Women often turn to a gynecologist with complaints of prolonged menstruation. This disorder can indicate many disorders in the reproductive system. One of them is a submucous node. Timely detection of pathology allows you to cure it without any complications. Therefore, every woman should know what symptoms she manifests.
Brief description of the problem
A submucous node (or submucous myoma) is a benign neoplasm located under the mucous membrane of the genital organ and partially protruding into its cavity. This pathology is considered one of the most common in gynecology. Recently, she is increasingly being diagnosed among young women, which is very alarming for doctors.
Reasons for the development of pathology
The exact causes of the ailment have not yet been established. However, numerous clinical studies have identified a number of factors, the combination of which increases the likelihood of submucous node nucleation. These include:
- hormonal changes;
- overweight;
- prolonged physical activity;
- inflammatory diseases;
- repeated abortions;
- taking oral contraceptives;
- genetic predisposition.
Even a qualified doctor can not always accurately determine what triggered the pathological process. At the same time, it is important to consider all possible factors. For example, hormonal imbalance is often the result of polycystic ovary. This pathology is considered extremely unfavorable for a woman's reproductive health.
Overweight also leads to hormonal disorders. Sometimes a submucous node is observed in the anamnesis of women older than 30 years who did not give birth before that time. Determining the cause of the pathology allows us to predict its outcome.
The first signs of a violation
In approximately 50% of cases, the development of the pathological process is asymptomatic. In other women, at the initial stage of the formation of the neoplasm, hyperpolymenorrhea is observed - heavy and prolonged menstruation. The appearance of this symptom is due to an increase in the size of the submucous node. As a result, the myometrium cannot fully contract, and the endometrium begins to partially be rejected. In the future, the body will try to independently normalize the reproductive system. Unfortunately, efforts do not always end in a positive result.
Very often with hyperpolymenorrhea, separation of the mucous secretion is observed. The entire period of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain. Many women complain of increased sitting discomfort.
If the submucous node is small, there is no pain between the periods. As the neoplasm grows, a disproportionate increase in the volume of the abdomen can be observed. Twisting his legs is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature. In such an acute course of the pathological process, it is urgent to call a team of medical workers. Neglecting one's own health is dangerous due to the development of infertility.
Is pregnancy possible?
Many women who find out about their diagnosis, the question arises: "found a submucous node in the uterus - to operate or not?". In most cases, you can hear a positive answer, because neoplasm is one of the causes of infertility. The thing is that the progression of the pathological process leads to hormonal changes and the absence of ovulation. In addition, the node may block the exit from the fallopian tubes. This negatively affects the advancement of the egg to the implantation site, as a result, an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed.
Every woman of childbearing age should understand that the treatment of this pathology is necessary. It should be started as soon as possible. This is the only way to hope for a favorable outcome - the onset of pregnancy.
Diagnostic Methods
If symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Diagnosis of the neoplasm is carried out in several stages. First, the doctor conducts an examination on a gynecological chair. He can easily determine the deformation and enlargement of the uterine body, which is characteristic of this pathology. Then they proceed to instrumental diagnostic methods to identify the type of neoplasm. The examination includes the following procedures:
- Ultrasound (transabdominal / transvaginal);
- hysteroscopy.
The most informative are the last two diagnostic options. With the help of MRI, it is possible to determine the presence of a neoplasm at the initial stages of its development, to visualize the slightest changes in the tissues of the genital organ. Hysteroscopy allows you to take material for subsequent laboratory research. Sometimes, using this method, a submucous node is removed.
The basic principles of therapy
Treatment of the pathological process consists of two stages. First, with the help of hormonal drugs or surgical intervention, an effect on the neoplasm is carried out. Then the woman is prescribed measures to restore reproductive function. The choice of a specific treatment regimen depends on the size of the node. With its early detection, preference is given to conservative methods.
Hormone therapy
If a woman is diagnosed with a small submucous node, treatment begins with hormonal drugs. Their use usually leads to regression of the neoplasm, but sometimes the opposite effect may be observed. Therefore, such therapy takes place cyclically, when taking medications alternate with their withdrawal. This approach reduces the risk of relapse.
Of the wide variety of hormonal drugs today, doctors prefer combination agents or pure progestogens. The first category includes Yarina and Zhanin, and the second - Dufaston, Utrozhestan. The treatment regimen is selected individually and depends on what stage of development the submucous node in the uterus is at.
