Yeast fungus. What it is?

For some reason, the society has developed the opinion that a yeast infection is something frivolous. Like, this is more of a nuisance than a disease that needs to be treated, because fungi are not dangerous. In fact, such a favorable mood is not justified, the yeast fungus that provokes the development of thrush can seriously undermine health.

Thrush is the popular name for candidiasis, which most often develops in the oral cavity or on the genitals. The causative agent of thrush is Candida yeast , which is found in small quantities in almost every person, without causing the slightest concern.

Infection with a yeast infection often occurs even during childbirth, if this fungus is present in the birth canal of the mother. In most cases, after infection, a person becomes a carrier of the infection, remaining completely healthy. However, if a situation arises when the defenses of the body fail (for example, with a chronic disease or stress), the fungus can become active, its number will increase many times, resulting in candidiasis.

A person with any gender and age can get sick with candidiasis, although ladies most often suffer from thrush. In this case, yeast in women, in most cases, causes genital candidiasis. Although there have been cases when a yeast infection affects the intestines or is detected in the folds of the skin.

A serious complication of a yeast infection is a generalized form of candidiasis, in which case fungi affect large areas of the internal organs and skin. In severe cases of the disease, candidal sepsis is possible.

What symptoms indicate a yeast infection? The main sign that the yeast has β€œsettled” on the mucous membranes is the appearance of white discharge, similar in texture to cottage cheese and having a barely noticeable sour smell. Actually, these symptoms gave rise to the popular name of this disease - thrush. In addition, candidiasis is usually accompanied by itching, swelling of the mucous membranes and pain.

With the cutaneous form of candidiasis, a whitish coating also appears in the folds, the skin turns red, itching and irritation are felt. With the oral form of the disease, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, a whitish coating on the gums, redness of the mucous membranes and pain.

How to treat thrush? Suspecting the presence of a yeast infection, you should definitely go to the doctor. The fact is that the manifestations of thrush are not characteristic, similar unpleasant sensations can cause both a yeast fungus and diseases such as trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginitis. Therefore, you never need to take medicine without finding out the exact diagnosis.

It is not difficult to identify the presence of candidiasis, the diagnosis is made on the basis of tests and a routine examination. After it becomes clear that the disease provoked a yeast in women, the doctor selects the treatment taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to antifungal drugs. Therapy can be prescribed both local (candles, creams, douching), and complex, including taking pills.

But to prescribe treatment yourself, choosing drugs after watching advertisements on TV, is strictly not recommended. Uncontrolled treatment is unlikely to help cure thrush, but fungi can become resistant to drugs. Self-medication, as a rule, only helps to get rid of external symptoms, while the infection remains in the body and will recur in case of any failure of the immune system.

Preventive measures that should be taken so as not to get thrush include the reduction in the amount of sweets in the diet, the rejection of thongs and synthetic underwear, the elimination of promiscuous sexual contacts without the use of a condom, as well as all measures that strengthen immunity.

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