Is it possible to glue wallpaper on plywood: technology and recommendations

One of the commonly used materials for wall decoration is wallpaper. They have a low cost, look attractive, and gluing them does not cause any special difficulties. You can decorate the walls in this way even when the repair is completed. At the same time, one should not be afraid that the finishing materials of the ceiling and floor will become worthless. However, the canvas is demanding on the surface. They can only be glued on a leveled base, since the small thickness will highlight any defects.

One of the popular options for leveling walls is plywood. It has high rigidity, stability, strength, and the surface makes it as flat as possible. However, many are wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood. If your walls cannot be called ideal, then perhaps you will also be interested to know about it.

Wallpaper selection

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on plywood without putty

If you are interested in whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood without puttying, then you should know that the answer is negative. Walls before such repairs must be carefully prepared. But in order to get good results, it is also important to choose the right material for wall cladding. Great, for example, textile wallpaper. They cost more than others, but are able to provide the desired effect. An excellent alternative is also bamboo canvases, which are distinguished by practicality, environmental friendliness and exceptional decorativeness. However, they will also have to pay a tidy sum.

How to save

If you want to save money, then the question may also arise before you whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood without a primer. The answer to this question will be a definite "No." At this stage, it is better not to skimp. But if the budget is limited, then to save money, you can prefer liquid wallpaper. Their texture is great for masking the imperfections that a wall may have.

Will plywood work as a base

wallpaper on the wall

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on plywood in the country? If you also asked this question, you should know that the answer is yes. However, you should be aware that the tree undergoes wet and temperature expansions, therefore, to level the walls in order to further wallpaper them, exclusively moisture-resistant boards should be chosen, and during installation special gaps will need to be provided. Wallpaper can be any, but their texture will affect the quality of preparation of the walls.

The best solution would be non-woven wallpaper that will mask the joints and bumps. Whereas with the paper variety you have to tinker a bit. The plywood wall will need to be well prepared to give it the perfect look. After you can start work. Particular attention should be paid to glue - it should be designed to work with wooden substrates. Now you have figured out whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood. But before starting repairs, you must apply a primer to the walls.

Preparation of tools and materials

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on plywood without a primer

In order to achieve the desired effect, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

  • primer;
  • rollers;
  • brushes;
  • serpentine tape;
  • wallpaper;
  • knife with interchangeable blades;
  • a simple pencil;
  • metal ruler;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • metal spatula;
  • putty.

The primer must be waterproof. As for puttying, alkyd enamel is suitable for non-waterproof or rough plywood. For work, you will also need steel perforated corners.

Plywood preparation

Quite often, novice home masters ask themselves whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood. But you already know that it is permissible to carry out such work, but only if the walls are properly prepared. This is due to the fact that the described coating has some features that can cause the wallpaper to begin to bubble, warp and lag behind the surface.

For wall cladding, it is better to purchase American or bakelite plywood. These sheets undergo temperature changes not as intensively as other types. The ends of the plates before sheathing are painted with oil paint, which will eliminate the deformation of the material. Plywood of low grade should not be purchased, because it has visible defects and delaminations on the end part. All these minuses after wallpapering will quickly come to light.

Wall preparation

Wallpaper how to glue

If you are no longer wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on plywood, you can safely start work. In the process of fastening the sheets, the self-tapping screws are recessed into the wood so that the caps do not protrude above the surface. All fasteners should then be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. If this is not done, then rusty spots will appear on the surface of the canvas.

Walls should be primed after leveling. The composition should contain anti-mold additives. This is especially important for vinyl wallpapers. Between the plates, the joints are sealed with putty, otherwise they will be visible through the finish. This is especially true for paper webs. The same is true for any defects such as knots, microcracks and nail marks.

beautiful wallpaper

As soon as the putty dries, the surface is sanded and primed again. If you are interested in the question of how to paste wallpaper on plywood in a wooden house, then you should follow the instructions that are described in the article. It provides recommendations for the purchase of non-woven wallpapers that are better suited for these manipulations than others. Using them, you can mask defects, because the layer is quite thick. There will be spaces between individual plywood boards after cladding. All joints and fasteners are sealed.

If you used rough plywood for work, it should first be sanded and then cleaned of dust. Further, the canvases are covered with a moisture-resistant primer, and the joints and fasteners are putty. The surface should be made perfectly smooth and even. If you used non-moisture resistant plywood during lining, then it is painted with alkyd enamel, while it is better to refuse to use water. If you have acquired moisture-proof plywood, then after all the mixtures have dried, the walls are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, with which you can collect all the dust, which can interfere with the adhesion of the glue.

Additional wall preparation guidelines

If you are interested in how to glue wallpaper on plywood, the recommendations presented below will help you in solving this issue. For example, in the process of preparing the wall, it is necessary to cover it with putty using a waterproof composition and serpentine tape. Fastening plywood to the wall is carried out with self-tapping screws, which must be galvanized. Hats are further processed. If this is not done, then over time on the surface you will see rusty spots that will appear through the wallpaper. It will not be possible to remove such defects.

As soon as the putty was applied to the joints and places of the fasteners, it is leveled with a spatula, and then the sickle is sunk into the composition. For internal and external corners, perforated steel corners should be used. The surface after this is again covered with a layer of putty, which is left until dry. Then you can start wallpapering.

Wallpaper Technology

wallpaper on the wall

Many home masters are thinking about how to glue wallpaper on plywood without a primer and putty. Experts do not recommend doing this, as you run the risk of losing a lot of energy and time. This is due to the fact that the desired effect cannot be obtained, and the walls after this will require repeated repairs. If you did everything right, you can lay out the wallpaper on the floor, but previously the surface is protected by plastic wrap. Wallpaper glue is diluted with water.

beautiful wallpaper

The process of sticking will depend on what kind of wallpaper you purchased. For example, in the case of non-woven fabrics, glue is applied exclusively to the wall, while in the case of other materials - on the canvas. If this recommendation is not taken into account, the material may swell, warp or become blistered. With a slight indent from the far corner, it is necessary to begin gluing wallpaper on plywood. This part of the room will be glued separately using trim. The same applies to places above door and window openings. They are glued last, along with complex details and niches. As soon as the wallpaper on the plywood is glued, leave the walls to dry. There should be no drafts in the room during this time.

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