There are many reasons for the violation of the menstruation cycle, and this phenomenon itself is of concern to any woman. In time, steadily arriving critical days, the same in duration and volume of discharge from month to month, are an indicator of the health of the body and the excellent work of the reproductive organs. What can cyclic failures indicate?
Reason for joy
Many women with the onset of menstruation feel unwell, so they expect the arrival of this period almost with horror. But it is worth the bleeding to linger, to deviate from the schedule, as doubts and experiences become even greater. What is the reason? Why are the dates shifted, the nature and volume of the discharge changing? One of the possible causes of menstruation cycle disorders is the conception of a child. The fact that a delay in menstruation can indicate pregnancy, every adult knows. Such a reason for breaking the cycle is a real joy, because a miracle happened, a new life was born.
To clarify the condition, you need to see a doctor. Blood samples will be taken from the patient for analysis on the content of specific hormones. If the pregnancy is confirmed, there should not be a normal discharge until successful resolution of the burden. If the cause of the menstrual cycle is the conception of a child, but after confirming this fact, discharge similar to menstruation appears, you should consult a doctor. It is likely that the bearing proceeds with problems.
Need more joy
A possible cause of menstrual irregularities is the abundance of stress factors affecting a woman. A variety of phenomena can provoke cyclic failures, from a quarrel at home to difficulties with building a career. Divorce, the loss of a loved one, any experience negatively affects not only the mood, but also on well-being, human health. One of the possible consequences is a violation of the cyclic monthly discharge.
Stress very much affects the hormonal background and can cause various malfunctions and disorders, not always predictable. It is known that after a strong emotional experience, a nervous shock, critical days are late, arrive earlier than expected, drag out, become plentiful. The reverse case is also possible - a sudden shortening of the cycle, the scarcity of secretions. As a rule, by the next month everything comes back to normal. If interruptions continue, consult a doctor.
The environment and its impact
A possible reason for the violation of the menstruation cycle at 30, 20 or 40 - in a word, at any age - acclimatization. I must say, it is she who is encountered quite often and is a significant occasion spoiling the long-planned vacation. Many of our compatriots prefer to fly on a well-deserved rest to distant warm lands, to the sea and ocean, where you can sunbathe in the gentle sun. Others are drawn to high mountains, where the air is clean and fresh. Easily in the midst of this bliss, sudden abdominal pains can begin, followed by bleeding that does not start on time.
There is another scenario. Vacation goes well and even excellent, ends, the lady returns home, and in due time critical days do not come. The same reason for the violation of the menstruation cycle in girls is relevant - the bodyβs habituation to the climate. Changing time, climate, and geographical zones is a serious stress, especially if it happens quickly - for example, when flying across half the globe. External conditions have a strong effect on the hormonal background, so you need to prepare for this option in advance. It is equally necessary to assume the arrival of bleeding ahead of time, and their delay, a change in the duration or volume of discharge.
Rhythms and habits
A possible reason for the violation of the menstrual cycle in girls is a change in rhythm and lifestyle. Often, failures are observed in those who decide to begin to actively train and attend the gym, for women changing their place of work, and with it - a schedule of sleep and wakefulness. Activation of the intimate life or its exclusion from oneβs everyday life can provoke the correction of the menstrual cycle. In the predominant percentage of cases, violations are short-lived, after 1-2 months everything comes back to normal.
A possible reason for the violation of the menstruation cycle after 30 (as, however, before) is a change not only in the rhythm of life, but also in the nutrition program. Excess food, a strict diet, unreasonably long intervals between meals, the scarcity of the diet - all this affects the work of the reproductive system. Perhaps the very first to respond to a change in diet is she. In many ways, the discharge is determined by the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. Irregularity of the cycle is possible if the content of such cells is less than 20%. If the indicator drops below 15%, cyclic spotting stops completely. But in the case when the norm is exceeded by 15-20%, such fatty tissues can provoke a change in the opposite direction - menstruation will come more often, last longer. To minimize such risks, you need to eat properly, maintain weight normal, but not too carried away by losing weight.
