The pure prayer: the text of the prayer, when and how to read correctly, the priests

Prayer is the very thread that connects a person with the Lord. Prayer is not necessary for God, and even without human requests he knows what and who needs it. Prayer is necessary for the person himself, it gives him peace and confidence. It is prayer that gives strength and strengthens faith. This is the meaning of the phrase that is given will be asking.

There are many prayers, and for each of them there is a place and time. This does not mean that you need to memorize any texts and pronounce them in a specific way at a particular hour. This means that for each life event or situation in the church, there are own varieties of prayers, for example for health or for peace.

What is this prayer?

Many have heard that there is a pure prayer for health. What is it, when and why is it necessary, far from everyone understands. Meanwhile, pure prayer is a traditional variety of the components of the liturgy. It is pronounced on the personal request of the believer and may relate not only to health, but also to other life aspects or problems.

Temple before the service

Prayer is ordered from the clergy in any church, monastery or other parish. It will be read by a serving priest as part of the liturgy specially designated for the needs of the parishioners.

What is the difference from other prayers?

The main difference is clear from the name, if you think about it, prayer is purely. This means that a person asks for something gentlemen purely, that is, on purpose. As a rule, such prayers are dedicated to asking God for help in solving a specific problem in the life of a person or his relatives.

Another difference of this prayer service is that it is read by the clergyman in accordance with the needs of the believer. This means that the more terrible and serious the problem, the more time in the service will be allocated for reading prayers.

What is such a prayer?

In order to order a pure prayer, it is not at all necessary to wait for the moment at which a tragedy will happen in life. It is enough to feel the inner need for such a prayer.

Orthodox Cathedral

As a rule, a pure prayer is read in connection with the needs of the following:

  • admonition of children or relatives, instruction on the righteous path;
  • spiritual and physical health ;
  • assistance in family affairs and in the preservation of marriage;
  • the granting of heirs and the birth of strong children;
  • ability to learn, disclosure of talents;
  • protection against evil machinations and slander;
  • healing from pernicious passions.

Nowadays, most often women order pure prayer, asking for peace of mind and forgiveness of the sin of infanticide. We are talking about abortion, because not every woman is able to mentally and emotionally transfer this event.

Accordingly, such a prayer is a pure request to the Lord about what is important for a person. There are no restrictions on the occasion for her.

What do clergymen advise?

Many clergymen are perplexed by the attitude of the flock to custom prayers. The priests are worried that, having ordered the reading of a prayer, many people consider their participation in this to be completed. That is, they do not consider it necessary to work on their own souls, to pray independently, and even do something to correct the life situation, about which the prayer was ordered.

Modern iconostasis

This is a general trend that clergymen are worried about everywhere. People lose their spirituality and come to temples, as if to shops. Such an attitude is not only erroneous, but also harmful. Prayer, about which the person who ordered it, does not care and does not trust in it, will not bring benefits.

How long do you need to read such prayers?

The Lord hears only requests filled with sincere faith and uttered with hope, pure prayer is no exception.

Based on practice, clergymen advise reading in the course of at least twelve liturgies. But sometimes it is required to read the prayer of both thirty and forty services. Its effectiveness depends on the spirituality of the person asking and, of course, on the sincerity of this personโ€™s faith. Of course, there is also a dependence on the complexity of the life situation.

Orthodox monastery

For example, if prayer is ordered to get rid of the narcotic captivity of a loved one, then it will take not twelve services, but much more. Although the Lord is omnipotent, demonic temptations are also not weak, and the soul of the addict is just in a diabolical captivity and often does not consider it necessary to leave him.

It is important to understand that the term of reading a prayer does not depend on its effectiveness in the literal sense, but on the spiritual strength of the prayer, the firmness of intent. That is, it is a kind of self-hypnosis, as psychologists call such actions. Of course, the stronger the faith of a person and the firmer his conviction, the faster and easier he will get the desired result. After all, as they say, the asking is given.

Do I need to do something?

The Lord himself does not need any action from a person; God only needs faith. But the man himself often needs to do something, do something in his daily life.

White church

It can be easier for people to mentally join the prayer act they have ordered if they commit:

  • consecration of your home;
  • comprehend the commandments and their daily actions;
  • commemorate the deceased in the church;
  • ask for the health of loved ones in the temple;
  • attend services;
  • repent of sins - both involuntary and intentional.

Intentional sin is the scourge of the soul of modern man. The thing is that, knowing that the act is bad and is contrary to God's commandments, a person commits it anyway. And then, as people say, he has "cats scratching their hearts."

Often, it is precisely such actions that lead to the need for a customary prayer, pure or otherwise.

Where to order such a prayer?

The place does not matter, so that in a difficult life situation pure prayer helps. Will it be a monastery or a temple standing next to the house - not so important. The main thing is faith and conviction in their actions, as well as sincerity in intentions. If a person orders prayers, but at the same time continues to lead a sinful life, then such duplicity will not lead to anything good.

Candle in front of the icon

However, given the fact that in our country the majority of monasteries and temples were closed and, in principle, desecrated, the question of the place matters. Before ordering a prayer service, you need to go into the temple and stay in it for a while, stand and listen to yourself. If this church is not particularly comfortable mentally, you want to get out of it or even irritation comes, then in this church you do not need to order prayers, despite the clergy who work in it.

The temple, which has preserved the energy that has been prayed for centuries, is felt immediately and unmistakably. In such a church, peace and tranquility come to the soul, and when leaving the temple, a person seems to glow from the inside. He smiles and is open to all that is good and bright. In such a temple, prayers should be ordered.

What is the difference from litany?

A pure litany is a common great prayer. It is right to call litany not a prayer, but a section of the liturgy, which consists of petitions to the Lord from parishioners of the temple.

Literally, "litany" is translated from Greek as "long prayer." But it is not a prayer, but a component of the content of the service, its integral part, section.

Litany consists of prayers and, depending on their types, as well as on the general nature of the service, can take various forms. Prayer is devoid of this, it is subordinated to one thought and purpose.

Is it possible to pray strictly without an order?

Many believers are completely embarrassed by the completely commercial announcements that it is possible to transfer payment for a prayer and order it in a monastery or church in which a person has never been. These are indeed a bit strange suggestions from the temples, as they go against the basic tenets related to custom prayers. Nevertheless, such proposals can be encountered in various sources of information.

Of course, there will be no benefit from such a moleben. If it is not possible to personally come to the temple, then, understanding what pure prayer means and in what cases it is read, you can ask the Lord yourself.

The catholicon of the Russian church from the street

The text of the prayer may be:

โ€œLord Almighty, have mercy on me, your slave (proper name). Send me wisdom and humility, teach me how to be, do not leave without the aid of your great. Judge the Lord with me (listing or a brief description of the life situation, the essence of the request). Show me the right path, enlighten me and guide me. Grant, Lord, health and patience. Help the sick and strengthen the healthy. Give the bread to the hungry and fill it with compassion. Do not leave your children in difficult times and me, your slave (proper name), among others. There is no greater than my faith, no greater than my humility, but there is much woe in the world and much suffering. Amidst the great cares of the afflicted, strengthen my spirit and grant me to wait for the glorious moment, the sight of helping, amen. โ€

You can read the prayer yourself in your own words. The time for her should be one day a day. The text of prayer must also be repeated, therefore, in order to read your words, they must first be written down.

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