Psychic Wolf G. Messing: biography, interesting facts from life, photo

Probably there are few people who do not know who Messing Wolf G. is. This man lived an amazing life, predicted and even changed the fate of people. He was known and feared, believed and distrusted. Stalin himself favored the clairvoyant, allowing concerts to be held throughout the Soviet Union.


In September 10, 1899, in a place near Warsaw, which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire, Gure-Kalwaria was born Wolf G. Messing - a man who became famous for his outstanding superpowers. His parents were very religious and wanted their boy to become a rabbi. However, Volka (that was the name of Wolf Grigorievich) strongly resisted such a fate. Then they went on a trick and bribed a colorful tramp to play the messenger of God in front of the boy. Volka believed the vision and went to study. However, two years later, having met that very tramp, he recognized in him an angel who appeared with a sign and realized that his parents had simply deceived him. Then the boy, disappointed in everything, left home, stealing money from donations in the yeshiva.

He boarded a train to Berlin, but, since there was not enough money for a ticket, he hid under a bench. When the controller came up and asked for a ticket, he was very scared, but he picked up some piece of paper from the floor and, with his whole being, dreaming that it would turn into a ticket, handed it over. The ticket man in reply calmly took a piece of paper, composted it and wondered why the boy was going under the bench if he had a travel pass and the car was full of empty seats.

So young Messing learned about his ability to inspire people with an illusory reality.


The discovered ability did not help at first in life. The boy worked as a messenger in the guesthouse and did everything he was told. At the same time, he almost did not earn money. And once even fainted from hunger right on the street. He was taken to the hospital, and without detecting a ripple, he was sent to a morgue. But some trainee still felt the heartbeat. At the same time, Abel, a very famous neuropathologist and psychiatrist, was present. The professor became interested in the boy and began to teach how to control his body, and then introduced him to the man who became his first impresario, Tselmester.

So young Messing began his career. He lay in a crystal coffin and immersed himself in a state similar to death, receiving considerable money for it. Over time, I learned to read other people's thoughts and turn off the pain, turning into a real artist.

Wolf G. Messing

Future psychic Messing Wolf G. became more and more famous. In 1915, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein even attended his speech, but unfortunately, they did not leave any notes about this fact.

In 1937, in Warsaw, in his speech, he predicted the death of the Fuhrer if he would move the troops east. For this, the artist and his family were arrested, but thanks to superpowers, he managed to escape. He crossed the Western Bug River and ended up on the territory of the Soviet Union, where Wolf G. Messing began his new life.

Mature years

Messing Wolf G. biography

The psychic almost did not know the Russian language, and for the rest of his life, having lived in the country of the Soviets, he did not really learn. They hardly knew him here, but when he became a member of the concert team in the Brest region, he nevertheless became an artist Messing, Wolf Grigorievich. His biography, apparently, became known at the very top of the government. And once, right at a concert in Gomel, two NKVD workers took the stage and, asking the public for forgiveness, took the artist to Stalin, whom he later met more than once.

After this meeting, Messing receives a new ticket to life, he begins to pay fabulous fees.

When the war began, Volf Grigoryevich (at his own request or under pressure from the NKVD) donated his money to two planes. It is known that at that time he was even arrested and interrogated. It was during a tour in Tashkent.

Messing continued his trips with performances. By personal order of Stalin, he was allocated a one-room apartment in Moscow on Novopeschanaya Street, where he lived a happy life with his wife Aida Mikhailovna since 1954.

Old age

The rest of his life, Wolf Grigorievich Messing, lived alone in another, more spacious apartment on Herzen Street, already without his beloved wife. He was surrounded by two dogs (Mashenka and Pushinka), as well as his wife's sister.

Wolf G. Messing photo

He knew about the date of his death, and the closer she got, the more phobias appeared in the old man. However, Messing said that he was not afraid of death, it was simply endlessly sad that this very special experience of living life on Earth would never happen again.

Once, when he was taken to the hospital, leaving the house, he looked around and said that he would never return here. The operation was performed by a first-class surgeon, and it was successful. But after complications began, the kidneys refused. The legendary telepath Messing Wolf died.

The years of his life: 1899-1974.


During his life, an outstanding person, artist and psychic managed to travel to different countries. He performed and traveled a lot, of course, in the Soviet Union.

Despite the materialism prevailing in the country, Messing was able to open the curtain of the unknown and to show by his own example the existence of a different, non-material world.

Very often, in his speeches, he read people's thoughts and carried them out. For example, it was typical to guess what was in the hands of a certain person or written words on paper that was sealed in an envelope.

All of these numbers seemed fantastic to the audience. Although skeptics, of course, came up with a rational explanation for them, speaking of his excellent mastery of elementary idiomotor.

Personal life

In Novosibirsk, Wolf G. Messing met and fell in love with a woman, Aida Mikhailovna Rappoport, who became a reliable friend, an assistant in speeches and a wife.

They lived side by side with happy years, but in 1960, Aida Mikhailovna suddenly died of cancer. And Messing knew about her impending departure. He was left alone and did not give any concerts for half a year, experiencing the loss very hard.

