What planet does Sagittarius have - description, characteristics and interesting facts

Sagittarius is a representative of the fire element. In this article, we will talk about which planet Sagittarius has. Here you can get acquainted with its description, characteristics and how it affects the representative of the zodiac circle. Jupiter is the planet according to the horoscope of Sagittarius. This celestial body has both positive and negative effects on the named zodiac sign.

Jupiter is the patron saint of Sagittarius

What is the planet of the Sagittarius zodiac sign: description

Jupiter is the fifth from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. She received her name from the name of the supreme God of the Ancient Romans. The inhabitants of Rome considered him the ruler of daylight, thunder, lightning. They knew that in his hands there was unlimited power, and therefore they were very afraid of angering him. The symbol of Jupiter is stylized lightning.

After finding out which planet Sagittarius has, you will be aware of how it affects this sign.

What qualities does the planet Jupiter endow with Sagittarius?

The aforementioned planet has a masculine origin. She endows the representative of the sign of Sagittarius with qualities that are more inherent in the male sex:

  • authoritarianism;
  • indifference to authorities;
  • idealism;
  • attachment to society;
  • the will to win.

If a person who was born under the auspices of Jupiter has something in mind, then he will most likely achieve his goal. These are very assertive natures. Now you know which planet exalts in Sagittarius and where does he have such zeal for knowing all the unknown. Jupiter pushes the representative of the zodiac circle to expand its horizons. Sagittarius will achieve everything he wants if he believes in himself.

This planet gives him incredible assertiveness. Moreover, he will always compromise if he sees this as a benefit to himself. Sagittarius is patient if he clearly sees the target. He will communicate with the right people, collect the necessary information in grains, participate in charity. He will do all this from a pure soul, but with the thought that someday all this will come in handy to him. And this is not surprising if you know what planet Sagittarius has and how it affects it. Jupiter is the patron saint of purposeful and calculating personalities.

The planet under which Sagittarius was born, and depends on his desire to impress people. These people hate to stay in the shadows. Sagittarius is a holiday man, and it is impossible to ignore it. If Sagittarius in a team or company supports someone, then he will always wait for a reciprocal thanks. They do not like ungrateful people and quickly break ties with them.

Jupiter also affects the Sagittarius value system. And we can say that not for the better. In childhood, these kids need to clearly explain what is good and what is bad, because in adulthood they will rely on children's feelings of the world.

Having learned which planet Sagittarius belongs to, you must understand the distinguishing features of Jupiter from other celestial bodies. At the expense of Jupiter, Sagittarius stands out from the general crowd with a broad outlook, a strategic type of thinking, a strong sense of justice.

The representative of the elements of fire has a wide soul. He is an optimist and his mood is difficult to break even the most difficult life circumstances. Power comes from these people and at the same time incredible warmth. They can charge their loved ones and friends if they trust them completely. Jupiter is a planet of wealth, both materially and spiritually. Sagittarius can heal people if they really want it and believe in it.

Jupiter helps in business

From what planet the Sagittarius zodiac sign has depends on his success in business. Jupiter favors those involved in entrepreneurship related to cars, ships, gas stations, and motor vehicles. This planet also patronizes tourists and people who are engaged in international trade.

But this is far from all areas where Jupiter feels like a king. He will also like:

  • clothing wholesale;
  • publishing;
  • justice authorities;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • law;
  • banking.

The manifestation of the planet Jupiter in the horoscope Sagittarius

This planet gives good luck to those who patronize. She constantly pushes Sagittarius forward, so they are mostly multifaceted personalities. It is difficult for them to dwell on one thing. But still, the choice is worth making, because there is a risk of doing everything and nothing at the same time.

Under the auspices of Jupiter, Sagittarius fly through life, almost not noticing obstacles. They have them like everyone else, just their easy temper and optimism does not allow them to focus on problems for a long time. They simply do not know how long to be sad, no matter how stalemate the situation is.

