Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy is a process of changes in the baby's body that occur due to poor oxygen supply. This is not a disease of an independent nature, but a consequence of the numerous processes of a pathological property that occur in the mother's body, in the placenta, and in the fetus. Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy is one of the common diagnoses. She develops while waiting for the baby. Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy takes the form of a chronic condition in a gradual manner, and during its course without exacerbations, the baby adapts to oxygen deficiency.
The main causes of a condition such as hypoxia during pregnancy, on the part of the mother can be anemia, congenital heart defects, high sugar and diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, diseases of the nervous system. On the part of the child, intrauterine infection and the condition that occurs as a result of a conflict in the blood groups of the mother and child. Also, a cause of a process such as fetal hypoxia during pregnancy may be a fetal malformation.
Additionally, it should be noted that in most cases, fetal hypoxia is associated with a negative and complicated pregnancy. For example, poor health in the later stages, prolonged pregnancy, the threat of spontaneous abortion, pathologies associated with the umbilical cord and placenta. It must be remembered that it is necessary to listen to the fetal movements and pay attention to the decrease in the motor activity of the baby, it should alert the future mother. By the way, it should be noted that overly active processes of a motor nature are also not the norm.
Identification of pathologies occurs using ultrasound. This study is conducted at various stages of pregnancy. The doctor monitors the activity of the amniotic fluid, and studies their color and composition. Doctors also study the condition of the placenta. Any change in it for the worse suggests that the baby is suffering from oxygen starvation in the womb .
The most interesting from the point of view of making the correct and correct diagnosis, the so-called ultrasound doppler. This procedure is quite common at the present time, and is gaining a huge number of fans, because through it, indicators such as blood flow, umbilical cord, uterus, fetus are examined. Doppler before CTG can show all the development of the fetus. CTG is a fixation of the baby's heart rate , his heartbeat. Estimated on a special scale. It should be noted that this method is not a 100% indicator of fetal hypoxia, and based on CTG alone, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. As shown by numerous practice, the results of CTG may depend on subjective reasons, for example, the study will give poor results if the baby is sleeping.
Hypoxia is dangerous in that it can lead to violations and malfunction of the baby's body. At different stages of pregnancy, the results of hypoxia for the fetus are different. Early dates are the appearance of malformations and a slowdown in fetal growth. And before childbirth - this is a delay in mental development and damage to the baby’s nervous system.
It should be noted that the fetal body has good chances of survival and has good compensatory-looking abilities, which are necessary to balance the level of blood flow. This is achieved by such a seemingly high heart rate, 160-170 beats per minute, which is considered the norm. In addition, fruit hemoglobin has a special structure. With a decrease in oxygen, all of the baby’s organs begin to work more actively, since it provides blood to all of its organs that are important for life. But, it is quite clear that the abilities of the fetus mentioned above are not unlimited. Therefore, in the presence of such a pathology as fetal hypoxia during pregnancy, treatment should be timely.