Fun nominations for graduates

The school graduation ball is an event that will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. After all, this is not just goodbye to an educational institution, it is also parting with friends and the unknown, which so frightens and at the same time beckons former students.

About graduation

In principle, graduation evening in all schools is approximately the same. This is a solemn line within the walls of the educational institution, presentation of school graduation certificates and medals in the city assembly hall, a small concert, and, of course, a feast and a fun disco until the morning. This action ends with a meeting of dawn. Everything, it would seem, is simple and ordinary. But besides the fact that certificates and memoirs will remind you of school years, you can slightly change this ceremony and come up with comic nominations for graduates. They will have to emphasize and point out the very special that is in every student.

nominations for graduates

When choosing nominations for graduates, it is worth paying attention to those people who constantly amused the whole class and created humorous situations. So, the nominations “Mr. Veselchak” and “Miss Laughter” will be excellent, which will definitely please the nominees.


You can also highlight those people who are particularly beautiful in the classroom. So, the nomination “Dream of Girls” and “Dream of Boys”, in which people who fall in love with not only the whole class, but also the school, will be appropriate.

comic nominations for graduates

Choosing nominations for graduates, we can distinguish the person from the class who tried to help everyone, supported and pleased if necessary. Appropriate in such a situation will be the nomination "Class Sun", which will highlight the best and kindest student.


Why not give a medal to truants who are reluctant to attend school? For them, the nominations “Mr. Independence” and “Miss Independence” are suitable, which will not only not offend, but will also try to somehow justify the unworthy behavior of the students.

About friendship

It is also worth highlighting those people who throughout the school life were close friends with each other. You can nominate them as “Faithful friend (girlfriend)”, noting the real friendly qualities of a person.

About performance

An excellent nomination for graduates is “Class Mind”. Here you can distinguish a person who is not only the most intelligent, but also the one who always helped the underperforming, and also allowed to write off homework.

cool nominations for graduates
About sport

Excellent nominations for graduates are “Class athlete” and “Class athlete”. Here it is necessary to take into account the achievements of students in sports and physical education and mark them with honorary medals.


Cool nominations for graduates are also needed. For example, "Thunderstorm class." Here you can imagine the defenders of classmates, as well as people who constantly invented something, came up with not too safe. This nomination can be suitable for both boys and girls, it all depends on the character of the student.


Also in graduates you can already see who is striving for what, and who has already decided on their future profession. So, the following nominations for graduates will be appropriate and completely offensive: “Computer worm” (for a computer science lover), “Nerd” (for a biology lover), “Cheat lover” (for a specialist in chemistry), etc.

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