What is jihad? The meaning of the word jihad. What is jihad in Islam?

The attitude of Islam in the modern world is ambiguous. Some without any doubt decide to become a humble servant of Allah. Others call this religion aggressive. Adherents of the second opinion believe that Islam calls for the destruction of all infidels (not Muslims), and even cite individual statements from the Qur'an that confirm this. For example, in the Holy Scriptures there is a special place for jihad that every Muslim must observe. This concept means “holy war”, which Muslims wage in the name of the Creator against the infidels, so that they also worship Allah. Is it really? Let’s find out that jihad is what it is and what its role is in Islam.

War with yourself

jihad is
The meaning of the word "jihad" is understood not by every educated person. In legal and many theological works, jihad is interpreted as war. And this concept is perceived by most people in its literal sense. Few people think about what kind of war we are talking about. In fact, jihad is a struggle to establish the word of Allah. This means that every Muslim must defend his religion and promote it among the "infidels." Jihad also implies a war to preserve the words of the Creator in the attack of enemies. If you carefully analyze the concept, you can see that it does not mean the killing or extermination of the "infidels." Rather, it is a war with oneself and with one’s passions, as well as a spiritual struggle in defense of the word of Allah. This is a holy war waged by a Muslim with the devil, his own passions, and it aims to spread the truth.

Big jihad

The concept involves the struggle with their passions. What is jihad in Islam? This is when a person wakes up in the middle of the night to straighten a blanket for his child. This act is considered a great jihad. War with yourself is the most difficult. It's so hard not to succumb to passions! But if a person does not commit fornication that he could commit, this is his invaluable merit to Allah. Big jihad is any “beautiful act”. For example, a man, seeing a passerby having fallen out of his pocket $ 100, raises and gives him a bill. This is also a big jihad. This means that the Muslim did not succumb to the temptation - he did not take the money to himself.

Little jihad

what is jihad in islam
He obliges a Muslim to protect his homeland, loved ones, as well as morality and God's laws. There are situations in life when a word cannot help, so you have to pick up a weapon so that you and your loved ones are not killed. This is small Islamic jihad. When a person tries to protect his state from enemies, this is also considered a small jihad. The concept also means the protection of moral values ​​in an attempt by ill-wishers to slander them.


jihad flag
Almost everyone saw a black jihad flag with a sword and an inscription in Arabic. The banner, presented in such gloomy colors, evokes thoughts of war, terror and murder. Why does jihad have a black flag? In the Holy Scriptures the prophet mentioned that in the future there will be an army with black banners on earth. Therefore, the flag of jihad is black. The inscription in Arabic translates as: "There is no God but Allah." It is executed in white colors as a symbol of highlighting monotheism truth among the world kufr. The image of the sword symbolizes the "holy war." For some Muslims, the jihad flag is green, but the Arabic inscription and the image of the sword are also white. About the green color of Islam is mentioned in the Quran. Therefore, the flags of jihad can be seen in both black and green colors.

Is there female jihad?

islamic jihad
Islamic women are exempted from certain duties that concern only men with a view to protecting them and showing respect. This also applies to jihad. Once Aisha asked the prophet: “Should a woman observe jihad?” And he answered: “Only one that does not imply a battle.” Therefore, women in Islam have no obligation to do jihad, fighting kafirs. For a girl, jihad is zeal for her soul. However, it is known that many Muslim women participated in military campaigns, accompanying their husbands. There they did not fight, but helped the wounded, healed and served the soldiers. This is also considered jihad, which calls for Sharia women.

Marital Jihad

A new concept has appeared in Syria - “marriage jihad.” What does it mean? The girls are sent to "serve" the brides in the field of hostilities. Such acts provoked cases of rape of young women by militants in the country. Religious representatives of some Arab states approve of this phenomenon, believing that after this an Islamic religious state will arise in Syria. And although many deny the rumors of "marital jihad", there were witnesses who suffered from the violent actions of soldiers. In addition, in some Muslim countries, in particular in Egypt, Syria, the concept of “sexual jihad” exists. It means that a woman should provide intimate services to men, thereby “encouraging” their struggle. Some Muslim women claim that such actions are encouraged by religion. In this way, they can show their involvement in jihad - the “holy war”.

Jihad in Scripture

quran about jihad

What does the Qur'an say about jihad? The holy book says that every Muslim must perform jihad. In sura 61 (ayah 4) it is said that Allah loves those who fight in rows in His path as if they were a dense building. The Quran calls for the promotion of Islam among the "infidels." If someone defiles religion, then the Muslim is obliged to defend the word of Allah (Sura 9, ayat 12). The scripture says that if a person of another religion accepts Islam, he should be accepted with honor in the ranks of Muslims. It is a great joy for Allah to see that they believe in him (Sura 9, ayat 11). The Qur'an also says that there is no compulsion in religion. But the Almighty only supports those who believe in him, and do not worship idols. And if a person himself wants to become a Muslim, this will be the best gift for the Creator. Islam for Muslims is an indestructible support in their lives (2: 256).

"Holy war" in the modern world

Today on TV you can see so many “anti-Islamic” news and programs that the word “Muslim” causes a person to think: “He is a terrorist, a murderer”. This is a stereotype about Muslims, common in the modern world. Now a larger percentage of the world's population is wary and even aggression of representatives of Islam. For many, these are not people, but ruthless suicide bombers, ready to kill any person in the name of religious values.

meaning of the word jihad

People call what is happening jihad or "holy war", which is waged in the modern world. Military events in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya - a direct confirmation of this. But not everyone understands that the "bloody" jihad is more propagandized and "embellished" by the West. Only the Qur'an gives the correct answer to the question of what is jihad in Islam. Scripture says that a political war against oppressive rulers, for which some Muslims receive a good reward, is not jihad. The Shariah meaning of this concept is as follows: jihad is a struggle and everything that is connected with it (thoughts, word, property, appeal, and more). Spreading the word of Allah is the duty of every Muslim. But this does not mean the use of weapons and other force methods for these purposes. Every Muslim should only defend his faith, the state and, if necessary, take part in a legal war.

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