The correctness of the selected foundations of the psychological development of the child should excite any parent, because it is known that everything inherent in childhood gives its fruits in adulthood. Next, we consider the main features of raising a baby and the main mistakes that parents often make. Moreover, we define some problems of the childās psychological development and the mental component of his perception of the world, as well as the most effective methods for their elimination.
What contributes to the formation of the psyche of the baby
Before proceeding to consider the features of the formation of the psyche of the child at different stages of development, it is necessary to determine what exactly has an effect on this process.
It should be noted that the psyche of the baby is formed against the background of the emotions experienced by him. Psychologists note that the mass of positive emotions arouse in the child a great interest in the world, as well as an extraordinary desire to study it.
A baby who has reached 4 years of age has a special craving for development, including intellectual. Also at this age, the child longs for new skills and first experiences. It should be noted that in a couple of years this need will be gradually replenished with the knowledge acquired at school, but before that, this responsibility is completely vested in the parents and the immediate environment.
General features of development in preschool age
The group of children in preschool age includes those who have reached 3-7 years. Conditionally, this age stage of the child is divided into three stages:
- Junior period
- average period;
- senior period.
At the very early stage of development, both the child and his parents are faced with a certain crisis, which causes some difficulties in the process of education. At this stage, the baby begins to manifest its first independence, he seeks to express his own "I".
During the period of the middle preschool age, the childās psychological development in the creative sphere begins to manifest itself in the fact that he demonstrates an improved perception of the world, perfectly reproduces sounds, and also masters fine art, being able to depict more detailed objects. In the future, all this perfectly affects the perception of the world, which becomes more extensive and interesting for the baby.
As for the senior preschool period, it should be noted the formation of social self-awareness in the child, as well as the emergence of self-esteem. In connection with these factors, the future student, as a rule, has a seven-year crisis.
About crises and sustainable development
The results of long-term practice of psychologists in the field of child rearing show that absolutely all babies develop unevenly, since throughout the entire period of their growing up, emotional stability and certain crises can be observed. Let us further consider the characteristic features and main features of these periods.
During the course of crisis periods, a number of changes in character occur, and personality changes. It should be noted that such changes occur gradually and imperceptibly for others, but in the end they are revolutionary in nature.
As for critical periods, their course occurs with great complexity and has certain features. In particular, at this time, the baby is quite difficult to educate and very often comes into conflict with everyone around him. In parallel with this, the child is constantly experiencing some unrest, which adults sensitively feel. In older periods, the schoolchildren's academic performance begins to decline, he gets tired much faster than usual.
The process of the crisis for adults around people often seems like a negative phenomenon, but in fact it is not at all like that - during its course, strong changes take place, and the personality of the child is seriously becoming.
It is impossible to talk about clear moments of the onset of the crisis and the end of such a period - they appear suddenly, and their terms change quite quickly. Parents should also take into account the fact that the moments of the most dramatic exacerbation of the crisis are the middle of its course.
During the course of crises, parents should pay attention to the fact that in this period in its development, the old withers away and the new takes on character and worldview.
As for the stable periods of the childās development, during their course there is also an active acquisition of new knowledge and perception of the world around. At this time, a small person safely interacts with the surrounding nature and society, carefully absorbing everything that surrounds him. Psychologists note that in such periods it is advisable to produce training ahead of schedule.
Next, we consider the main features of the mental and psychological development of the child in each of these periods.
The psychological development of the newborn
A newborn is a child from birth to one year old. What psychological processes of development of children should be taken into account in this period? Consider this in more detail.
The practice of psychologists shows that at this time, the baby especially needs emotional communication with adults. This is due to the fact that it is at the indicated age in the psyche of the baby that the foundation is laid for its further development. Moreover, the child carries out all the processes of the cognitive type exclusively through communication with the mother.
During the period under consideration, the child begins to wake up the speech apparatus. As a rule, it is at the indicated time that the baby pronounces his first words, he begins to master the primitive and simplest interaction with objects of the world around him.
At this age, speech is passive for the child. In other words, in the period under review, he perceives it against the background of intonation and emotions. At this time, he begins to absorb the most frequently repeated speech turns, and also begins to communicate with people around him by expressing certain emotions by crying, cooing, laughing, gesturing, babbling, etc.
