The “lazy" way to lose extra pounds dream of finding the fair sex. However, it is impossible to be proud of one's own forms without certain efforts. Fortunately, cosmetologists know how to facilitate this process, and offer a range of procedures, which include honey wrap for weight loss and cellulite.
Hot and cold
Specialists divide all wraps into two types:
- Hot. It speeds up blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, due to the effect of the “sauna” metabolic processes are intensified - all this helps the active substances to penetrate deeper.
- Cold wrap. Relieves swelling, constricts blood vessels and capillaries, relieves heaviness in the legs. Depending on the components, it is possible to increase skin tone and reduce weight, as well as strengthen the walls of the capillaries.
Cold wrap, unlike hot, has no contraindications. Everyone who is not at risk is recommended to combine two types of procedures.
The “hot” type is honey slimming wrap. Reviews and results, the best recipes and a description of the procedure, read in our review.
“Sweet Gold”
Honey is our universal assistant. Buckwheat, lime, flower, sunflower or heather - it can be different in taste and appearance, but its useful properties remain unchanged.
This delicacy contains hundreds of components, including organic acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. People met honey for a very long time and almost immediately began to use it in medicine. Burns, wounds, stomach ulcers, inflammatory diseases - the effectiveness of “sweet gold” when taken orally has never been in doubt.
Hair masks, massage and applications - a wonderful product also found a place in cosmetology, and relatively recently, a wrap with honey for weight loss has begun to gain popularity (a gentle version of honey massage). We will tell you in detail about this procedure, which can be performed in a beauty salon or at home.
How it works?
Want to try honey slimming wrap? How sweet gold works is a mystery to many girls and women, but we will reveal all the secrets.
As you know, when wrapping it is very important to create a “sauna effect”, for which they use cling film. Under such conditions, the opening of pores and the removal of excess fluid occurs, blood circulation is accelerated.
The anti-cellulite effect is achieved due to the penetration of honey components into deep tissues. Initially, the treat was used to get rid of the orange peel, but it was difficult not to pay attention to the reduction in volume (due to loss of water) after several sessions. In addition, the skin receives maximum nutrients during body wraps.
General recommendations
Studies have shown that one hour of honey wrap is equal to two hours in a bath. However, getting involved in treats with delicacies is also not worth it.
To achieve the effect, 10-15 procedures are needed. After this, experts recommend taking a break - if you want to repeat the course, it is better after three or four weeks. The frequency of sessions also matters: optimally - once every 2-3 days.
The wrapping is advised to be carried out on an empty stomach, and after not to eat for two hours. On this day, try to comply with the drinking regime - at least 2.5 liters of water per day, because because of the loss of fluid there is a high risk of dehydration.
The main ingredient should be natural, so instead of a supermarket, look at weekend fairs, where there are always “honey” counters.
In the cabin
Some girls make a weight loss honey wrap in a beauty salon. The reviews and results of such sessions are impressive, however, as well as their cost. A minimum of 1000 rubles will have to pay for a service performed by a cosmetologist. The higher the price tag, the more additional options you get.
The first stage is preparation. An ideal option is a visit to the sauna, sometimes a small infrared sauna is installed in beauty salons.
Then comes the peeling (sugar or coffee), which helps to improve blood circulation and remove dead skin cells, and light massage with essential oils.
The second stage is wrapping. A honey mixture is applied to selected areas or to the entire body, possibly with additional ingredients. Thanks to the use of films and blankets, the effect of “sweet gold” is enhanced - you just have to relax and forget about everything for 30-40 minutes.
The third stage is the final. Wash off the mixture under the shower. In the “right” beauty salon after the procedure, you will certainly be treated to a cup of tea with honey.
At home
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the procedure, so girls and women prefer to make a honey wrap for weight loss at home. The obvious plus is the cost savings, because the purchase of all the necessary ingredients will cost two sessions from a professional cosmetologist.
- Before starting the procedure at home, it is necessary to open the pores - for this, take a bath (10-15 minutes).
- Use a ready-made scrub or make it yourself from ground coffee and fat sour cream, for example.
