Conspiracies to love men

What tricks do ladies use to lure a man into their nets. Love is a strong feeling that cannot be described in words. In addition, it can be of different types: passionate, tender, sensual, sacrificial. Sometimes people themselves do not understand exactly what feeling they feel, and to whom. But another thing is important, everyone wants to feel loved. But unfortunately, quite often the object of lust does not reciprocate. What then to do?

Are love conspiracies effective?

In fact, you can attract love into your life with the help of various rituals and rituals. Around this witchcraft there are many rumors and horror stories. Some argue that this lesson does not give a result, others argue that it is quite dangerous, but still others insist that it can give the opposite effect. In fact, practicing magic is not an easy task. But if a person really decided to use it for the good and takes it seriously, his result is already 80% positive. He will surely succeed.

Strong love

Perhaps the easiest types of witchcraft are conspiracies to love and love spells. They can really give a positive result, but you must strictly follow all the instructions. The most important thing in such a ritual is the belief that it is effective. Even a small fraction of doubt can destroy the whole process.

In some cases, it makes sense to turn to a trusted magician. He will be able to perform the ritual correctly and, perhaps, it will be more effective than performing it independently and at home. On the other hand, where can I find a proven magician? In truth, there are many more charlatans in this business than people with superpowers. If you are not sure that the magician will really help you, then you should not contact him. In this case, it is better to plot yourself and without help.

Conspiracy Rules

Each magic ritual includes certain actions and their sequence. If you just recently started doing this, then the essence of all the rituals at once will be very difficult to understand, although this is not necessary. Conspiracies of white magic on a man’s love need to be read aloud very clearly and slowly. In addition, if there are also any rituals to the text, they should be performed exactly as prescribed.

You can charm a man, both with the help of white magic, and with the help of black. However, in the second case, the danger is much greater. You should not read conspiracies if you do not believe in their effectiveness, or just for fun. This article presents only white conspiracies to love a man. This action should be taken absolutely seriously. The thing is that the words of the conspiracy have a special power. This is a kind of “prayer” to the Universe, and turning to her for help, one should be extremely serious.

Practically all rituals are preferably performed at night, before bedtime. Before and after reading the plot, you should wash your face and wash your hands well. It is very important that you feel good during the ritual and that nothing hurts you. In some cases, after reading the conspiracy, weakness and dizziness may be felt. This is a normal occurrence, as part of your energy you have invested in love words.

Conspiracies and love spells

As love is different, so the ways of magical influence on a man differ from each other. It is necessary to determine exactly how, whom and for what purpose you will bewitch. Conspiracies for love and love spells have a significant difference between themselves.

So, as a rule, the conspiracy itself is only a text part that needs to be read a certain number of times. It can be part of a love spell, but it can exist separately from it. In addition, there are a huge number of different conspiracies: for health, for money, for good luck and for a variety of household needs. For example, the most complete collection of plots of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova includes 7000 different texts for a variety of situations. The plot does not have to be addressed to a specific person. So, some of them simply attract love or a faithful companion into life.

The conspiracies of stepanova

Another thing is a love spell. He works only in the field of love magic. So, a love spell is a magical effect on a person’s feelings. Absolutely always, in addition to certain words, it also implies some actions on the part of the girl. This is a certain ritual that must be accurately performed.

For both conspiracies and love spells, the state of relations with a man at the moment is very important. For example, a conspiracy to eat or drink will not work if the person is at a distance from you.

Another important nuance: whether you were with the man you want to bewitch, previously in a relationship, and how close you are communicating with him at the moment. So, there are conspiracies designed specifically for the husband or, for example, for the guy with whom you are currently in a quarrel. But some of them are only suitable for strengthening existing relations. Consider some of the most popular love conspiracies.

Resuming relationship with husband

Family life does not always go smoothly. Each couple sooner or later has such a moment that the spouses do not look at each other for days and weeks. In such cases, you can apply special conspiracies to love her husband. It is very important not to tell anyone about this magical action, especially your spouse. Neither relatives, nor even best friends should know about it. The words of a white conspiracy on the love of her husband need to be read not just mechanically, but be sure to delve into their essence.

