Icon "Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary": photo

The icon “Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary” tells about the event that happened before the birth of Jesus Christ, about his mother the Virgin Mary and her parents, who gave their daughter to the Church according to their promises and foreseeing her fate.

icon introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin

History and Traditions

The feast and the icon “Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary” appeared on the basis of the church biography of the Virgin Mary, legends about the events that preceded the birth of Jesus Christ.

Her parents, Anna and Joachim, for many years could not conceive a child and, praying for his appearance, made a vow to God that after the birth of the long-awaited baby, they would devote him to church and service to God. When their daughter was born, and she was 3 years old, happy parents took her to the temple of Jerusalem in fulfillment of the vow to give them for training. It was a kind of sacrifice for them, because they brought their only and long-awaited child, who was to devote his life to the church.

icon introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin

The icon and the holiday "Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary" are dedicated to this event. Near the entrance to the temple they were met by the high priest - the righteous Zechariah. Due to inexplicable inspiration, he opened the doors of the Holy of Holies, which are a type of the Orthodox altar, in front of a 3-year-old girl and introduced her to the doors of the church.

Before this event, a solemn procession, led by the parents of the Virgin Mary and all her relatives, passed from Nazareth to Jerusalem. The girl was dressed in a beautiful dress embroidered with pearls, and in front of her was a procession of girls who held burning candles. Only 3 days later the procession approached the temple, where the priest met them.

Her mother St. Anna addressed him with a speech in which she asked to receive her God-given Daughter and introduce her to the holy dwelling. The little girl was not afraid, but she went to the temple, without looking back, climbed 15 steps and ascended the church platform. Surprised Zachariah took her in his arms, and then the Holy Spirit touched him. He brought the girl to the Holy of Holies, as if anticipating her future fate.

The value of the Virgin in Orthodoxy

Subsequently, in the Orthodox religion, the Mother of God, who became the mother of Christ, was considered to be an “animate temple,” that is, the place where God was. The Holy of Holies for people is a prototype of the heart, in the depths of which the believer carries God. This place is considered sacred, because inside the icon case there are stone tablets of the Testament containing the 10 commandments given by the Lord to the Jewish people.

According to the tradition of Orthodoxy, this event is celebrated during the feast of the Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose icon and meaning are dedicated to children, the purity of their soul and body.

introduction to the church of the blessed virgin icon meaning

Life and Way of the Virgin Mary

After this event, Mary's parents returned to Nazareth, and the girl lived for many years in the temple room, intended for young girls. She learned to read, embroider, sew, weave linen and spin wool. She spent most of her time reading prayers and scripture.

Maria never went away from the walls of the temple, and the food was brought to her by the archangel Gabriel, who became her relentless keeper, his image is usually present on the icon above, in the right corner. Mother often came to visit her, with her conversations she strengthened her spirit.

After the 12th anniversary of Maria Zachariah, at the direction of Angela, she arranges a review of suitable suitors for her, during which the widower Joseph was chosen, holding a staff, miraculously blossomed. After this, the Virgin Mary leaves the temple.

The theological interpretation of the events that took place with the Virgin was given by Gregory Palamas in the Word “For Introduction ...”, which describes the reasons for the election of the Virgin Mary to fulfill an important mission and become the mother of the Son of God.

Icon "Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary": description and significance

The composition of the icon is based on the image of the Jerusalem Temple, where Anna and Joachim brought their daughter Mary. The whole family is met by a priest whose head is crowned with a halo. Behind him are the gates of the Holy of Holies, which represent a special place where important Jewish relics are kept. Even the high priest can enter this place only once a year, because for believers to be here is tantamount to being able to see God and talk with him, to be near him.

Maria’s parents are visible on the left of the icon, and on the right is a priest at the entrance to the temple. In the center of the image is the Virgin Mary herself, whose image marks the beginning of salvation and the pursuit of a purity of soul. Turning to God, each believer does work on himself, his spirit, which then brings joy and celebration.