Treatment with combined oral contraceptives is prescribed from the first day of menstruation. It is advisable to take the tablet at about the same time. After completing the course (21 pills) take a break for seven days, then start a new pack. During this weekly period, a menstrual-like reaction occurs.
Pure progestogens are prescribed one tablet twice a day. They should be taken from 5 to 25 days of the cycle, so the course of treatment is also 21 days. After a week break is made. Then treatment is resumed with a new pack of pills.
Surgical intervention
If the born submucous node is of considerable size, and hormonal treatment is ineffective, surgical intervention is required. Currently, the following operational manipulations are used:
- Laparoscopy (removal of a neoplasm through small incisions on the abdominal wall).
- Embolization of the uterine arteries (the introduction of special solutions to block the vessels that feed the node).
- Hysteroresectoscopy (the neoplasm is removed using a hysteroscope).
- FUZ-ablation (treatment with ultrasound waves).
- Hysterectomy ( abdominal surgery ).
In most cases, patients are prescribed hysteroresectoscopy of the submucous node. This is a minimally invasive operation. She is considered the best option for those women who want to restore reproductive health and try on the role of the mother in the future.
The most radical method of treatment is hysterectomy. During the intervention, the surgeon completely removes the uterus, which leads to irreversible infertility. Such an operation is resorted to only in extreme cases, when there is a rapid proliferation of the node.
Help traditional medicine
Many representatives of the fair sex, learning about their diagnosis, are in no hurry to begin treatment. They prefer to resort to traditional medicine even when gynecologists warn them of possible complications. Doctors admit the alternative treatment option for submucous nodes, but only as an addition to the main therapy.
Traditional healers offer to fight pathology with the help of various decoctions and douching. Most of the positive reviews from the infusion of burdock. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 5 g of dry raw material into 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for eight hours. Take the drug before meals, 100 ml.
Similar infusions can also be prepared using carrot tops, aloe or calendula. It should be noted that before starting treatment, you must always consult a doctor. Sometimes folk recipes do more harm than good.
Reproductive Health Restoration
After removal of the submucous node, you can begin to plan a pregnancy, but before that you need to undergo an examination. According to its results, the doctor will be able to say whether ovulation occurs or not. When the phenomenon of anovulation is observed, a woman is prescribed special drugs to stimulate her. The effectiveness of the treatment is evaluated using ultrasound. If the growth of the dominant follicle occurs , and then its rupture, therapy is considered effective.
In this case, we can say that the probability of pregnancy is high. A woman is prescribed gestagenic drugs to maintain the luteal phase. After the successful conception of the baby, these drugs will contribute to the normal development of pregnancy.
Prognosis for recovery
Treatment of a neoplasm by any of the methods listed in this article provides a positive result. However, today there is no such technique that could guarantee the patient's recovery. Each treatment option has its advantages and contraindications, disadvantages, and possible complications. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which treatment method is most preferable in the diagnosis of “submucous node in the uterus”.
To operate or not, to prescribe hormonal drugs or to limit himself to expectant tactics - all these issues are decided by the doctor. At the same time, he must take into account the condition of the woman, the severity of the pathological process and a number of related factors. It is worth noting that the chances of recovery are very high, but much depends on the patient herself. After surgery, some women manage to maintain reproductive function. They successfully bear a child and give birth.
What is the danger of a submucous node in the uterus?
Lack of timely treatment of pathology or poor-quality therapy can lead to the development of complications. Among them, the following are considered the most dangerous:
- Uncontrolled bleeding. Often, the discharge becomes so profuse that the patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. With this disorder, a woman experiences weakness, headaches worry her, her skin acquires a characteristic pallor.
- The appearance of myomatous formation. Such a disorder is usually caused by intense physical exertion. Its first symptom is severe cramping pains that result in heavy bleeding.
- Malnutrition submucous site. The cause of this violation is considered to be the torsion of the neoplasm. As a result, tissue death occurs, which requires an emergency operation.
Another unpleasant complication of the pathological process is infertility. This is described in more detail a little higher in the article.
Preventive measures
The main way to prevent any gynecological disease, including the submucous node, is to regularly visit a gynecologist. This means that at least once a year you need to go to an appointment with this specialist. Timely identification of the problem is the key to a speedy recovery.
In addition, it is necessary to avoid factors provoking an ailment. These include frequent abortions, prolonged use of oral contraceptives, and the absence of lactation up to 30 years. The exclusion of these factors allows you to minimize the risk of pathologies such as uterine fibroids, submucous node.