By the age of one, a child begins to pronounce and understand the meaning of certain words, among which there are mostly verbs. It is during this period that parents and people around them need to start talking with the baby not only correctly, but also legibly - during this period, the foundations of the correctness of speech are laid in his mind.
At the moment when the child begins to walk, it should be understood that he will rapidly explore the objects of the world. In other words, from that moment on, he quickly learns many of the movements, gestures and actions that any adult performs. It is at this time that toys, including developing ones, are of great importance for the baby, since at 11-12 months the primary foundation of mental development is laid in the child.
In the period from two months to a year, some feelings are formed in the child, including attachment.
First year crisis
After the first year of life, the child has his first crisis. Psychologists note that this problem is not expressed so clearly, and its manifestation is mainly associated with the contradictions of the verbal situation and the level of development of the biological system at this age. In the period under review, the baby is completely unable to control his behavior, as a result of which problems with sleep, excessive tearfulness, resentment and even with a partial or complete loss of appetite begin to appear.
Early childhood
Speaking about the psychological characteristics of the development of children and preschool development, it is necessary to note some features that parents who need to know about, whose child gradually goes into the age category of early childhood (1-3 years).
Psychologists note that it is at the indicated time that the baby begins to manifest certain lines of psychological development, more characteristic of a particular gender. Moreover, at this time, the child is already starting to identify himself and determine his gender.
The period of early childhood is characterized by the origin of the need for claims and the desire for recognition from adults. During this period, the child especially needs praise, as well as a positive assessment of his actions from the outside. At this time, the kid wakes up a special thirst for knowledge of the world around him, as a result of which he begins to study everything, expanding his horizons and vocabulary, in which by the age of three there are about 1000 words.
During this period, the first fears and experiences begin to appear in the childās mind, which, if properly understood by their parents, can be significantly exacerbated. So, if, in response to any fear of the child, the parents begin to show aggression, anger or rebuke the baby, then he can withdraw into himself and feel a sense of rejection.
Experts also argue that psychological impairment of early childhood development can also be observed as a result of excessive guardianship. In particular, it is contraindicated in the case of a child struggling with fears. In this situation, the best solution would be to demonstrate the baby the correct treatment of a terrifying object using a personal example.
In the period under review, the baby especially needs tactile sensations. They contribute to the normal psychological development of the child in the family.
The crisis of three years
Experts in the field of psychology note that before this period the child has to overcome the crisis of three years of age. The peculiarity of this life period consists in certain difficulties of its character, which are manifested in moods, stubbornness, as well as poor behavior. At the indicated time, the child begins to distinguish himself as an independent person, and also begins to delimit his own views, character traits and opinions.
In order for the course of this period to be most successful, parents should show their own restraint, wisdom and calm. Moreover, adults should show respect for the child, and also remember that they do not need to belittle their baby in any way. At this age, your child wants to feel what they understand and hear.
After overcoming the age of three, the child sharply becomes one step higher in interaction with adults. To overcome this age barrier, the baby should begin to gradually introduce some adult affairs - he should begin to feel like an adult and a unit of society. A three-year-old child must be brought into the course of affairs taking place in the family, some of the rules established in it, as well as certain duties. This is necessary so that when entering the kindergarten, the baby can more easily contact with other children, as well as teachers.
At the age in question, the child wants to appear much older than he actually is. That is why he seeks to become like older people, repeating after them many expressions, words, gestures, actions, he begins to involuntarily observe them and take over everything. That is why with a child who has reached the age of three, adults should behave revealingly, showing only a positive example. It is worth paying attention to the fact that at this age you need to pay attention not only to the behavior of adults, but also to what the baby sees on the side, including on television. It is during this period that one must strictly monitor which cartoons the child prefers to watch.
Features of development in the preschool period
The age period from 3 to 7 years in a child proceeds as calmly as possible. At this time, he is actively developing and wants to receive a lot of new knowledge. At this age, he ceases to like the banal manipulation of certain objects - role identifications are to his liking, which is manifested in the desire to play games with the distribution of roles (doctors, astronaut, etc.). Gradually, with growing up, games acquire great importance and begin to occur according to certain rules, which is more clearly observed at 6-7 years.
Psychologists insist that parents at this time must take into account certain psychological characteristics of the development of children. In preschool development, games have an important impact. They help the child cope with fears, form certain character traits that will be needed in life, and also teach leadership roles - that is why it is necessary to include their maximum number in the number of daily activities of the baby. Psychologists also often note that games help develop his normal attitude towards reality.