Strong feelings

Red ribbon

To perform the ritual, you need a new silk ribbon. It must be necessarily red and recently purchased. It is very important to remember that when buying things that later will be required for rituals, you can’t take change, swear with sellers and bargain. Arriving home, the tape must be put on the bed under the sheet. It is very important that the spouse does not notice anything. In the morning you need to wake up before your husband, get a red ribbon, hold it lightly on the lips of a lover and go out into a separate room. There, weaving it into the hair, you must read the following text:

I will wake up early in the morning, I, the Servant of God (my name), let me go to a clean field, to look for my beloved. I’ll look at all four sides - I won’t see anyone! I will turn my heartfelt words to the wind, walking across a wide field, I will ask him to call my beloved to me. And then I’ll return home and see my beloved there. He will sit in the hallway, having frowning, and yearn for me, the Slaves of God (his name). I will hug him with joy and accept him. My words are strong and strong. That will happen. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy to love her husband, the tape must be removed and hidden in a secluded place. After a few days, you will notice that the relationship will become warmer, and your man will be more attentive to you.

Conspiracy for a stable relationship

To protect relations from scandals and betrayals, there is another ritual. To do this, you need to buy a new beautiful sheet, red threads, a needle, an icon of the Holy Virgin and three church candles. Of course, the ritual must be carried out alone. Place an icon on the table and light three candles. Rub the threads with a small amount of wax and thread them into the needle. Now you need to make small stitches along the edge of the entire sheet, while reading a love plot:

I, the Servant of God (my name), sew up with red threads and speak magic words the heart of my husband, the Servant of God (name of spouse). It will be pounding at him and will drive blood fiercely, his passion will be on me, on the Servant of God (his name) to direct. He will want to hug, but without me he cannot breathe in or out. And he will see me, so his trembling will begin to make his way. He will become jealous of me all over the world and will not let me go for a minute. He will suffer until he touches me, and his seed is not poured into me. At any time of the day he will desire me, like to scour the hungry wolf in the steppe, and seek my body. He will not want to know others and will not see. Amen

To make the guy bored and missed

Sometimes, after several meetings with a young man, he seems to disappear from the girl's field of vision: he does not come, he does not call. In this case, I don’t want to be the first to take the initiative, because this can push away the potential groom. For such cases, there is a special conspiracy to love a man who will remind him of you. He urgently wants to see you or call you. It is important to note that this love conspiracy will only work if the man has liked you at least a little. If he is offended or disappointed in you, this magic may not work. To read the plot, you should slightly bite your tongue:

I bite myself, I attach a slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) would miss, because of the longing of rest, he did not know either daylight or night dark. All to think about me. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The plot can be read as many times as you want. It is very important at this moment to think about the guy, to represent him in front of you or to remember the good moments spent with him.

Heart shaped candles

Here is another conspiracy that is enough for the guy to miss :

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my canopy, to my doorstep, in my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen!

New love

Some girls are disastrously unlucky with male attention. In any company or team, they go unnoticed. And in fact, all the mystery is hidden in the inner energy. If she is in decline, then meeting a good man is unlikely to succeed. Special talismans and charms help to improve your energy potential. One of the simplest is a photo ritual.

You need to choose your best small photo. The ritual must be carried out in the first quarter of the moon, when the sky will be clean, clean, and the satellite will be visible from the window. Wrap the photo in the leaves of basil and put it on the window under the moonlight and read on it the following plot for man’s love (at home): “I am beautiful, young and full of energy. I breathe love, I see love, I feel love. Amen! ”Leave the photo all night on the window. In the morning, remove leaves from it and put in a handbag. No one should pick up this photo. After a few days, you will notice a positive effect.