Ancient icons "Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary", photos are given in the review, are in many Orthodox churches in Russia and in museum collections.

show the icon introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin

According to tradition, the temple on the icons is depicted in the form of a ciborium, a tent. At the top of the icon, the artists painted a red veil (velum), which symbolizes the scene and means that it takes place inside the Jerusalem Temple, the interiors of which are also often present. A kidar is put on the head of the high priest, which means that he belongs to this particular temple; a sign with the inscription “Shrine to God” is always attached to it. The 15 steps symbolize the 15 ascending psalms that the pilgrims pronounce as they ascend to the Temple.

Iconography of the holiday

The initial versions of the Introduction were part of the life cycle of the Virgin. So, on the frescoes of the 9th century. the chapel of Joachim and Anna and in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the image was located in the altar as part of the cycle, in naos, parklis, etc. For the first time, this event was displayed as a separate icon on the miniature of the Basil II Minology, as well as among the festive icons a number of the iconostasis in the monastery of Vatoped and others, often this plot was presented separately in monumental paintings.

The composition and description of the icon “Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary” correspond to the theme of glorifying her as a pure and immaculate virgin, a gift to God. In the center is the figure of Mary, dressed in a maforium, which at that time was considered the traditional clothing of married women, red or cherry. A blue or blue tunic and cap accentuate her virginity. In this case, the maforium symbolizes her motherhood. And the image of three golden stars on it is a sign of her integrity. The appearance of the Virgin is not at all childish, which emphasizes her chosenness and future destiny.

Differences in iconography and composition

In Renaissance Western European painting, Maria’s climbing stairs is represented by her only figure, and the priest awaits her at the top. This is the plot of the icon “Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary” (photo below) by the famous painter Titian (written in 1534-1538, Venice) and by Giotto in frescoes in the Scrovegni chapel in Padua (1303).

icon introduction to the church of the blessed virgin

Compositions in Russian icons were created according to a different principle: a virgin stands next to the priest on the steps at the entrance. In the upper corner behind the high priest is a scene of a meal by Virgin Mary from an angel.

In most stories, Joachim and Anna stand in front and present their daughter to the priest, virgins with candles stand behind them, on later icons the parents were depicted at the end of the procession, and the virgins surrounded the Virgin, sometimes she was painted with a candle in her hand.

In the scene of the Mother of God feeding, she sits on the steps of the Temple, and Angels from heaven fly to her. In the murals in the Assumption Cathedral on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, the composition of this plot is depicted in the interior of the five-domed church, and the Holy of Holies is the altar of the New Testament church, where the Virgin Mary sits on the steps above the throne, and an angel holding a censer in her hand flies to her.

Where are the icons dedicated to the Virgin Mary

Information about the earthly life of the Holy Virgin can be found in the Church Tradition. The event and the details of the transmission of the Virgin Mary from the parents became known from various manuscripts and oral sources: the Greek “Proto-Gospel of James” of the 2nd century, the gospel of the pseudo-Matthew of the 9th century. and other ancient religious books. The iconography of this holiday for many centuries remained unchanged: Mary, standing with a tragic face in front of the entrance to the Holy of Holies, and Zachariah, who bowed before her, showing his reverence for her. The ceremonial entrance of Mary to the temple is a symbol of the beginning of her new life, dedicated to God and - subsequently - the feat of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The first murals with such a plot existed in the 9th century. in the temples of Cappadocia. On the territory of Russia, the first murals were made in the 11th century in the St. Sophia Cathedral (Kiev, Ukraine), then in the 15th century. - in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Novgorod, which was destroyed during the war.

Akathist icon introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ancient icons of the Introduction are exhibited in many museums in Russia and the world: in the Tretyakov Gallery, in the Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art, in the Russian Museum, etc.

Holiday Intro: History and Importance

The holiday dedicated to the icon "Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary" is celebrated on December 4 (old style November 21), at the very beginning of the traditional Christmas Lent. Now it belongs to the largest Orthodox holidays, which are called the twenties (from the word "twelve", that is, 12).

The celebration is dedicated to the festive event, which became a link in God's providence and was expected for 5.5 thousand years after the fall. Virgin Mary appeared in order to accomplish her personal feat: thanks to her purity and sinlessness, she was able to bring all Orthodox humanity into the church with her.