There are certain indicators by which one can determine the achievement of a normal level of psychological development of a child in preschool age. These include, first of all, the presence of certain knowledge necessary for training in elementary school. Moreover, by the age of seven, the child should have developed communication and cognitive skills, as well as a personal readiness to start acquiring new knowledge in a different format. Moreover, psychologists pay special attention to the fact that at 6-7 years old a child's emotional development should already be at a normal level, to a certain extent he should already be able to control his emotions and feelings in certain situations.
The crisis of seven years
Psychologists note that at the age of 7 the child again falls into a crisis period, which is an integral part of its normal development. Experts assure that in this period the babyās requirements are reduced to the same as when he reached the age of one year - he begins to demand special attention to his own person, if he does not receive it, the student becomes irritable, and in some cases his behavior becomes pretentious.
How do parents need to behave with a seven-year-old child? It should be remembered that in relation to him you need to show restraint and respect. At this age, you need to encourage your child for all those good and adult things that he does.
In order to prevent a violation of the psychological development of children at this age, during the period under review the child should in no case be punished for any failures, as otherwise the child will grow up to be an irresponsible and uninitiated adult.
Development in primary school age
From 7 to 13 years old, the child is in primary school age. This period is characterized, first of all, by the fact that during this time the student is busy with educational matters, which, for greater success, must take the form of a game.
Experts in the field of psychology note that the support of the psychological development of the child in this period is especially important, since it is at this time that a particularly important process takes place - the formation of an adult personality and the beginning of tempering. At this age, new formations begin to appear in the psyche - two types of reflection: intellectual and personal. Let us consider these two concepts in more detail below.
Intellectual reflection is the childās ability to remember information and show interest in acquiring new knowledge. Moreover, this ability lies in the studentās desire to systematize the knowledge gained, as well as to extract it from memory and put it into practice at the right time.
As for personal reflection, this factor provides for the rapid expansion in the child of those factors that affect his self-esteem, as well as on the formation of self-image. Psychologists say that at the age of 7 to 13 years, parents need to build the warmest relations with their child, because the better they are, the higher their self-esteem. Compliance with this rule will avoid the delay in the psychological development of the child.
In the period from 7 to 13 years, the student acquires those skills that will be useful to him in life. , , . , , , .
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The teenage period begins at 13 and ends at 16. Psychologists note that this stage of life is accompanied by great life difficulties and experiences that can cause misunderstanding of peers, as well as people of the older generation, including parents. Almost any leading activity at this age comes down to intimate-personal communication with peers, as a result of which a significant weakening of the childās relationship with the family begins to occur.
During the teenage period, the child begins to experience an active development of sexual characteristics of the secondary type, as well as rapid growth and maturity. It often happens that this phase of psychological growth coincides with the development of a teenager's own interests. Psychologists assure that at this stage he shows a manifestation of disappointment in previously acquired skills, outlooks on life, interests, etc. Against the background of such disagreements, internal conflicts often occur, to which close relatives and people around should try to be understanding. Sex hormones also have a special effect on the teenage behavior of children, which begin to be actively produced in the body.
Correction of the psychological development of a child at this age is possible only by understanding the behavior of a teenager. Practice shows that some parents prefer not to interfere in his life, motivating their decision by the fact that he is old enough and will be able to independently understand the current situation. In fact, this only exacerbates the crisis.
Analyzing the peculiarities of the psychological development and training of the child at the stage of adolescent development, experts often note that it is at this time that parents make a lot of mistakes, which subsequently cause the occurrence of emotional problems. These primarily include authoritarianism and emotional rejection. Psychologists note that at this stage of life one should not show indifference to the childās life, as well as to his own interests and preferences, as well as to impose his own opinion and personal model of behavior in certain situations. Prohibitions and excessive rigor at this stage are also useless.
Parents need to clearly know about the basic conditions of the psychological development of the child and strictly observe them. Moreover, at each stage you need to be sensitive to the baby, but at certain stages this is required to a greater extent, and in others - to a lesser extent.
Of course, the process of the formation of a new personality requires not only great strength, but also patience, as well as the emotional balance of the parents themselves.
At the onset of age, during which the expected crisis is expected, experts recommend diagnosing the psychological development of the child, which cannot be done independently - for this it is advisable to seek the help of a psychologist.