Diseases and disorders
A possible cause of a menstrual cycle after 30 or before this age limit is infection, a cold. More often, failures are observed against the background of flu, rubella. Chickenpox and simple SARS can cause them. Rubella and smallpox are provoked by pathogens that correct the process of follicle formation in the tissues of the ovary, which means there is a risk of a prolonged delay in secretions. If a woman has had an infectious disease, and after recovery, the delay reaches a week or longer, tests confirm the absence of pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will conduct research and prescribe a therapeutic course. Neglect of this condition may cause infertility in the future.
A possible cause is a violation of the menstruation cycle: after the transferred external aggressive influence, the hormonal background is disturbed. Internal factors can also provoke such failures. Cycling is a delicate process. This phenomenon depends on a wide variety of hormonal compounds, and a change in the concentration of at least one of them leads to a violation. If malfunctions are frequent, pregnancy is ruled out, the reasons are not obvious, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a course of tests to detect the concentration of hormones in the circulatory system at different stages of the cycle. Indicate the hormonal cause can be either too abundant or meager discharge, coming earlier and later. A possible cause is the malfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland.
Diseases and their treatment
Violation of the menstruation cycle at 40, 30 or 20, and at any other age can be explained by drug therapy. Some drugs that are common in our time can provoke a cyclic failure. As a rule, an indication of such a side effect is in the instructions for use. The problem often accompanies the use of antimicrobial, hormonal agents, as well as contraceptives, including emergency ones. To minimize the negative consequences for your body in general and the reproductive organs in particular, medications must be taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist.
The causes of menstruation cycle disturbances (at 35, 25 or 45 at absolutely any age) can be quite unpleasant. We are talking about diseases that affect the hormonal background. A huge number of health disorders that can lead to a cycle failure, only a doctor can identify a specific one, after conducting research and prescribing tests. If there is an assumption that the problem is provoked by the disease, do not hesitate to go to the doctor, as a number of pathologies are extremely dangerous. In some cases, a cyclic disorder indicates malignant neoplasms.
It was indicated above that a possible cause of a menstrual cycle at 40, 30, 20 years and any other age is pregnancy. But there are other conditions that are closely associated with this and affect the discharge, namely the interruption of the process of bearing a child and the birth of a child. Soon after natural birth, the body restores reproductive function, but this does not happen instantly. The first time after birth, menstruation is absent. This condition is absolutely normal, it is not a pathology. But in the event that even after six months the bleeding did not start or they are extremely irregular and unpredictable, it is worth consulting a doctor. Hormonal hormones may have occurred. The doctor will choose the best patient care program.
Termination of pregnancy is a much more traumatic cause for the body of a menstrual cycle. After 30 years (however, up to this age, too), the female body is extremely difficult to endure abortion. It does not matter whether it is spontaneous or initiated by external factors. The situation is in any case dangerous. A serious hormonal imbalance occurs, the whole body is in conditions of increased stress. Damage to tissues, the uterus first of all suffers. There is a risk of complications and negative consequences, up to the inability to conceive again.
About terms and rules
Currently, a unified classifier of diseases and pathological conditions is used throughout the entire planet. There are special lists of diseases in every country, but the one adopted in ours is similar to the international system. Indicated in the ICD and violation of the menstrual cycle. Since the term describes a wide variety of health problems, it is considered in detail in the classifier; division into subgroups is introduced. In particular, codes N94.4 - N94.9 encode violations.
On average, according to experts, at least once in a lifetime, nine out of ten women faced cyclical problems. This occurs at different periods, due to a variety of reasons and factors. Sometimes there is no cause for concern, but serious health problems are possible. As can be seen from the international codes, menstruation disorders by doctors are divided into groups based on the nature of the failures. For example, if allocations are absent in principle, then codes N91.0 - N91.5 are intended for such.