But time passed, he began to gradually come to his senses and even sometimes speak. Wolf Grigoryevich was surrounded by close people, but life began to weigh and the talent granted to him turned into a punishment.

where is messing wolf grigorievich


Messing was afraid to have children, so he did not have his own. But among the environment were close people, to whom he treated with paternal care.

One of them was Tatyana Lungina, who met him for the first time in June 1941, when she was only 18. Later, the latter used her notes on meetings with Messing to write an autobiography "About himself."

Many people described wonderful stories, in which they became participants, and where the main character was psychic Messing Wolf.

Interesting facts from life

Vadim Chernov talked about the case in the country, when everyone went into the forest for mushrooms. Messing did not like this occupation, but together with everyone he also went to the forest. All scattered in search of mushrooms. After some time, Vadim went into the clearing, where he saw Messing sitting on a log, surrounded by local children. The children squealed with delight and asked Wolf Grigoryevich about the non-existent animals that they saw and played with them. When Vadim came up and Messing noticed him, they met with glances and the clairvoyant said that there was a beast to him. The young man suddenly saw a bear, but was not at all scared, and numerous squirrels, bunnies and hedgehogs appeared around the children. However, most of all he remembered the basket, to the top filled with excellent mushrooms (although before meeting his eyes he knew for sure that it was empty).

Another case was described by Tatyana Lungina. It was a session at the Central House of Writers when Wolf G. Messing agreed to demonstrate a cataleptic state. By that time he was no longer young, so if he couldnโ€™t be able to get out of it on his own, Dr. Pakhomova assisted him. Forty minutes after Messing tuned in, she stated that the ripple was no longer observed. The audience put on the stage two chairs, on the backs of which they laid a lifeless body (heels and the back of the head). It was like a tree. The heaviest man sat on Messing's stomach. And even after that, the body did not bend one iota. A psychiatrist pierced the muscles of the neck through and through. There was no blood or other reaction of the body. Then Messing was asked a question, to which he did not answer, but when they put a pen in his hand and substituted the album, he raised his hand like a robot and wrote an answer on it.

With the help of medical manipulations he was taken out of this state, but it was not easy for a 64-year-old medium. And a few days later, he continued to remain unsociable and taciturn.

Who is Messing Wolf G.

Gift or Punishment

In old age, the gift began to weigh heavily on Messing. He was tired of other people's thoughts, which were mostly far from the most pleasant. If everything was much easier in his youth, in old age he treated his gift as a punishment. After all, he knew everything in the smallest details about his future, and all the miracles that the public showed, have long become his daily routine.

He knew that many people were jealous of the gift, thinking that if they could, they would turn down entire mountains. However, Wolf G. argued that there can be no advantage in life from talent, and therefore there is no need to envy. If a person is decent and does not intend to commit any illegal actions, no gift will give him superiority.

Wolf G. Messing, whose photo is given below, in the last years of his life turned into a morose pessimist.

Messing Wolf years of life

Messing and the greats of this world

The highest officials and those in power were interested in the telepath. Hitler, Stalin, Khrushchev - they all knew Messing, and to some of them he even made predictions.

He did not see Hitler, but foresaw his death, for which he himself almost paid with his life.

Stalin wanted to personally test Messing's gift. To this end, he first suggested that he receive one hundred thousand rubles from Sberbank by presenting an empty piece of paper. When this succeeded, the poor cashier who issued the money received a heart attack. Fortunately, they saved him. In addition, Messing unhindered himself went to Stalin through all the patrols, and also left him, waving the leader from the street with his hand. When asked how it was possible, Wolf Grigoryevich said that he simply inspired everyone he met that he was Beria.

psychic Messing Wolf G.

However, the psychic did not always observe political caution, and at a time when almost everyone in the country was confident in the friendship of Nazi Germany and the country of the Soviets, a completely different development of events was predicted by Messing Wolf Grigorievich. His biography almost came to an end again because of this. He said in his speech, answering a question from the audience, that he had seen Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. Despite the fact that his concerts were canceled for a while, he was not arrested. Later, when the war began, the artist continued his activities.


In addition to the fact that Wolf G. predicted the death of Hitler, predicted war, he also announced the date of victory (May 8) at one of his speeches. True, the year was not named. But in the early days of the war, he was summoned by Stalin to the Politburo, where he predicted victory for the Soviet troops and named the year and month.

Stalin kept track of the predictions that psychic Messing Wolf made. His biography was overgrown with all kinds of legends, sometimes difficult to distinguish from those that actually happened. But on the day that the act of surrender of Germany was signed, Stalin sent a message to Messing, where he noted the accuracy of the predicted date. And this is an indisputable fact.

It is also said that the leader of the peoples asked the telepath and about his date of death. But the latter, foreseeing an uncomfortable question, said that he would not answer, but at the same time promised that he would never tell anyone about it.

It is known that a psychic secretly led a green notebook in which he recorded predictions concerning both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries about events in the USSR, the USA and Israel. However, she disappeared without a trace after the death of Messing.

The life of this mysterious person was cut short on October 8, 1974. The place where Messing Wolf Grigoryevich is buried is Vostryakovskoe cemetery.

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