Where is it better to use electric motors for inflatable boats?

Electric motors for inflatable boats are intended primarily for fishing lovers, since most species of fish do not like noise and big waves. They are indispensable for the extraction of asp or pike, which are famous for their caution. These types cannot be approached on gasoline engines, even if you set the smallest speed. In addition, the electric version is excellent for trolling when maneuvers in shallow water at low speeds are required.

electric motors for inflatable boats

They are used in Europe

Electric motors for inflatable boats are incomparable in power with gasoline counterparts. They give the craft a significantly lower speed (about 5-6 km per hour in fifth gear), so experienced miners equip their boats with both options. These devices are good for moving along small rivers, since they do not raise waves that destroy the coast. Due to such qualities, in a number of European countries on small ponds, the use of gasoline engines is now prohibited, and it is rumored that the same measures are possible in Russia.

Electric motors for inflatable boats today can be useful in the extraction of carp on lakes, where the import of gear and bait on boats is allowed. Many such places have restrictions on the mechanisms of movement, in addition to electrical. Motor control of a boat of this class is elementary. All manipulations are performed with one lever, which allows the boat to move forward, stand still and swim backward (1-3 methods depending on the model).

electric motors for inflatable boats reviews

Can swim in the sea

Electric motors for inflatable boats are light and high-tech devices. For example, the Kangle 44 LBS sample has a 120 cm dewood, a special “unhook” class screw, a stainless steel shaft, and LED illumination at the bottom of the tiller section. It can be fixed in one way or another, depending on the height of the transom. The product is intended for light boats operating in sea water. Its immersion features anodized coating to prevent corrosion.

Joint operation

Are electric motors for inflatable boats popular? Reviews report that experienced fishermen prefer the combined operation of electric and gasoline options. This is due to the fact that the first has a power of less than one horsepower and can pull a craft weighing up to 600 kg in the absence of strong wind and waves. It is believed that to keep heading with a wind of more than 7-8 meters per second is quite difficult.

electric motors for inflatable boats Price

How expensive are electric motors for inflatable boats? The price of these products depends on the brand, power, additional functions. In particular, the motor from "Intex" (68631 series) costs about 7,500 rubles. This model can be used in both marine and fresh water. It weighs eleven kilograms, has a length of 50 cm. The motor power is 480 watts, it makes it possible to move at 5 speeds forward and 3 speeds back. Users believe that 2-3 speed of movement is optimal, as well as a gradual switching of speeds, which contributes to the rational use of electric charge in the battery.

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