Mary’s entry also symbolizes the event when, instead of having lost the Ark of the Covenant after Babylon’s conquest, she becomes the new Kyoto. The time of the New Testament is coming, the event of the Birth of Christ is approaching.

10 years after this event, the Son of God will enter the world, for which the Mother of God has been preparing all this time. According to historical data, he entered the list of twelve holidays after the 14th century. and at first it was celebrated less solemnly.

Church service

During the celebration, a month before the great event of the Nativity of Christ, in hymns and joy, people prepare to meet the birth of the Divine Infant.

The holiday consists of one day of the pre-celebration and four days of the celebration. The celebration was first mentioned in the writings of Gregory of Nyssa in the 4th century. Sermons of the patriarchs Herman and Tarasius from Constantinople from the 8th century have been preserved.

On the eve of the celebration, an all-night vigil is served, an akathist of the Mother of God is read. During the holiday, the clock and the liturgy are served. After this, a solemn procession takes place, after which the priest delivers a sermon congratulating all the parishioners. Priests dress in white and blue vestments. The decoration of the icon “Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos” is done using flower garlands and lighted candles.

icon prayer introduction to the church of the blessed virgin

The iconography of the composition and the location of the participants on it, the place of the icon among the virgin scenes and paintings of Christ's earthly life correspond to the themes of chants during the celebration. The most important of them is the glorification of the Virgin as the container of the animate temple.

Believers tradition and celebration

According to popular beliefs, autumn ends on this day and winter comes. In Russia, in all cities and villages on that day, funny Vvedensky fairs were held, the most widely known was Moscow, which held fish auctions, sold pretzels, gingerbread cookies and pancakes, drank sbiten - a hot honey drink.

According to tradition, after the celebration, peasants change summer carts on a sled. Also these days it was customary to arrange a wedding where the newlyweds sat in the sleigh and traveled around all the surrounding villages where the locals were going to watch them. For girls on such a day, mothers gave gifts prepared in advance.

Prayers and singing during the holiday

During the service, religious songs are sung: akathist, kondak and troparia. Akathist is called laudatory singing, a solemn hymn written in honor of the Mother of God or Christ, which must be read while standing, turning for comfort to the image of the saint. Akathist icon "Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary" read standing facing her. It consists of several parts, which are called kondakas and ikos.

Kondak is a small song describing a briefly defined action performed by a saint, and ikos is a praise of this event. When reading the akathist, troparia is also read, praising words intended by the saints or in honor of the holiday.

introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin

The icon prayer "Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary" is read in the temple during the holiday and is valid if a person sincerely believes. It is believed that the icon can help in the career, creative and spiritual growth of a person. Making a prayer near her, the believer asks God for healing from diseases, and the girls - for a favorable and successful marriage.

introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin icon holiday

According to tradition, it is believed that on such a day the oath given to God will be fulfilled with his help. All people make mistakes, many have sins, and the prayer with which the believer turns to the Mother of God will help to make amends, because she has gone her earthly way, having survived both joys and deprivations.

Churches and temples dedicated to the Virgin

In total, almost 400 churches dedicated to the icon "Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary" were built on the territory of our country:

  • The church is near Saltykov Bridge in Moscow, where as early as 1801 a wooden building was erected consecrated in honor of the Virgin, then a stone church was built in 1825.
  • Church of the Introduction in Barash, built at the end of the 17th century.
  • In Sergiev Posad - is one of the oldest in Russia, built in the 15th century.
  • In the Kaluga region, in the city of Kozelsk, on the territory of the Holy Vvedensky Optina desert, dates from the end of the 14th century.
  • In Ivanovo, Pskov, Tula and other Russian cities.

icon introduction to the temple of the blessed virgin mother description and meaning


The icon “Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary” shows the inner beauty of the Virgin Mary, her spiritual greatness, sincerity of faith and integrity. It was this girl from childhood who was destined to become the Mother of God. In her image for Christians around the world embodied the basic human values: sacrifice, love, motherhood and inner purity.

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