How to install a door closer on a metal door: step by step instructions

Many do not remember such a device as an ordinary stone suspended on a rope between the door leaf and the door jamb. But this device is the first mechanism that was used to automatically close the front door. Later, this device was replaced by a spring, which was also stretched between the box and the doorway web. But the rumble when closing the door significantly annoyed the residents of the lower floors.

Over time, a special design was developed that made the process of closing the door smooth and controlled. Such an adaptation was the mechanism for finishing the door (closer).

Installing a door closer on a metal door is not difficult, following the step-by-step instructions and listening to the advice of professional specialists.

The purpose of the refinement mechanism

There are known situations when simple springs installed forced elderly people to almost slip through the front door, for fear of getting a blow to the back with a canvas. Such troubles are easy to fix using the door refinement system. Installation of a door closer to metal doors allows closing the doorway leaf silently and smoothly in automatic mode.

This principle of the mechanism reduces the load on the door hardware (hinges, locks) and prevents rapid wear of the entire structure.

If it becomes necessary to leave the door open for a while, installing a door closer on a metal door with a locking device will solve this problem. Thanks to this mechanism, a door that is open more than 90 degrees will remain in place, i.e. it will not close. If you push the canvas to overcome this angle, the door will close.

Closer design and arrangement

Structurally, the closer consists of a housing where the spring is located, and a lever that transfers force to the door leaf. Thanks to the use of hydraulics, the spring stem moves smoothly and without jerking. It is this property that contributes to the uniform movement of the door leaf.

According to the method of influencing the efforts of the spring element on the movable arm, the finishing mechanisms are divided into two types:

  1. Lever- type traction systems. They can easily be identified by a lever located perpendicular to the door leaf, which slightly spoils the appearance of the structure. Also, increasing the resistance of the door as it opens sometimes becomes a problem for children and the elderly. But reliability and low cost attract consumers.
  2. A more beautiful appearance of the doorway gives the installation of a door closer to a metal door with a sliding traction channel. The force of opening doors in such a system acts inversely than that of a lever closer. When the web is opened at 30 °, the further resistance of the web is significantly weakened.

The working principle of the fine-tuning mechanism

The operation of the lapping mechanism is based on the property of a spring installed in the closer housing. So, when the door is opened, the spring is compressed, and then the lever and gear train exert pressure on the doorway web due to the expanding spring, the door closes.

The smoothness and uniformity of closing the door is ensured by the damping property of the oil, which fills the interior of the housing. When the spring is straightened, oil flows into the working tank through hydraulic voids. The speed of fluid movement directly affects the speed of closing the door leaf.

The simplicity of the design does not require large investments of money at the production stage, which positively affects the final cost of installing a door closer to metal doors.

Types of closers

There are three main types of closers, which are conditionally divided at the place of their installation in the doorway:

  • waybills;
  • floor;
  • hidden.

Depending on what type of finishing mechanism it is decided to apply, the method of installing the closer on a metal door is determined. It is the design of the closer that determines the method of its installation.

Overhead finishing mechanisms

Overhead door closer

Such a model is the most popular, since installing a door closer on a metal door with your own hands is not particularly difficult for any person. The device is located in the upper corner of the doorway, while it does not complicate the movement of people.

To carry out external opening, the installation of a door closer on a metal door is carried out by attaching the housing to the canvas.

Installing the door closer on the door leaf

When the door is opened by itself, the case of the mechanism is located on the door frame, and the lever, respectively, on the leaf of the sash. The peculiarity of the overhead mechanisms is that there is the possibility of installing a door closer on a metal door, both lever-type and sliding. Installation of this type of structure on a glass door is not possible.

Installing the door closer on the door jamb

Floor closers

From the name it is clear that such a finishing mechanism is installed at the bottom of the doorway. It is used much less often than an invoice.

Floor door closer

The closer is installed at the stage of construction of the floor covering, as it requires special surface preparation. Most often used in offices or retail premises for automatic closing of a glass door. Structurally allows you to open the door in any direction.

Glass door closer

The disadvantage of this design is the frequent clogging of mechanical elements.

Hidden closers

Hidden devices are mounted inside the door frame, so they are also called frame. Such a mechanism can only be seen with the doorway open.