The violation of the menstrual cycle N92.0 - N92.6 indicated in the ICD codes encrypts copious discharge, frequent, irregular. Coding of a specific case is carried out only after analysis, which provoked failures. For example, if it is not possible to identify the cause, then the violation of the menstruation cycle according to ICD-10, consisting in the abundance of discharge, the absence of a clear cyclicality in the patient's card will be written as N92.6.
Hormones and age
It is believed that most often they encounter causes of menstrual irregularities after 50 years. No wonder: the period of menopause comes, then menopause. This age is associated with restructuring, the organs begin to work differently than at a younger age. A gradual change is accompanied by various sudden symptoms regarding cyclic discharge. But young girls are not immune from such instability.
According to doctors, the instability of the cycle during the year since the first menstrual bleeding is considered the absolute norm. Hormonal background is usually formed between the ages of 14-16, although some menarche comes before the age of twelve. The first menstruation indicates entry into the reproductive period. At this moment, organ rearrangements take place, which means that the girl experiences a somewhat similar state, which provokes the causes of menstruation irregularities at 45 years old and in older women, namely, the adjustment of hormonal balance. For some, menstruation almost from the very beginning comes on time, stably, and discharge from time to time is approximately the same in volume and duration, but this is the exception rather than the rule. True, a doctor should be consulted if a young girl has monthly bleeding lasting more than 10 days. The second important reason to visit the doctor is the lack of stability at the beginning of the second year of menstruation.
Age and reproductive function
The causes of menstruation cycle disorders after 40-50 years are changes in the reproductive system. For some, they start a little earlier, for others they come later. It is believed that the average age of a woman entering the menopause is 45-50 years, although for some this begins after thirty. The peculiarity of the cycle is the absence of ovulation, which makes a woman of a mature age akin to a young girl. Studies show that with the extinction of reproductive ability, secretions usually become more abundant than before. Up to half of all women suffer from polymenorrhea, which is the reason for seeking help from a doctor. It happens that cyclic discharge ends just a few days before the start of new ones.
In this state, not every woman is ready to consult a doctor to determine exactly what in her case are the causes of menstruation irregularities after 40. Some are shy, others are convinced that this is an early menopause, everything is completely natural and there is no reason for concern. In many cases, this is true, but there is a risk of pathologies. The abundance of discharge can be explained by myoma, cyst, neoplasm or proliferation of the endometrium. To clarify the condition, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will prescribe an examination, give recommendations on how to ensure maximum well-being.
Age-related changes
If the cause of the menstrual cycle after 40 years is hormonal changes due to the transition to menopause, it is necessary to maintain the body's strength. In many respects, health in old age depends on the proper maintenance of oneβs strength during this difficult period of organism restructuring. The doctor will best explain the condition, who will first evaluate the features of the individual case. The doctor will advise how to adjust the diet, which regimen to prescribe for yourself, how often to engage in sports in order to keep yourself in good shape and undergo minimal discomfort. According to experts, grapefruits and flaxseeds should be included in the diet. These products supply plant-derived estrogens to prevent disease. Have to track the calorie intake.
Often, the causes of menstrual irregularities after 40 years lead to additional troubles, most often to weight gain. Women note that they begin to eat more restrained than before, nevertheless, body weight is steadily increasing. This is explained by the features of the functioning of internal systems. Pregnancy, childbirth in the future is not planned, which means that nutrients need relatively little. All surplus from food begins to be deposited. Rapid weight gain puts a strain on the musculoskeletal system, leading to metabolic problems and increased pressure. Already at the age of 40-50 years, you need to notice such changes and take measures to prevent the situation from worsening, otherwise in the near future a woman will face many health problems.
Away is good, but at home?
Since doctors have long known that one of the causes of menstruation cycle disorders at 40 years of age and more mature age is the approach of menopause, a set of measures has been developed to prevent the negative impact of age-related factors on the female body. In our country, so far little attention has been paid to this, but in the developed powers of Europe and America, preventive programs aimed at preventing complications associated with menopause are actively practiced. It is thanks to this centralized approach that everyone understands what internal restructuring is associated with age, what dangers it carries, how to prevent deterioration. As a result, even at an advanced age, many ladies are active, play sports, love to travel, in a word, do not deny themselves anything.
