Buryat State University: faculties, specialties and student reviews

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to choose one in which the necessary conditions are created for receiving a high-quality education and comprehensive development of the individual. Similar recommendations are answered by Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude). It offers a lot of opportunities for people who decide to connect their life with a university.

BSU past

The existing university in Ulan-Ude was established in 1932. It was organized on the basis of the Buryat-Mongolian branch of the Irkutsk Pedagogical University. For the organization of the educational process, the necessary personnel were sent to the new educational institution. At the time of creation, 4 faculties were opened, related to physics and mathematics, literature and linguistics, natural sciences, social and economic sciences.

The war that began in 1941 hit the university. Its development was discontinued, the teaching staff was dissolved. After the war ended, the pedagogical institute began to gradually recover. The existing faculties changed and new ones opened, the material and technical base was strengthened, and the educational and production areas of the university increased. In 1995, an important change occurred, which the leadership of the educational institution sought - the pedagogical institute received the status of a classical university.

Buryat State University

BSU today

FSBEI HPE “Buryat State University” is considered one of the oldest universities in our country. He is one of the leading scientific and educational centers of the Far East and Siberia. It is attended by over 10 thousand students who have chosen higher and secondary vocational education programs.

BSU today is:

  • 7 faculties, 6 institutes, 1 college;
  • more than 1100 teachers, among whom there are many professors, doctors of sciences, associate professors, candidates of sciences;
  • 11 buildings for classes, 7 dormitories;
  • Spartak Stadium, Trud Sports House, a sports and fitness complex on Lake Baikal, a sports and fitness camp on Shchuchye Lake.

Buryat State University Ulan Ude

List of faculties and specialties

Buryat State University faculties has the following:

  1. Land use, geography and biology. This faculty, which has existed since 1932, offers applicants areas such as “Biology”, “Geography”, “Cadastres and Land Management”, “Pedagogical Education” (biology teacher), “Remote Sensing and Geodesy”.
  2. Tourism, sports and physical education. This faculty, as the name implies, prepares specialists for education, physical education, sports and recreation tourism. An educational and sports base is used to prepare students.
  3. Physicotechnical. This structural unit has been training specialists since 1932. To become a bachelor, you can enter this faculty in the areas of "Physics", "Power Engineering", "Innovation", "Information Systems and Technologies".
  4. Chemical. This structural unit was separated from the natural-geographical faculty in 1997. Today it prepares chemists for industrial organizations, research institutions. There are also several additional areas - “Geology”, “Nature management and ecology”.
  5. Socio-psychological. At this faculty specialists are trained to work with people. Available areas are “Psychology” and “Social Work”.
  6. Legal. The Buryat State University established the Institute for the Preservation of Law and Order in 1997. He teaches bachelors in Law. The educational process here is organized by highly qualified teachers with legal education, practitioners.
  7. Historical. In 1932, this faculty was founded. It offers 7 different training areas. This is “Sociology”, and “Political science”, and “International relations”, and “History”, and “Philosophy”, and “Theology”, and “Pedagogical education”.

FSBEI VPO Buryat State University

Other structural divisions and specialties

Buryat State University also has several other structural units. We are talking about institutions:

  • Oriental Institute, which offers applicants to become experts in the field of philology, oriental studies and African studies, foreign regional studies, tourism, and teacher education.
  • Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, which implements training in 6 areas ("Mathematics", "Computer Science and Mathematics", "Pedagogical Education", "Applied Informatics", "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", "Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems").
  • Buryat State Medical University (Institute), from the walls of which come qualified doctors and pharmacists.
  • The Institute of Mass Communications and Philology, offering such areas as Advertising and Public Relations, Journalism, Linguistics, Philology.
  • Institute of Management and Economics, which is actively training specialists in the field of economics and management.
  • Pedagogical Institute, graduating primary school teachers, educators, music teachers, technology.

Buryat State Medical University

Admission to BSU

Admission to the school begins with the preparation of documents. A copy of the passport, a certificate or a copy of it, photographs should be submitted during the period when the admission campaign starts (Buryat State University admissions schedule is indicated on the information stand at the university and on the official website). An educational institution draws up a statement. University staff register all documents.

Persons after graduation must necessarily have in their hands the results of the exam in those subjects that are set as entrance examinations. Applicants with secondary vocational and higher education are allowed to take exams in approved subjects at the university.

Buryat State University schedule

Student Reviews

Students respond positively about Buryat State University. Many students consider this university the most prestigious in the republic. The law faculty, the Oriental Institute and the Institute of Management and Economics are in high demand, because these structural units offer prestigious professions. Competition for 1 budget place here often ranges from 5 to 10 people. In other structural units, a shortage is often observed.

Students in their reviews confirm the high quality of education. They say that teachers are strict with them. To successfully pass tests and exams, you need to learn everything. Physical education is considered an important subject, so it will not work. Inquiries from familiar doctors are not accepted - the university has a specialist who, if necessary, gives a referral to the clinic for various examinations. Thus, Buryat State University is a serious university, which is worth entering for those who want to study.

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