Installation of a door closer on a metal door is very difficult, as it requires the use of special equipment and tools. Typically, the installation of a hidden door closer is made in the manufacture of the door structure.

Concealed door closer

The main disadvantage of hidden systems is the low efficiency, therefore, the use of such mechanisms is advisable for light interior doors.

Installation of the finishing mechanism

Before installing the door closer on a metal door, you need to prepare some tools:

  • a screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • socket wrench (the size is selected according to the model);
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

The step-by-step installation instructions for the fine-tuning mechanism can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. Markup.
  2. Mounting.
  3. Adjustment.

Marking the installation location of the mechanism

Typically, the manufacturer includes a special template in the configuration of the finishing mechanism, which schematically copies the natural size of the finished product. Also on the template are mounting holes for fixing a door closer for a metal door. A factory template is printed on both sides of the tracing paper in order to be able to make markings for any type of door opening.

Closer factory kit

Two red lines are drawn on the surface of the template in order to know how to properly install a door closer on a metal door. The vertical strip is aligned with the virtual line of the axis of the door hinges, and the horizontal strip with the upper edge of the canvas.

The marking sequence is as follows:

  • We attach the template according to the red lines. The fastening process can be carried out using tape.
  • Then we make the marking of the holes. On a metal door, this operation is carried out with a core. In some cases, you can drill holes directly according to the template.
  • Next, carefully remove the template and make holes with the desired diameter.

If the manufacturer’s template is missing, then you need to do it yourself. The marking of the mounting location of the closer in rare cases can be carried out without a template, but at the same time the housing can be shifted, which will lead to a loss in the quality of the work performed.

Door closer installation

After marking the installation site and drilling the holes, the main stage is performed - installation of the closer.

Step-by-step installation instructions for the closer:

  1. Mounting of the body of the finishing mechanism is made. There is nothing complicated in performing this operation, just fasten the product with four screws. In this case, it is necessary to position the housing so that the adjusting elements are in the direction of the hinges.
  2. The linkage is disconnected. Part of the lever with the shoe is attached to the box.
  3. The main lever is connected to the closer body. To do this, he puts on a four-sided shaft and is fixed with a screw.
  4. Next, the two levers are docked.

After completing all technological installation operations, it is necessary to control the quality of fastening, and then proceed with adjustment.

Adjustment of the finishing mechanism

After carrying out all installation work, it is necessary to adjust the fine-tuning mechanism. Adjusting operations are performed by two screws located at the end of the device.

One screw controls the speed of closing the door. To do this, turning it clockwise, reduce the speed. Conversely, when the adjustment element is rotated in the opposite direction, the door will close faster.

The second adjusting screw sets the junction speed of the door leaf. The dependence of the rotation of this element is similar, as in the previous case. Clockwise rotation decreases the junction speed, while counterclockwise increases it.

Typically, the adjustment screws are hidden by a decorative panel, so it must be removed before adjustment. After adjusting the door, the panel is replaced.

Mounting the door closer to the fire door

For metal fire doors, door closers are installed in a parallel way, without drilling holes in the web, as this is prohibited by fire safety measures.

To do this, a special mounting plate is pre-welded onto the metal door, onto which the housing of the finishing mechanism is subsequently attached. Since the fire door has a large mass, the selection of the finishing device should be carried out according to the weight of the blade.

Door Closer

Tips for operating the debugging device

Proper installation of the finishing mechanism plays an important role in the trouble-free operation of the doorway. However, of great importance is attached to observing the rules of operation of the device:

  • It is strictly forbidden to forcefully push the door, as the force leads to premature wear of mechanical parts. It is better to increase the speed of closing the door by the adjustment method.
  • Do not additionally load the door leaf with any loads. Children are not allowed to ride on the door.
  • When installing a door closer on the street, it is necessary to protect the mechanism from rain and sunlight. Adjustment of a device operating in cold climatic conditions should be carried out twice a year.
  • Also, at least twice a year, it is necessary to lubricate the rubbing structural elements.
  • In the absence of a locking system, do not block the door with foreign objects.

Following these simple guidelines will increase the life of your device.

The finishing mechanism installed on the front doors of apartment buildings will save residents from many troubles that arise when there is a large load on the door leaf. It is also of great importance that modern door closers have a beautiful appearance, are easy to operate, and they are easy to install on their own.

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