Jupiter also helps Sagittarius appear in the right place at the right time. They are real lucky, but this only works if you believe in yourself. If Sagittarius suddenly becomes discouraged, then his patron Jupiter as if refuses him and stops helping him.

The negative aspect of Jupiter

One of the most multifaceted signs in the zodiac circle is Sagittarius. Which planet rules it this way? We already found out that this is the restless Jupiter. But by multifacetedness it is necessary to understand the totality of both positive and negative manifestations of character. Let us dwell on the negative qualities.


Jupiter gives a man pride, pride. In some people, this is manifested more in others - less. But all Sagittarius are somewhat obsessed with themselves, although they may deny this. On the other hand, this is precisely what helps them to go forward and be persistent in difficult situations.

Sagittarius Pride

In some cases, they may be hypocrites. But this happens when Sagittarius sees that a person does not shun this and in relation to them. Sagittarius always treats honest and disinterested people well and cannot offend them. If suddenly this happens, then he will be tormented for a long time with remorse.

Gluttony and booze

Jupiter also gifted Sagittarius with a tendency to gluttony, addiction to tobacco and drinking. All representatives of this sign love to eat well. Therefore, among them there are many full people. They do not like to limit themselves in anything. It seems to them that in this way they deprive themselves of the fullness of life. Also happens with smoking and drinking.

If Sagittarius has a tendency to these bad habits, then it is quite difficult to overcome them. And this does not mean that they are weak-minded people. Not at all! Sagittarius is one of the most energetic signs of the zodiac. Just in this way they give themselves to relax in the endless pursuit of success.

Sagittarius love to drink


If Sagittarius is passionate about some business and he does not need to go outside, then he can become a real slut. For example, it may be a programmer or web designer who works remotely. He may forget to brush his teeth, not comb and not even take a shower. On his desktop, a battalion of cups and chips packages could soon grow. He will eat some semi-finished foods or eat snacks. His soulmate, if any, needs to remind Sagittarius that he needs to maintain a normal lifestyle, no matter how interesting the project is.


Jupiter is a planet of fire, so these people are mostly jealous. Moreover, they are more interested in whom their partner is thinking about than the fact of physical betrayal. Sagittarius will not forgive spiritual treason, even if it was not physical.

Despite their temperament, Sagittarius will not limit the freedom of their soul mate, believing that if the partner wants to change, then barriers are unlikely to help. He also does not accept attempts on his own freedom. Sagittarius often need to be alone in order to reevaluate the society of their native people.

Sagittarius at home

In everyday matters, Sagittarius may seem rather frivolous. They love comfort, but it does not equate to their order. Creative mess is the norm for Sagittarius. At the same time, the house should always have a fresh aroma, taps and plaster should not flow. The Sagittarius man will carefully monitor the latter.

Representatives of the fire element love to change the picture around them. If possible, they often make redecorating, changing textiles and furniture. They always want to improve something, even if everything is already good in the home. They love experimentation. At the same time, having good taste and a sense of proportion, they will never spoil the interior. Sagittarius motto for home design: "Better less, but neater." They have an innate sense of style. In clothes, they are likely to choose minimalism. Also in home design.

Love and marriage

Jupiter gives this sign amorousness. They are constantly in search of their ideal partner. At the beginning of the relationship, he sees in his chosen one only the good. Sagittarians generally tend to see positive traits in people and deny negative qualities.

They are perplexed when disagreements begin in a relationship. They can make concessions if a person is really dear to them. Sagittarius are good-natured by nature and can forgive everything except betrayal. If they were betrayed, then they will quietly and calmly leave, leaving the traitor alone with them. Moreover, representatives of this sign will suffer unbearably, but they will never be able to return to the partner who betrayed them.

Sagittarius very rarely get married or get married. And if this happens, then in 80% of such marriages break up, because they are tied to the love of Sagittarius and forgiveness. For a youthful faith in love and a desire to be loved, they can choose the wrong partner for them.