However, you should not expect that the causes of menstruation irregularities of 40 years, 50 can only be leveled with the help of state programs. The health of any person is in his own hands, which means that you need to try to keep fit. : , , . , , , . , .
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In a healthy woman, regular monthly bleeding begins at the age of 13-15 years, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. The duration of the cycle varies between 21-35 days. The countdown begins from the first day of bleeding, all days are taken into account until the next. Bloody discharge should last 3-7 days, the total volumes released in this case, vary within 100 ml. In the ideal case, the period of bleeding is not accompanied by pain, discomfort, it is observed regularly.
If the condition of the woman differs from the described standard, there is a reason to go to the doctor for an appointment for consultation.
The following forms of cyclic disturbances are distinguished:
- amenorrhea;
- hypermenorrhea;
- dysmenorrhea;
- oligomenorrhea;
- ICP.
Amenorrhea is diagnosed if there is no discharge for 6 months or longer. With abundant secretions, they speak of menorrhagia. If cyclical discharge is accompanied by nausea, severe pain, if a woman vomits, they diagnose algomenorrhea. Moreover, the condition is so serious that a woman cannot lead a familiar lifestyle. Deviations include discharge containing blood between cyclic bleeding, as well as the absence of bleeding after the birth of a baby or abortion in normal terms. If there is discharge, but less frequently than the established norm, the condition is described as oligomenorrhea. Sudden bleeding is possible in menopause, when a year or more has passed since it started. Finally, PMS is a term used to denote a change in a womanβs behavioral reactions, mental and emotional status a few days before the start of a monthly bleeding.
Reasons and reasons: many different
In some cases, menstrual irregularities are due to poorly selected contraceptives. To prevent such consequences, it is best to consult a doctor.
There is a risk that cyclic malfunctions are a marker of inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. For some, everything is explained by a hereditary factor. Possible trauma, mechanical damage to the tissues of the reproductive organs. This is observed after surgery or abortion.
A neoplasm, a malfunction of the endocrine system and a violation of the diet can provoke a violation of the cyclicity of monthly discharge. There is a risk that the cause is the pathology that engulfed the female organs. Perhaps the pathological condition leads to an incorrect connection of the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, while the production of hormonal compounds is out of sync. Similarly, the synchronous interaction of the pituitary gland and ovaries may be disrupted.
Sometimes the consequences of cycling are quite serious and unpleasant. Against the background of failures, there is a risk of the inability to become pregnant, endure, give birth to a healthy baby. With too much discharge, anemia and chronic fatigue are possible. A woman feels bad without any obvious reason for this. Hormonal imbalance can cause acne, activation of vegetation, and male hair growth occurs.
Pathologies of their features
Perhaps the formation of polyps on the uterine endometrium. Polyps are called such benign formations that can provoke the release of blood between normal cyclic. As a rule, they are smearing in nature. With polyps, monthly bleeding is more abundant than normal.
Endometriosis can provoke malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. The term refers to the pathological condition of the proliferation of endometrial cells (uterine mucosa). As the tissue becomes larger, bleeding is more plentiful during menstruation than normal. As a rule, endometriosis is accompanied by severe pain. It is possible to spread to organs outside the uterus, both nearby and mucous membranes of the respiratory and visual systems.
If chronic inflammation is localized in the reproductive organs, the cycle of menstruation may be impaired due to the impossibility of cell maturation. First of all, under the influence of pathological processes, the functional layer suffers. As a rule, inflammatory foci are not only the cause of malfunctions of the monthly cycle, but also a factor preventing a successful pregnancy.
Another possible reason for the violation of the cycle of menstruation is liver pathology. If the tissue transforms into cirrhotic, the concentration of estrogen in the circulatory system increases, which means that bleeding becomes more frequent and becomes more plentiful.