and are recognized by specialists.

Before using the following tables and calculation systems, you need to learn about the process of conception and the formation of the gender of the unborn baby.

girl or boy who will

The process of sex formation

Who will be born - a boy or girls - is determined already at the time of fertilization of the female cell with a sperm. During this period of time, the woman still does not think that she is in an "interesting position", but nature has already made a decision and has done her job.

For the sex of the future baby, the man is fully responsible. It is his sperm that carry a set of chromosomes that contain male or female gametes. The role of women in this matter is negligible. It does not depend on the future mother who will be born - a boy or a girl.

How to find out who will be?

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to find out the gender of a baby before birth. Consider them and say about the reliability of each method.

The first method: determining the sex by ultrasound

who will be born a boy or girl

Perhaps the most accurate and reliable way to find out how a pregnancy will end (a boy or girl will be born) is an examination with an ultrasound machine. It is worth noting that in the first trimester of the development of the baby there is a big error, and it is almost impossible to determine the gender.

Already from about 12 weeks of fetal development on a good device, a qualified specialist will be able to say for sure whether a girl or a boy (who will be). This method is officially recognized by experts.

The second way: using the ancient Chinese table

boy or girl how to find out

This method is also quite effective, but doctors do not officially recognize it. It is worth noting that many experts use this method of diagnosis. The ancient Chinese table (a boy or girl is born, it helps to determine) is based on determining the sex of the unborn baby according to the data on the age of the mother and the month of conception.

You need to establish the exact age of the woman at that moment when fertilization occurred. You also need to determine the month in which the male and female cells merged. At the intersection of certain columns, you can get an answer to the most important question: “Girl or boy - who will be?”

The error of this method is quite low, however, difficulties and errors arise in some cases. Not always experts can correctly determine the month of conception. Because of this, an incorrect result may be obtained. Also, if a woman has a multiple pregnancy, and in the future children are born (boy and girl), the table will not show the exact result and determine the gender of only one baby.

Third way: Japanese table

table boy or girl

There is another way to determine the gender of the child. This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, but it is used much less frequently. It is worth noting that doctors practically do not trust this method and consider it only entertainment.

The Japanese table (boy or girl) is divided into two parts. To work with the first of them, you need to know the month of birth of the parents. After finding out the data and checking with the table, you will get a control number. It is with him that the correspondence of the month of conception should be carried out.

As a result, the couple receives a probability in percent, which indicates whether the girl or boy is who will be born.

calendar girl or boy

Fourth method: calculating sex by ovulation

This method is also recognized by doctors, but with frequent sexual intercourse it loses its credibility. In this case, the calendar will help you. A girl or boy will be born to a couple, depending on when the sexual contact occurred.

To begin with, it is worth saying that spermatozoa carrying male gametes are faster than those cells that can conceive a female child. That is why the closer to ovulation sexual intercourse was performed, the more likely it is to give birth to a male infant. The same can be said of girls. If the contact took place a few days before the egg leaves the ovary, then there is a high probability of the birth of a girl.

Remember all your contacts and transfer them to the calendar. A girl or boy will be born to you soon, it will become clear almost immediately. In the event that the acts were every day or every other day, this method of determining sex may have some errors.

Another option: determining the baby's gender by blood

Who will be born: boy or girl, how to find out? There is one more option. The blood renewal calculation is quite popular, but erroneous results often arise.

For the diagnosis, you need to know the exact date of birth of both parents. As you know, the renewal of the bloodstream occurs once every three years in women. In men, however, everything is somewhat different. Their blood is renewed once every four years.

Calculate whose blood is fresher at the time of conception. A child of that gender will soon be born.

It is worth making a small reservation to this method. Any surgical intervention, childbirth or simply profuse blood loss leads to premature renewal of the channel. If there were similar phenomena, then they must be taken into account and counted from that moment.

children boy and girl

Genetic predisposition of the sex of the child

This way of figuring out whether a girl or boy is who will be pretty unreliable. However, he gave many couples the correct result and answered their main question.

For diagnosis, you need to do a little research. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two parts. In one write down all the relatives of the future mother, and in the other - the father. Research can span several generations. The more people you remember, the more accurate the result will be.

When you finish the analysis, do a count. Find out who is born more in either family: boys or girls. Based on these data, we can conclude who will be in this pair. If there are discrepancies between a man and a woman, then it is necessary to rely, first of all, on male data. Since it is the father who is responsible for the gender of the child.

pregnancy boy or girl

Maternal intuition

Many female representatives who are in an “interesting position” can say from the earliest possible dates who they will eventually be born. Such a hunch is called intuition. It is worth noting that no one can feel the baby like his expectant mother.

Quite often, the assumptions of pregnant women turn out to be true. Therefore, if you can’t wait to find out the sex of the baby, listen to yourself, and you will certainly find the answer to your question.


Now you know several ways to determine who is born - a boy or a girl. How to find out the gender in your case, decide for yourself. It is worth noting that all these methods are quite simple to use and can be used simultaneously.

Try to calculate for each method the gender of your unborn baby. If in most cases the result informed you that a boy will be born, then most likely it will be so. Similarly with a female infant.

All of the above methods (except for ultrasound, of course) can also be used before conception. Calculate the sex of the unborn child from them and proceed to conception at the most favorable moment.

No table will give you an absolutely accurate result. In some cases, even experienced professionals may make mistakes during an ultrasound scan. Therefore, the sex of your unborn baby you will know with accuracy only after its birth. Be patient and the result will not be long in coming.

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