After a divorce, they can be alone for a long time. It will be very difficult for them to open up for another person. The older the Sagittarius, the more he appreciates his freedom and independence. The adult representative of the fire element already considers marriage as an encroachment on their freedom.

Adult Sagittarius is scared of a huge number of obligations to the family. This does not mean that he does not need her or that he is selfish. He is simply afraid of losing himself in this. At an older age, Sagittarius can create a family with a like-minded person who will not infringe on his freedom.

Having found out what planet Sagittarius is under, we will discuss some more interesting qualities of this representative of the zodiac circle.

Sagittarius is afraid to fall in love

For all their self-confidence, they cannot calmly surrender to a feeling of love and enjoy a developing relationship. At the stage of the candy-bouquet period, two personalities struggle in them. One of them says: "Just surrender to the feeling and enjoy." The second constantly thinks that something in the relationship is wrong. Afraid of being abandoned, Sagittarius may take a rash step and be the first to break off relations. This from the outside looks very strange. Therefore, rumors may circulate about Sagittarius as a cold seducer.

Sagittarius loves the spirit of competition

If you want to make a fire sign do something, then turn it into a competition game. Not one Sagittarius can not resist this, because they adore being the first. A distinctive feature of this sign is vanity. They honestly admit this. If they rightfully become the best in any business, then this charges them with vivacity and vitality for a long time.

Sagittarius the most accurate drivers

Despite the explosive nature, dynamics and lack of concentration, Sagittarius drive a great car. They drive very carefully and take care of their car. Sagittarius does not break the rules, considering it stupid to take risks in such serious matters. In addition, they have a great feature - in any stressful situation, they do not panic, but try to maintain energy at the same level. These people do not allow circumstances to seize the ability to think sensibly.

Sagittarius good drivers

They are ready for sacrifices for the sake of relatives

The fact that Sagittarius is not very attached to the house and leaves it early does not mean anything. They love their relatives, just a thirst for freedom and wanderings guides them. But if something serious happens in the family, then they are ready for anything to help relatives.

It is useless to argue with them

These people always argue their point of view. Verbal protection is their trump card. They are very fluent in oratory. That is why there are many successful lawyers and very good teachers among them. They will tell the theory to their listeners or students, and then they will show everything in practice, answering questions in breaks. In a dispute, they will never go personal, rude or scream. Sagittarius consider this below their dignity. They are quite diplomatic, but everything is a little spoiled by their excessive straightforwardness.

They do not change their hobby

Most Sagittarius do not change their hobby for years. If they like something, then they can do it all their lives. If Sagittarius was a fan of basketball in childhood and adolescence, then he will drive his grandchildren to the court to play. Especially they love sports and try to achieve high results.

Sagittarius athletes

Sagittarius must be successful

They love to be the first in everything. Even in the little things they try to win. It can be just a computer online game or a competition at work between departments. Sagittarius will do his best to win. This is one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac.

Sagittarius loves to win

Sagittarius love sex

They are skilled lovers who know a lot about this business. Talking on frivolous topics is not a taboo for them. They will not blush and be embarrassed. They can easily find out from a partner what exactly he likes in carnal joys.

Representatives of this zodiac sign enjoy the process itself, regardless of the result. During sex, they can say what they like and ask questions. All this makes them skilled lovers.

Sagittarius love sex

Now you know what planet the Sagittarius zodiac sign has. Reviews about this sign, which is led by Jupiter, are very different. Like all people, they have their minuses and their advantages. In general, these are funny and multifaceted people. They are subtle psychologists and feel the soul. They love their family very much, but they need to be given more personal space.

Some consider them lazy and superficial and not unreasonable. The character of a person also greatly depends on the education he received in the family. We hope that this article will help to formulate a correct idea of ​​this zodiac sign, because it is very important to know which planet is protecting Sagittarius, since it has a huge impact on it.

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