Licensing is what?

In carrying out commercial activities, many entrepreneurs are faced with a procedure such as licensing. This action always makes economic agents think about how necessary and justified it is. It’s worth sorting out.

licensing is

Basic information

Licensing is a special type of activity in which state bodies are obliged to exercise control over certain types of activities of commercial entities. Two questions logically follow from this definition: why are they obliged and for what types of activities? The answers to them contain the essence of licensing.

So, what activities are subject to licensing? As a rule, they are closely related to such particularly important areas as the life and health of an individual. The most striking examples here are transportation, healthcare, training, actions with certain types of metals or gases. But, of course, the list of all licensing objects is determined by the legislation of a particular country based on its priority areas. Consequently, the licensing of entities is a process of monitoring the most important areas. And this is precisely what explains why government agencies are required to exercise such supervision.

activity licensing

Now it should be clarified which government agencies are required to engage in licensing. In this regard, the answer, as a rule, is provided directly by the legislation on licensing. So, for example, Rostroy is obliged to carry out licensing functions over all entities that carry out their activities in the field of not only construction directly, but also over those organizations and individuals involved in architectural and engineering design. By the way, the types of licensing are determined directly by the object (i.e., by the activity that represents the sphere of increased interest). And for this period there are about a hundred of them, each of which has a specific authority. However, despite the diversity of both types and institutions, the procedure for obtaining licenses has a similar procedure.

Licensing procedure

In fact, the entire specified process is divided into three important stages: submitting documents, making a decision and granting or refusing to issue a license.

Submission of documents is a fundamental step in a procedure such as licensing. This is actually providing evidence that the declared type of activity will be carried out in accordance with all the requirements that the legislator makes in his official documents. The main list includes:

  • an application containing not only a request for a license, but also all the data of the applicant;
  • documents confirming the data specified in the application, namely: copies of constituent or analog documents, acts confirming the ability to carry out a licensed type of activity, a statement on the payment of state fees.

At the stage of consideration of the application and decision-making, only the state body acts. The latter is required to verify the accuracy of the data and assess whether the applicant is able to carry out a certain type of activity.

types of licensing
The stage of granting or refusing to provide is a special procedure in which the licensing authority gives an official opinion on the results of consideration of the application. If the issue is resolved positively, the applicant receives a document confirming his right to engage in a strictly defined type of activity. If the answer is a refusal, then the body is obliged not only to inform about it, but also to justify the negative decision.

Licensing is a special process, the value of which lies in the fact that it imposes social responsibility not only on the economic entity, but also on the relevant state bodies in especially important areas of the country's life.

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