- Rub the skin a little with a bath towel, and then apply the honey (it should be warm and liquid) to the problem areas. Wrap them tightly with cling film, but try not to tighten to avoid discomfort.
- Have a little rest. Pre-wrapped in a blanket, listen to your favorite music, read a book or watch an interesting movie. You have in stock from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours.
- Cut the film and rinse the honey under the shower with warm water. Take a soda or salt bath if you wish.
- Honey wrap for weight loss legs, abdomen, sides can be enhanced by applying anti-cellulite cream and light massage.
Honey and coffee
There are many recipes for wrapping with honey, but one of the most popular is the honey + coffee combination.
Coffee is a well-known aromatic drink and the best alarm clock, which is simply impossible to deny the cosmetic effect. Caffeine is found in many anti-cellulite creams, and coffee scrubs and masks are found in every beauty salon.
Caffeine works in several directions at once:
- accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation;
- nourishes the skin;
- Increases cell tone and improves lymph outflow.
Depending on your preference, you can use ground coffee or coffee grounds to prepare honey and coffee wraps. Moreover, it is best to buy grains and grind them yourself - in this case you will be sure of the quality of the product.
Recipe. Mix one tablespoon of ground coffee with two tablespoons of honey. The mass must be applied in a dense layer to problem areas. If essential oils of lemon or grapefruit turned out to be at hand, then feel free to add them to the coffee-honey wrap for weight loss.
The reviews and results about this recipe are very good. Subject to all stages of preparation, up to two centimeters in volume disappears, the skin becomes soft and smells nice. It is worth remembering that lost centimeters will not return if you conduct a course of procedures.
Honey and mustard
In addition to caffeine, a “warming” component is often found in anti-cellulite products. At home, mustard powder perfectly replaces it . Ground seeds activate blood circulation and accelerate metabolic processes.
The simplest recipe includes only two ingredients - honey and mustard, which must be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1, and then diluted with water to obtain a mixture similar to “pulp”.
The time of the procedure depends on individual characteristics. Burning begins almost immediately, and to achieve the effect you need to withstand about 30-40 minutes. For the first time, the duration of the session is best reduced to 10-15 minutes and observe the reaction on the skin.
Enhancing the effect
For some women, the combination of the two components does not seem “burning” enough. With the help of vinegar and sugar, you can improve the honey mustard wrap. Reviews the effectiveness of such a recipe only confirm.
So, first you need to prepare a mustard mixture. Mix 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed seeds, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, ½ tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and salt. Add a few tbsp. tablespoons of water to the consistency of sour cream, and then put the mass in a dark place for a day.
Just before wrapping, take two tbsp. tablespoons of cooked mustard and honey, as well as a little olive oil to soften the burning sensation.
Regardless of the recipe you choose, be careful with mustard powder. The risk of burns is high, so with unbearable burning, immediately rinse the mixture with cool water.
Honey and Sea Salt
Honey wrap for weight loss at home requires little effort. We have already talked about two additional ingredients - mustard and coffee. However, no less effective component, according to beautiful ladies, is sea salt.
To prepare the mass, you will need 300 g of honey and 300 g of coarse salt. The mixture is applied to problem areas with massage movements. Then we wrap ourselves with cling film and lay down under the covers for 30-50 minutes. The massage mitten, which can be used after washing off the honey-salt mixture, will slightly enhance the effect.
Want to try honey slimming wrap? Reviews and results will not be long in coming, but only subject to the recommendations of specialists.
Honey is a very common allergen, so the likelihood of a reaction is high. We recommend a test: apply a little honey on the skin and wrap it with a film, leave for half an hour. If redness and discomfort does not occur, then feel free to do a honey wrap for weight loss. Reviews evaluate the effect of mustard-honey combination positively, but here you can not do without preliminary verification.
And finally, let's not forget about contraindications:
- hypertension;
- allergy;
- gynecological diseases;
- problems with the cardiovascular system.
Honey wrapping is strictly forbidden for pregnant women, as well as in the presence of a rash or wounds on the skin.