Girls who dream of getting married sooner can read the following strong love plot on Fridays:

Paraskeva Friday, the holy martyr, went to my court male beard. If only for a widower, if only not to stay in the girls. I bow to you, Paraskeva-mother, they led a male tribe to marry me. But I’m a damsel (widow), a servant of God (name), I will keep fasting, glorify all Fridays. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

This plot is very effective. It is the Monk Paraskeva who prays for family happiness and prosperity. On the day of her memory (October 27), you should go to church where there is her icon and buy 3 candles. Put one near her icon, and take the other two with you. On the same day in the evening, you need to put your photo on the table and light the purchased candles on the sides. Let them burn out to the end, at this time you read a strong conspiracy on love. Such a ceremony will help to attract a good and kind guy into your life.

Love in the distance

Not always the object of desire is nearby. Sometimes, after a strong quarrel, a man can disappear for several days or even months. It would seem that in such a situation it will be difficult to return it. But the world of magic is diverse and interesting. There are special plots for love at a distance that do not require the presence of a man nearby.

Conspiracies to love

If you turn to a professional for help, the sorceress will ask for this ritual to bring a red candle, a glass of water, a handful of earth and a fan (or an empty container). These items represent 4 elements - these are Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. This is very important, because since a man is at a distance, it is these objects that can help restore contact with him. So, he will drink water, and remember about you, will walk on the earth and think about you.

In the middle of the table, an experienced magician will place a photograph of your lover, to his left is a candle, to his right is water, above is an empty glass and below is a handful of earth. Then he will ask you to repeat the following words after him.

Strong conspiracy to love

Such a ritual should be performed at least 5 times, it is good if during the day without the ritual the text will simply be read out (about 7 times a day). Of course, you can read the conspiracy of love at home, the main thing is that no one is around. This ritual is really strong and the man on whom it is performed will make itself felt in a few days. But it is very important not to interrupt it and perform for five days. Even if, after the first time, the man immediately comes, this does not mean that the conspiracy has fully acted.

Strong love spells

These rituals are very effective, they help to awaken the feelings of tenderness, affection and care for a man. Such conspiracies to love - white magic that does not harm a person. So, one of them is very similar to the previous one. For love spell, 4 elements are used. Before them and a photograph of the object the following words are read:

I conjure that (the name of the man) connects with (the name of the woman) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are connected to the Earth, and that the thoughts (name of the man) are directed to (the name of the woman), as the rays of the sun direct the Light of the world and its virtues; and so that he (the name of the man) creates it in his imagination and view as the sky is created with stars and a tree with its fruits. And let a high spirit (the name of a woman) soar above the spirit (the name of a man), like water above the earth. And make sure that the aforementioned (name of a man) does not have the desire to eat, drink and rejoice without (name of a woman).

Of course, conspiracies work better when a man is nearby. So, there are many different love spells in which objects, food or drinks that a man touches are used.

Love spell on drink

For example, you can speak the most common salt. To do this, you need to buy a new pack, pour it into a red silk bag and read the following conspiracy 7 times in a row for 7 days: "As people without salt can not, so (name) could not live without me." On the eighth day, you can pour salt into a salt shaker. It’s not scary if someone else will eat it, because she is talking about the love of only a specific person.

All the conspiracies described above only enhance feelings, but are not able to create them. In order to make a person fall in love, it is necessary to use black magic. This type of love conspiracy is quite dangerous. In black love rituals, cemetery objects are usually used. The danger of such a conspiracy lies in the fact that people break their will, change their fate. This is primarily reflected on his physical and mental health. Many cases in which charmed men were drunk or lost their minds can be used as evidence. Often a person over whom a ritual of black magic was performed can commit suicide.

Girl conjures

If the conspiracies described above do not affect your man, he remains cold and unfriendly to you, then perhaps the only right decision would be to let him go. You cannot create artificial love and enjoy it fully. In addition, everything that a person receives with the help of black magic must be paid.

White magic plots can be used without fear. They are designed to enhance feelings. For example, often a man does not come to put up with his beloved because of pride or the advice of his family and friends. It is in such cases that conspiracy to love will be very effective. The most important thing is to believe in success, and everything will succeed.

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